Hillstream Pictures

Hillstream Pictures We are a Finnish film and television production company. http://www.instagram.com/hillstreampictures

Tervetuloa keskustakirjasto Oodiin perjantaina 9.12. kello 17:00 kirjamme "Henkiä ja automaatteja" kirjanlukutapahtumaan...

Tervetuloa keskustakirjasto Oodiin perjantaina 9.12. kello 17:00 kirjamme "Henkiä ja automaatteja" kirjanlukutapahtumaan. Martti Kaartinen lukee paikan päällä otteita kirjasta Niklas Kullströmin valokuvien ja Rasmus Hedlundin musiikin säestämänä. Tapahtuman yhteydessä on myös kriitikko ja toimittaja Aleksi Kinnusen vetämä keskustelutilaisuus tekijöiden kanssa. Paikkana Oodin Saarikoski-matto 3.krs. Tilaisuudesta on myös mahdollista hankkia itselleen uunituore kirja.


Enjoy this flip-through video of our recent publication "Spirits and Vending Machines", also known as "Henkiä ja automaatteja" and "Andar och Automater". It is a photography and essay book by Martti Kaartinen and Niklas Kullström. A journey in time and space set in Mongolia, Japan and China. 232 pages, trilingual (Finnish, Swedish and English).

Available now for 34€ + shipping. Send us a message if you are interested in a copy.

Niklas Kullstrom will be talking Sunday morning starting 10:03 on YLE Radio Vega about the new essay and photography boo...

Niklas Kullstrom will be talking Sunday morning starting 10:03 on YLE Radio Vega about the new essay and photography book Spirits and Vending Machines - Andar och automater he made together with Martti Kaartinen. The talk will be available on YLE Areena an hour after the live broadcast.

Filmmakaren Niklas Kullström, som är aktuell med den trespråkiga essé- och fotoboken Andar och automater, besöker studion.

We would like to thank everybody who participated in the crowdfunding of our soon to be published book "Henkiä ja automa...

We would like to thank everybody who participated in the crowdfunding of our soon to be published book "Henkiä ja automaatteja - Andar och automater" aka "Spirits and Vending Machines". The crowdfunding went past its main goal in the last hours and we couldn't be more happy. At this initial stage over 80 books will be going out to 10 different countries, all the way from Japan to Canada. Shooting for the stars like this statue in the Gobi Desert. Thank you all!

Dear Friends! Its the last two days of our crowdfunding for our upcoming photography and essay book "Spirits and Vending...

Dear Friends! Its the last two days of our crowdfunding for our upcoming photography and essay book "Spirits and Vending Machines" by Niklas Kullstrom and Martti Kaartinen. You can still pick up a copy from the Finnish crowdfunding platform Mesenaatti from the below link.


The book is a continuation on our awarded documentary "Eastern Memories" and its set in Mongolia, Japan, and China. Its trilingual (English, Swedish, Finnish), 232 pages, almost 300 photographs, 10 essays and beautiful in all ways :)


And here is the fresh trailer of Good Life to celebrate the international premiere at Hot Docs!

Directors: Marta Dauliūtė, Viktorija Šiaulytė
Cinematographer: Elisabeth Marjanovic Cronvall
Editor: Niklas Kullström
Composer: Rasmus Hedlund
Sound Designer: Vytis Puronas
Color Grading: Justinas Vencius
Production company: MDEMC, Sweden
Co-production company: Hillstream Pictures, Finland, Just A Moment, Lithuania.

Tonight is the International Premiere of Good Life by Marta Dauliūtė and Viktorija Šiaulytė at Hot Docs Canadian Interna...

Tonight is the International Premiere of Good Life by Marta Dauliūtė and Viktorija Šiaulytė at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival!!!

"How is it that this new generation of workers, who label themselves brand ambassadors and founders, perceive their spatial confinement and limited economic conditions in terms of opportunity and empowerment? Dense with contradictions, Good Life asks viewers to decide for themselves whether they see through, or see themselves, in this entrepreneurial ideology as identity, and what it all has to do with the future of work, living standards and capitalism." Angie Driscoll, Hot Docs



Dear friends! We just went past our minimum target on our crowdfunding for our upcoming book! Thank you all! Some of the finalized files were just sent to the print house to celebrate this, and here is a little video sneak peek of the complete and finalized layout of the book. All the book pages and at the end some panoramic foldout pages that will be inserted inside the book. All support is still more than welcome, so please share and get your own copy here https://mesenaatti.me/en/2405/henkia-ja-automaatteja-kirjan-julkaisu/

Background music is from the Eastern Memories soundtrack by Rasmus Hedlund.

https://mesenaatti.me/2405/henkia-ja-automaatteja-kirjan-julkaisu/We are really excited to announce that we have just la...


We are really excited to announce that we have just launched a crowdfunding campaign for Martti Kaartinen’s and Niklas Kullström’s essay and photography book “Henkiä ja automaatteja” (Spirits and Vending Machines). The book is in full colour, 232 pages, with nearly 300 of Niklas photographs and 10 essays written by Martti. All in a trilingual English, Finnish and Swedish edition. It is a continuation of the world they started exploring 10 years ago when they began work on their award-winning documentary “Eastern Memories”. It's set in Japan, Mongolia and China, expanding on the world of the documentary and adding new layers to it. Funding happens through the Finnish crowdfunding platform Mesenaatti, but all pledges include world wide shipping. Through the campaign it is also possible to pick up the documentary, the soundtrack and some other exclusive extras.

We hope to see as many of you supporting us and receiving a really extraordinary book.

Mongoliaan, Japaniin ja Kiinaan sijoittuva essee- ja valokuvakirja. --- En essä- och fotobok om Mongoliet, Japan och Kina.

We are thrilled to share the news that our documentary film Good Life written, directed and produced by Marta Dauliute a...

We are thrilled to share the news that our documentary film Good Life written, directed and produced by Marta Dauliute and Viktorija Siaulyte celebrates its premiere TODAY at Göteborg Film Festival 💥💥💥 as part of the Nordic Documentary Competition ✨

> Tobias Åkesson, Head of Nordic Programme

The film is a Swedish-Lithuanian-Finnish co-production. Finnish crew consists mainly of editor and co-producer Niklas Kullström, composer Rasmus Hedlund and edit consultant Nina Ijäs. Big congratulations also go to the rest of the crew: Vytis Puronas, Justinas Vencius, Marek Voida, Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, Elisabeth Marjanovic Cronvall and Cecilia Björk.

For those who want to know more about GOOD LIFE, here is an interview with the directors Marta Dauliute and Viktorija Si...

For those who want to know more about GOOD LIFE, here is an interview with the directors Marta Dauliute and Viktorija Siaulyte done by Benj Gerdes in conjunction with the Austrian Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale. Expand your mind with some neoliberalism, co-living and co-working.


Interview with Viktorija Šiaulytė and Marta Dauliūtė by Benj Gerdes Co-Living Neoliberalism Co-working Viktorija Šiaulytė is independent curator and producer working in the fields of contemporary art, architecture and film. Marta Dauliūtė is co-founder and owner of MDEMC, film production com...

     We are thrilled to share the news that our documentary film Good Life written, directed and produced by Marta Dauli...

We are thrilled to share the news that our documentary film Good Life written, directed and produced by Marta Dauliute and Viktorija Siaulyte celebrates its premiere TODAY at Göteborg Film Festival 💥💥💥 as part of the Nordic Documentary Competition ✨

> Tobias Åkesson, Head of Nordic Programme

The film is a Swedish-Lithuanian-Finnish co-production. Finnish crew consists mainly of editor and co-producer Niklas Kullstrom, composer Rasmus Hedlund and edit consultant Nina Ijäs. Big congratulations also go to the rest of the crew: Vytis Puronas, Justinas Vencius, Marek Voida, Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, Elisabeth Marjanovic Cronvall and Cecilia Björk.

Thanks to Finnish funders SES, AVEK and YLE for all the support!

Screenings Sunday 30.1. @ 15:30, Monday 31.1. @ 15:45 and Saturday 5.2. @ 16:00.


Visionära idéer för framtiden tar form i ett exklusivt nyliberalt kollektiv i centrala Stockholm, där entreprenörskapet kommit att bli något långt mer än implementerandet av en affärsidé.Dokumentärfilmarna Marta Dauliute och Viktorija Šiaulyte kliver in i det omslutna kollektivet med lik...

Nyt on mahdollista osallistua kulttuurielämykseen Porin Poriginal galleriassa 23.11. saakka. Martti Kaartisen ja Lena Gä...

Nyt on mahdollista osallistua kulttuurielämykseen Porin Poriginal galleriassa 23.11. saakka. Martti Kaartisen ja Lena Gätjensin video ja valoinstallaatio "Mimetic Desire" vie matkalle ihmismielen teknologisoituneeseen arkipäivään. Mene ja koe jotain uutta älypuhelimen kautta.

Mimetic Desire - videoinstallaatio
Martti Kaartinen - Ohjaus, käsikirjoitus, leikkaus, äänisuunnittelu ja toteutus
Rasmus Hedlund - Musiikki
Pietu Korhonen - Äänisuunnittelu ja äänimiksaus
Joy Dietrich - Ääninäyttely
Nicolas Atas - Ääninäyttely
Tuottaja - Niklas Kullström, Hillstream Pictures

Mimetic Desire - valoinstallaatio
Lena Gätjens - Valosuunnittelu ja toteutus

The Dijon Story directed by Mikko Myllylahti is now available to watch online (links below) for students and staff at Un...

The Dijon Story directed by Mikko Myllylahti is now available to watch online (links below) for students and staff at Univesität Bern, and all students and staff associated with the HBZ library network in Berlin, Bielefeld, Düsseldorf, Essen, Köln, Leipzig, Paderborn, Babelsberg and Weimar!

Universität der Künste Berlin
Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld
Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Hochschulbibliothek
Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen Bibliothek
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Hochschule für Musik und Theater 'Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy' Leipzig, Hochschulbibliothek
Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn
Filmuniversität Babelsberg
Universitätsbibliothek der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


Mikko Myllylahden Dijon-juttu vielä pari päivää Yle Areenassa! Älä hukkaa tsäänssiä kuten Kaarlo ja Toni. https://areena...

Mikko Myllylahden Dijon-juttu vielä pari päivää Yle Areenassa! Älä hukkaa tsäänssiä kuten Kaarlo ja Toni. https://areena.yle.fi/1-3096639

Neljä hipsteriä päätyvät baariin Berliinissä. Kaarlo yrittää tehdä vaikutuksen Suomesta lomaileviin Anniin ja Venlaan kertomalla "Dijon-jutun". O: Mikko Myllylahti. T: Hillstream Pictures Oy, 2016.

The Dijon Story has become part of Berlin history by being included in a database of films shot in Berlin. Go check our ...

The Dijon Story has become part of Berlin history by being included in a database of films shot in Berlin. Go check our actual shooting locations, and browse info on thousands of other films related to Berlin!


Don't miss the chance to see Juhana Moisander's video artwork Deluge at Photography Gallery Hippolyte in Helsinki. On di...

Don't miss the chance to see Juhana Moisander's video artwork Deluge at Photography Gallery Hippolyte in Helsinki. On display until 28.3. Produced by us at Hillstream Pictures and with Niklas Kullström as director of photography, Hanna Rajakangas as sound designer and Anssi Ruotanen as Gaffer. Big thank you also to Mitja Harvilahti and Nina Riutta for scuba diving, Meriturva in Lohja for location and AVEK for funding.


Juhana Moisanderin teos Deluge (vedenpaisumus) täydentää Ethology of a Man – teossarjan. Deluge jatkaa ihmisen käyttäytymisen tarkastelua. Sarjan osia yhdistävät harkittu liikekieli, hidastettu ja vaatelias liikehdintä, maalauksellinen sommi

Mikko Myllylahden ohjaama klassikko ”Dijon-juttu” taas tänään 16:10 YLE ”antiikissa” ja AREENASSA. Oiva mahdollisuus läh...

Mikko Myllylahden ohjaama klassikko ”Dijon-juttu” taas tänään 16:10 YLE ”antiikissa” ja AREENASSA. Oiva mahdollisuus lähteä Berliiniin, kun ei muuten pääse mihinkään. https://areena.yle.fi/1-3096639

Neljä hipsteriä päätyvät baariin Berliinissä. Kaarlo yrittää tehdä vaikutuksen Suomesta lomaileviin Anniin ja Venlaan kertomalla "Dijon-jutun". O: Mikko Myllylahti. T: Hillstream Pictures Oy, 2016.

Cineuropa just published a little interview where our producer Niklas talks about producing documentary films. https://c...

Cineuropa just published a little interview where our producer Niklas talks about producing documentary films. https://cineuropa.org/en/interview/397640

16/02/2021 - The Finnish producer, one of the 2021 Emerging Producers, talks about his work and producing documentaries nowadays




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