"Insights into African Pentecostal Theology" from our new special theme issue 2025/1: Global Theologies explores the rich perspectives of this growing movement. The article highlights how worship practices, healing, and a deep trust in God's power are shaped by Africa’s cultural and historical contexts.
"An African Pentecostal proclaims and performs based on the conviction that God is almighty and a powerful force, and there is no reality outside the confession “God is.” Therefore, religion is shared and experienced in all public arenas of life. God is a creator who has dominion over everything that exists, but this personal divine power is also a provider, a king, and an affectionate lover. These attributes are especially expressed in the songs of worshipping communities. To enter the African Pentecostal reality is to understand that sacred and secular are inseparable realities."
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(Photo: AIC baptism in Benin – Photo: Ferdinand Reus from Arnhem, Holland, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)