Vem e jag?
We are so excited to announce our new series Vem e jag?
Vem e jag? lowers the bar to talk about sensitive topics, with Ronja Stanley and teenagers who share their own experiences and thoughts.
Thank you for taking part in our series, you are amazing: Wilma, Alea, Minéa, Vivi, Oliver, Victoria, Rurik, Tara, Matilda and Amanda. ❤️
Host & Director: Ronja Stanley
Script: Ronja Stanley, Mia Palmgren, Maria Bayat
DOP & Edit: Titus Poutanen
Styling & Prop designer: Ellen Rajala
Soundmix: jenny Ek
Grading: Robert Sjöblom
Edit assistant & Sound recording: Elias Kismet Poutanen
Poster picture: Frida Lönnroos
Producers & concept: Maria Bayat & Mia Palmgren
Vem e jag? Is produced by Clayhill for Svenska Yle - special thanks to Ted Försstrom - with support of Föreningen Konstsamfundet & Svenska kulturfonden
You can watch the series here (in Swedish):
Vill du delta i en realityserie om att göra civiltjänst eller att totalvägra?
Vi söker personer som planerar att göra civiltjänst eller totalvägra under året 2023-2024.
I serien följer vi fyra personer som gör sin civiltjänst eller totalvägrar under ett år. Serien beskriver hur det är att göra sin civiltjänst, varför man gör det och vad man kan få ut av det.
För mer information och anmälning: ➡️ link in bio.
Vi behandlar personuppgifter enligt gällande dataskyddsregler.
Bondgårdens djur, a children’s series that we created for Svenska Yle is online! In 6 episodes we meet sheep, pigs, horses, chickens, cows and llamas. Now it's the animals' turn to tell about their lives in the countryside. 🐑🐷🐎🐓🐮🦙
Thank you to the best team ❤:
Composer & sound design: @oliverwegmuller
Cinematographer: @wilhelmohman
Editor: @fixus
Script & director: @hellabok_official
Producer: @m_a___r___i___a
Animation (main title): @honky_honk
Voice overs:
You can watch Bondgårdens djur on Yle Arenan and BUU-klubben. See link in bio.
Our producer&writer Elias was kind enough to explain what services we at Clayhill offer 📈📊
Hacka livet
Hacka Livet, our documentary series is out now on Yle Arenan.
It was a long, fun journey and we learned so much from the people we filmed. Hacka Livet is a postive and pragmatic series about people who dare to do their thing. What was their dream, did they achieve it and what were the implications on their wallet. Big thanks to all the people who made the 15 episodes possbile. 💥 #hackalivet