We sometimes believe that holding on to something specific gives us safety. We believe that by gripping tight and forcing something to happen is the way to go, that if we force it hard enough, we’ll eventually make it happen. But what if it’s the opposite, what if we are the ones on the way of our success, our freedom, our happiness?
What would happen if you let go of certain situations and feelings and open up for something even better unfolding in your life? Letting go of that grip may feel unsafe, scary, frightening, but what if you do it anyway? Let go, surrender, take a deep breath.
You’re safe. You are loved. You are taken care of. You are trusting that whatever is meant for you, will be. Nobody can take it away from you. Let go so you can attract better situations, freedom, happiness.
Surrendering to the higher plan of the Universe does not mean giving up on your dreams. Instead, by trusting the higher realms you open yourself up for miracles, for something so transforming you may not even have had the courage to dream of.
Say it with me: ”I surrender to the higher plan of the Universe. I trust that my path is unfolding exactly as it should. Everything happens in divine timing. I am safe. I am loved. I am open for miracles, sudden breakthroughs, happiness. I am in love with life and everything it has for me. All is well. I am happy.”
— Emmi