
Smidig Smidig is a creative production agency focusing on film and audiovisual storytelling concepts for brands and businesses.


📣📣📣Edessä on maailmanlaajuinen hoitajapula, joka tulisi ratkaista myös Suomessa. Ulkomailta palkatut hoitajat herättävät ristiriitaisia tunteita, eikä koulutukseen Suomessa hakeudu tarpeeksi ihmisiä. Kuinka alalle saataisiin uusia tulijoita?

Katso Korvaamattomat-sarjan viimeinen jakso Maikkarilla sunnuntaina klo 22.35! Sista avsnittet ikväll! 🎥📺
Koko sarja Katsomossa 💻


Vahva katselusuositus! 🍿💥

Miten lähi- ja sairaanhoitajat pelastaisivat alan, joka on yksi hyvinvointivaltion peruspilareista?

MTV3-kanavalla sunnuntaina 26.2. klo 22.35 alkaen Smidigin tuottama kolmiosainen Korvaamattomat-dokkarisarja. Sarja kertoo hoitohenkilökunnan näkemyksiä hoitoalan uhista ja mahdollisuuksista. Mehiläinen on mukana mahdollistamassa dokumenttia.

MTV3 ja Katsomo 26.2. alkaen.

🔥 🔥 🔥Tänään Nelosella klo. 21.00!🎬  🎥  🎞

🔥 🔥 🔥

Tänään Nelosella klo. 21.00!

🎬 🎥 🎞





Nelosella 11.2.2021 esitettävä dokumentti kuvaa vuoden 2020 aikana maailmalta Suomeen rantautuneen koronaviruksen aiheuttaneen pandemian ensimmäisen aallon tapahtumia. Katsottavissa myös Ruudussa sarjamuodossa!

Suurkiitos tiimille ja kaikille yhteistyökumppaneille!

Nelonen Mehiläinen HS – Helsingin Sanomat


Here is another glimpse of som cool footage by Smidig for Kemira Oyj. Check out this teaser, its actually pretty cool. Kemira just published to whole film online. Link in the comments.

Here is a glimpse of some of the work we've been doing with Kemira Oyj for the last year or so. Stay tuned for more!    ...

Here is a glimpse of some of the work we've been doing with Kemira Oyj for the last year or so. Stay tuned for more!

On March 26, 2020, we celebrated our 100th anniversary. To commemorate this occasion, we filmed a special Kemira100 documentary in 2019 and would now like to...

Meet Peter - the *NEWEST* and most *PROMISING* Producer at Smidig! Peter joined the Smidig-team earlier this month and i...

Meet Peter - the *NEWEST* and most *PROMISING* Producer at Smidig!

Peter joined the Smidig-team earlier this month and is already crushing it, whilst decorating the office with his nerdy Merch ⚔️🛡 (but we love it 😀). Stay tuned for updates on Peter’s future adventures and achievements at Smidig.



Nya avsnitt av En Önskan på Yle Fem fr o m 2.8.2020!
Uusia jaksoja sunnuntaisin klo 20!

Kutsuvieras 2020! Radio Suomessa ja Yle Areenassa 👏🏻🎤🎼🎯

Kutsuvieras 2020! Radio Suomessa ja Yle Areenassa 👏🏻🎤🎼🎯

On uskallettava hypätä muutosten virtaan.


Throwback to a fun little project with one of our absolut favourite long-time customers Kansallisooppera - Finnish National Opera. Thanks Jan Inberg and Sofia Ek for your creative approach. Thanks Edvin A. Franck, Sophie Feldt and Axel Högström for co-producing 🎞🎥👍


Spotti. Kansallisooppera ja Kovanen

Epic scenery on set Lappeenranta, Finland     Jan Inberg

Epic scenery on set Lappeenranta, Finland Jan Inberg

Meet Edvin - the *MOST* effective CEO at Smidig!Edvin always manages to squeeze the best out of his team and keep the sp...

Meet Edvin - the *MOST* effective CEO at Smidig!

Edvin always manages to squeeze the best out of his team and keep the spirit sky-high even in difficult times.

Besides being an avid number cruncher, Edvin is also a serious podcast ju**ie and a music freak with a weird fondness of progressive metal music (whatever that is). On weekends he binges on TV series and takes long contemplative walks. However, most of all he loves hanging out with his two year old son, rocking out to the tunes of Arne the Alligator.

Meet Anne - the *MOST* productive Producer at Smidig! Anne has been with us since the early days of what has evolved in ...

Meet Anne - the *MOST* productive Producer at Smidig!

Anne has been with us since the early days of what has evolved in to the Smidig we know today. Corporate and science documentaries, TV programs and corporate video, you name it - she’s produced it!

Always being on the go, she likes to blow off steam on the spinning bike or looking for the next getaway destination - she does speak 6 languages after all!

Meet Jan - the *MOST* creative Creative Director at Smidig!Janne is our newest addition to the core team of Smidig, alth...

Meet Jan - the *MOST* creative Creative Director at Smidig!

Janne is our newest addition to the core team of Smidig, although he’s actually a long-time member of the Parad Family. Developing capturing stories for film and TV, he plays a key role in establishing Smidig as a notable storytelling partner for brands and businesses.

Janne is quite something. On his spare time you’ll find him wrestling strangers on a tatami mat somewhere in the dodgy end of town, or groovin’ out with his band in some undisclosed location. Given the circumstances of today, however, he’s most likely sitting at home playing with his Spanish rescue puppy!

WE'RE IN BUSINESS - MORE SMIDIG THAN EVER.In unprecedented circumstances one must adapt. We are happy to host our custom...


In unprecedented circumstances one must adapt. We are happy to host our customer Ooppera & Baletti in a special studio interview-series on their platform 'stage24'.
The 1st episode is out tomorrow. Follow the link in the comment section and stay tuned!

Poikkeustoimia poikkeustilanteessa. Iloksemme saamme toivottaa tervetulleeksi asiakkaamme Ooppera & Baletti poppoon studioomme - erikoishaastattelusarja eetterissä huomenna stage24:llä. Linkki kommenttiketjussa. Tervetuloa toiseen maailmaan!

Meet Sophie - the *BEST* Production Manager at Smidig! With her superpositive attitude she makes every production run sm...

Meet Sophie - the *BEST* Production Manager at Smidig!

With her superpositive attitude she makes every production run smoothly even in difficult conditions and tight schedules. Yes, she still is our only Production Manager, but the best nonetheless.

When Sophie isn’t busy crushing it at work she studies Japanese and she recently also started skateboarding - dreaming of going pro when she grows up!


Iso RoobertinKatu 4


Tiedä ensimmäisenä ja anna meille oikeus lähettää sinulle sähköpostitse uutisia ja promootioita Smidig :ltä. Sähköpostiosoitettasi ei käytetä muihin tarkoituksiin, ja voit perua milloin tahansa.

Ota Yhteyttä Yritys

Lähetä viesti Smidig :lle:



Lähellä mediayrityksiä

Muut Mediamainostoimisto Helsinki :ssa

Näytä Kaikki

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