CWT Yritykset, organisaatiot ja julkishallinto luottavat meihin. Me autamme ihmisiä kohtaamaan toisensa.

Yhdistämällä ammattilaisten osaamisen parhaaseen teknologiaan tarjoamme saumattoman, personoidun ja täydellisesti integroidun palvelukokemuksen. Asiakkaamme täyttävät lähes 200 Boeing 747 –lentokonetta ja noin 100 000 hotellihuonetta vuoden jokaisena päivänä. Lisäksi järjestämme 95 eri tapahtumaa tai kokousta päivittäin. Meitä CWT:läisiä on yli 18 000 lähes 150 maassa, ja vuonna 2016 myyntivolyymimme oli 19,5 miljardia euroa.


🎉 WINNER WINNER (sustainably sourced) CHICKEN DINNER 🎉

We are so proud that our sustainability data and reporting offering, and our related consulting services, has been recognized at BTN Group's Sustainability Summit Awards in the category of 'Achievement in Advancing Sustainability Data and Reporting'.

In order to reduce emissions and assist clients in realizing their own sustainable travel goals, we must first help them understand the bigger picture and see first hand where they could make improvements. Our - now award winning - emissions info at the point of booking, as well as emissions data reporting, and access to world-class consultancy services, are great tools in any travel manager's armory.

CWT has committed to a new partnership with for Business to support an expanded offering for small business ...

CWT has committed to a new partnership with for Business to support an expanded offering for small business customers. This will include discounted business travel rates, access to membership rewards from a variety of third-party loyalty programs, and 24/7 travel agent support, all provided by CWT.
Learn more about this partnership and what it means for SMEs:

Today global business travel and meetings specialist CWT announces that they have committed to a new partnership with for Business to support an expanded offering for small business customers.

Following a competitive RFP process, CWT will provide strategic services to TK Elevator to help support its business tra...

Following a competitive RFP process, CWT will provide strategic services to TK Elevator to help support its business travel program, including:
• Travel booking management and fulfilment through client online platform
• CWT hotel content in multi-channel
• Global client management
Learn more about this new global partnership:

CWT today announced that is has been selected to provide global corporate travel management services to TK Elevator, one of the world’s leading elevator companies.

CWT Meetings & Events is proud to announce the launch of its new carbon footprint calculator, the latest addition to its...

CWT Meetings & Events is proud to announce the launch of its new carbon footprint calculator, the latest addition to its suite of sustainable travel products. Developed in partnership with carbon intelligence platform Thrust Carbon, the tool analyzes and reports on individual and collective delegate carbon emission and waste data for the entire event lifecycle, helping event planners and clients make more environmentally-friendly choices.
Find out more about the tool:

CWT today launches a new meetings and events (M&E) carbon footprint calculator that provides detailed environmental impact insights to both CWT event planners and clients.

Our Head of Sales (Nordics), Jari Oinonen, participated in Riskline hosted panel discussion at the Nordic Business Trave...

Our Head of Sales (Nordics), Jari Oinonen, participated in Riskline hosted panel discussion at the Nordic Business Travel Summit. Among the topics discussed where the changing needs of travelers, and that a personalized experience is more important than ever before.
Travel providers that can offer new data driven technology, like CWT, are poised to help guide today's travelers through the new landscape. Learn more here:

Hyper-individualization is all about delivering the best possible experience for you through technology. Personalized experiences, better performance, and mo...

Are you attending the Nordic Business Travel Summit? If so, don't miss CWT's Jari Oinonen, who will join an esteemed pan...

Are you attending the Nordic Business Travel Summit? If so, don't miss CWT's Jari Oinonen, who will join an esteemed panel to discuss the changing needs of today's travelers and how the industry is adapting to meet them.
You can learn more about this session and the event itself here:

We look forward to welcoming you to Stockholm for the 14th edition of the Nordic meeting for travel management professionals.

On a day where relationships are celebrated, CWT M&E's Gill Day explores the importance of Building a ‘forever’ relation...

On a day where relationships are celebrated, CWT M&E's Gill Day explores the importance of Building a ‘forever’ relationship with your customers.

I went to a real-live event the other week, and I fell in love, with everything. The lights, the creativity, the venue, the food, the buzz, the speakers, the inspiring agenda, the entertainment, the making new connections and connecting with the old.

Are you in charge of business travel in the media, entertainment, or sports industries? We understand how critical it is...

Are you in charge of business travel in the media, entertainment, or sports industries? We understand how critical it is to have truly tailored services for your VIPs.

Need to move film crews, television equipment, news teams, or sports squads? Dedicated and highly specialist teams provide confidential and secure travel services, including white-glove VIP service, 24 hours a day.

Olemme mukana Pohjois-Euroopan suurimmassa matkailualan tapahtumassa Helsingin Messukeskuksessa, Matka 2023 -ammattilais...

Olemme mukana Pohjois-Euroopan suurimmassa matkailualan tapahtumassa Helsingin Messukeskuksessa, Matka 2023 -ammattilaispäivänä to 19.1.2023 .

Matkamessujen Lupa matkustaa - License to Travel teema kannustaa kääntämään katseet eteenpäin. Maailma on taas auki. Olemme valmiina esittelemään liikematkailun tulevaisuuden näkymiä "Eye on the future of travel".

Tapaamisiin Matka Business Forum -alueella (halli 7) osastolla 7b150.

We will be attending the largest travel industry event in Northern Europe, Matka 2023 travel fair in Helsinki on the trade day on Thursday January 19, 2023.

The theme of the Matka 2023, License to Travel, encourages you to look ahead. The world is open again. We are proud to present our vision for the future of business travel "Eye on the future of travel".

Meet us at the Travel Business Forum (hall 7), stand 7b150.

Onnellista joulua ja kaikkea parasta uuteen vuoteen 2023!Toimistomme ovat kiinni tapaninpäivänä 26.12. sekä loppiaisena ...

Onnellista joulua ja kaikkea parasta uuteen vuoteen 2023!

Toimistomme ovat kiinni tapaninpäivänä 26.12. sekä loppiaisena 6.1. Aukioloaikojemme ulkopuolella asiakkaidemme puhelut siirtyvät palvelutiimin numerosta automaattisesti maksulliseen päivystyspalveluumme, 24 Hour Service Center Finlandiin. Lisäksi online-palvelumme ovat asiakkaidemme käytössä vuorokauden ympäri vuoden jokaisena päivänä.

Henkilökuntamme on tänäkin vuonna mukana Joulupuu-keräyksessä sekä joulun rakastetuimmassa Siskot ja Simot ry:n organisoimassa Joulupostia ikäihmisille -korttikampanjassa.

The New Year is just around the corner, but are your business travelers ready? Here are 5 simple ways that you and your ...

The New Year is just around the corner, but are your business travelers ready? Here are 5 simple ways that you and your travelers can prepare to hit the road in 2023!

It’s important for business travelers to be prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Here are 5 ways that business travelers can prepare for the new year.

CWT has signed a multi-year partnership with Wenrix, the AI powered airfare price tracking platform, to continue providi...

CWT has signed a multi-year partnership with Wenrix, the AI powered airfare price tracking platform, to continue providing airfare savings for clients ✈️. More details here:

CWT has signed a multi-year partnership with Wenrix, the leading automated, AI-powered, airfare price tracking platform, to power CWT’s best price ‘airfare optimization solution'.

CWT has introduced several new features to its myCWT platform. Travel arrangers such as office managers and executive as...

CWT has introduced several new features to its myCWT platform. Travel arrangers such as office managers and executive assistants can now search and book flights on behalf of their colleagues using the myCWT web portal and mobile app.

CWT has introduced several new features to its myCWT platform that will make it easier for business travelers and travel arrangers to plan and manage trips, collaborate with their colleagues, and cope with the ongoing travel disruption.

Reducing your carbon footprint when traveling isn't as hard as you think! Here are 3 simple tips that you can use on you...

Reducing your carbon footprint when traveling isn't as hard as you think! Here are 3 simple tips that you can use on your next trip to reduce your environmental impact and be kinder to the planet. ✈️ 🌎

Organizations are making great strides to shape greener travel programs and policies. Here are 3 things that individual travelers can do to help make business trips more sustainable.

Oletko etsimämme liikematka-asiantuntija?Vahvistamme tiimiämme ja haemme joukkoomme palveluhenkisiä ja innokkaita liikem...

Oletko etsimämme liikematka-asiantuntija?

Vahvistamme tiimiämme ja haemme joukkoomme palveluhenkisiä ja innokkaita liikematka-asiantuntijoita vakituiseen työsuhteeseen.
Olet sitten vasta urasi aloitteleva tai jo kokenut VIP-asiantuntija tai kiinnostunut työskentelemään 24h -tiimissämme, olet etsimämme henkilö. Työssäsi tärkeintä on, että autat asiakkaitamme moninaisissa liikematkustukseen liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Odotamme sinulta ratkaisukeskeistä, positiivista otetta ja valmiutta tarttua tehtäviin ”I can, I do” -asenteella.

Asiakas on aina ykkönen – alla olevat asiat ovat osaamisesi ytimessä.
• Laadukas asiakaspalvelu on sinulle sydämen asia. Sinulla on kokemusta vastaavista tehtävistä ja ymmärrät yrityksen matkustustarpeita ja autat heitä menestymään.
• Olet tottunut hoitamaan mitä moninaisimpia liikematkajärjestelyitä - ohjaat asiakasta varausprosessin edetessä ja vastaat tarvittavien mm. lento-, majoitus-, juna- ja vuokra-autovarausten laatimisesta ja hallinnoinnista.
• Olet motivoitunut ja utelias ja haluat mielelläsi oppia uusia asioita.
• Osaat käyttää “maalaisjärkeä” ja teet tarvittaessa nopeita päätöksiä ja löydät kekseliäitä ratkaisuja.
• Omaat hyvät yhteistyötaidot ja kommunikoit sujuvasti sekä kirjallisesti että suullisesti suomeksi, englanniksi, ruotsinkielen taito on eduksi.
• Osaat käyttää Amadeusta ja käytät luontevasti ja ennakkoluulottomasti erilaisia selainpohjaisia järjestelmiä.
Vasta urasi aloittavana emme tokikaan vaadi yllä mainittuihin kokemusta vaan enemmänkin intoa kehittyä matkailualan ammattilaiseksi.

Valmiina liittymään huipputiimiin? Lähetä hakemuksesi nyt.
Jos olet kiinnostunut työskentelemään ja kehittämään osaamistasi liikematkustuksen kiehtovassa maailmassa, niin olet etsimämme tiimipelaaja. Haluamme ehdottomasti tavata sinut ja jutella olisitko mahdollisesti tuleva kollegamme.

Tarjoamme sinulle mielenkiintoisen ja sopivan haastavat työtehtävät kansainvälisessä työympäristössä. Mikäli tunnistat itsesi yllä olevasta kuvauksesta, lähetä lyhyt hakemus ja CV:si osoitteeseen [email protected] tai täytä hakulomake osoitteessa

Keitä olemme?
CWT Finland Oy on Suomen johtava liikematkatoimisto sekä osa maailman suurinta liikematkatoimistoa CWT:tä. Olemme liikematkustuksen sekä kokous- ja tapahtumajärjestelyiden asiantuntija niin Suomessa kuin maailmallakin. Henkilökohtainen palvelu yhdistettynä edistyksellisiin teknisiin ratkaisuihin takaavat erinomaisen palvelukokemuksen ja turvallisimmat sekä kestävimmät ratkaisut kehittyviin matkustustarpeisiin.

Posted 9:09:53 AM. CWT is one of the world's leading digital travel management companies and as a…See this and similar jobs on LinkedIn.

CWT today announces that its global hotel division RoomIt, has been selected by Amazon to provide comprehensive hotel ca...

CWT today announces that its global hotel division RoomIt, has been selected by Amazon to provide comprehensive hotel category services support. This includes sourcing, booking and rate reshopping, whilst helping to increase compliance to hotel policy and optimize Amazon traveler satisfaction.

CWT announces that its global hotel division RoomIt, has been selected by Amazon to provide comprehensive hotel category services support.

CWT has introduced several new features to its myCWT platform, making it easier for business travelers and travel arrang...

CWT has introduced several new features to its myCWT platform, making it easier for business travelers and travel arrangers to plan and manage trips, collaborate with their colleagues, and cope with the ongoing travel disruption.

CWT has introduced several new features to its myCWT platform that will make it easier for business travelers and travel arrangers to plan and manage trips, collaborate with their colleagues, and cope with the ongoing travel disruption.

CWT today announces it has become a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) global network. A longstan...

CWT today announces it has become a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC) global network. A longstanding advocate of sustainable corporate travel, this partnership will see CWT become an active contributor to the critical work GSTC delivers, towards its drive to widespread adoption of universal sustainable travel and tourism principles.

CWT has become a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism (GSTC). A longstanding advocate of sustainable corporate travel, this partnership will see CWT become an active contributor to the critical work GSTC delivers.


TyöpajanKatu 9 D


Tiedä ensimmäisenä ja anna meille oikeus lähettää sinulle sähköpostitse uutisia ja promootioita CWT :ltä. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei käytetä muihin tarkoituksiin, ja voit perua milloin tahansa.

Ota Yhteyttä Yritys

Lähetä viesti CWT :lle:

