From the very beginning, The City is Ours was conceived as a finite series. After 3 incredible years, this project has come to its planned end.
What started as a challenge—to demonstrate that anything can be more interesting than what it seems—became a call to slow down and look closer at what we already have. Over time, it grew into something even more meaningful: a shared exploration.
I want to thank everyone who contributed and supported this journey. Especially, my gratitude goes to:
✨ Aaron Luckman , Sanne Couprie , and Joost Markerink for their enthusiasm in “jumping” on board for the very first issue.
✨ Steven Laurie for waiting patiently for two years 😉.
✨ Paul Sutton , Adam Frint , and Mathieu Tremblin for their constant hints and enthusiasm.
✨ Daniel Hicks for the initial brainstorming on the Manifesto.
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