🎥Video myy ja vaikuttaa!
Asiansa osaava videotuotanto lumoaa, kasvattaa luottamusta, vahvistaa mielikuvaa yrityksestä ja tavoittaa yleisönsä monella tasolla. Fluxmedian videotuotantopalvelu on luovaa, luotettavaa ja nopeaa. Ota yhteyttä, me voimme jatkaa siitä eteenpäin!
• Hybridikohtaamisten tapahtumatekniikka
• Jälkituotantopalvelut ja kieliversiot
• Tapahtumatuotannot
Video production company working across live streaming, commercial and content creation.
We work across live streaming, commercial & content creation. High-quality, Fast, Easy, Above&beyond, Trusted.
Flux Halloween greetings!
Beware and take care! 🎃👻From our Flux team to all of you: Happy Halloween! 👻🎃👻🎃👻🎃 @fluxmediaglobal 📩[email protected] 🌐fluxmedia.fi #videotuotanto #videoproductioncompany #videoproduction
Fluxmedia stands with Ukraine 🇺🇦 8th of March, International Women's Day
From our entire team we wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year 2022! 🥳🎶Clients, customers, partners, colleagues, friends, family: without your presence, there is nothing special about any year❤️ @fluxmediaglobal 📩[email protected] 🌐fluxmedia.fi
At Fluxmedia we believe that the difference between something good and something excellent is attention to detail 🔎The overall video content process doesn’t have to be complicated with the right video production team @fluxmediaglobal Fluxmedia is unique as we oversee all aspects throughout the video production process, from concept to execution 👌🏽🤓🌐fluxmedia.fi 📩 [email protected]
Today 6.12. Finland celebrates Independence Day 🇫🇮
We do video, we do live streaming, we do content creation, and we build initiatives to be more sustainable and work for a greener future 🌴STORY🌵CONNECTION🌲IMPACT🌳 @fluxmediaglobal 📩[email protected] 🌐www.fluxmedia.fi
#ilmastonmuutos #COP26Glasgow #climatechange
Fluxmedia builds initiatives to be more sustainable and work toward a greener future
@fluxmediaglobal 📩[email protected] 🌐www.fluxmedia.fi #climatechange #COP26Glasgow #ilmastonmuutos
Fluxmedia is proud to have worked this week with the United Nations (UN) unglobalcompact.org Network Finland 🌎The image below: Speakers at the panel were Veli-Matti Mattila/CEO Elisa, Marjo Nummelin/ Adviser Ministry of the Environment Finland, Sara Nyman/ WWF, Timo Ritakallio/CEO Financial Group OP, and host Ann Kaisa Auvinen ✨Thank you UPM - The Biofore Company Tmi Saga Enni Maria
👉And remember, get in touch with our team if you want to make something brilliant @fluxmediaglobal 📩[email protected] 🌎fluxmedia.fi
#ilmastonmuutos #COP26Glasgow #livestreaming #videoproduction
✨15.9.2021✨Tähtitieteellinen Yhdistys URSA juhlistaa 100-vuotisjuhlaansa tekemällä kolme ainutlaatuista suoraa nettilähetystä. Mukana ovat Palomarin, Huippuvuorten ja Artjärven observatoriot. Voit liittyä seuraamaan lähetyksiä URSAN YouTube kanavalla: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6ZJqMfSf5ghIch7OEjH_g
Juontajina ovat Jari Mäkinen ja Anne Liljeström #tahtilive
Let's go online with Octagon Hybrid Events by Fluxmedia! Real place, real time, real people. With our Octagon Hybrid Event solution it's possible to be together and equally share the same experience. Hybrid events are essential to your event strategy 👉 Get in touch today and we'll tell you more about it! 📩[email protected] 🌐fluxmedia.fi @fluxmediaglobal