A piece of the whole. See the starry sky of opportunities
Every moment is intentional. We live in a small moment at a time where meaning is found. I smile so good atmosphere spreads around.
Good morning! Surprise positively with your own behavior that promotes shared joy and pleasure.
Descend into some valuable environment, such as nature. Or accomplish valuable things. They become meaningful. While the tragic trio may distract for a moment, one must still be able to realize one’s significance.
There is no reason to sacrifice oneself alone for the good of the world, for it cannot be given unless one experiences the world through one’s own pleasure, ambition, which springs from the deep self. Goodness is based on expressing the will of one’s own purpose. Help yourself first.
The biggest matters of life are that you can truly open outward and at the same time receive it in love. It follows that you and I – whoever we are – want to share goodness. Goodness is reflected forward; from experiencing dignity.
Enliven up. We are part of nature and nature is part of us. First I experience something and I see my own values in nature, then you want to share and pass on. The experience of being a part of something bigger than yourself. Beauty and ruggedness are in nature and art. You can bring beauty to others.
Find your own ikigai, a reason of being.
What you love, what you can create, and still earn a living from within.
The profession, the passion and the vocation when combined, therefore within, a person realizes one’s own purpose and the reason for living is clear. Do you have? You have to feel attachments other than work. Balanced valuation system.
Restore your lost connection to nature. People have quickly urbanized and stayed inside. A good life is not a private project, but a good everyday life is built together; words, frames, common nuances, moments, well-being together.
Beauty, goodness, truth, love. From the dawn to dusk, see the lit up sky of us. The choices that make us.
Old Source: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/samuelsylf/issues/weekly-newsletter-of-samuel-h-sylf-issue-1-risk-management-embed-in-life-1006594