We can breathe it into life. Lucidly fashioned words–inconspicuously clothed characters. We guarantee the associable experience. Our books nourish soul on our paths. You in the presence to begin with! Reading experience is a vast concept to us. It begins from the learning environment. May it be your home, or contents of a book. In which way, how good stories are worth to tell? Samuel Sylf said, ‘L
anguages are the fireproof of the soul.’
Giving imaginable tangles for your vocabulary, daily tasks, and fulfilling all needs for precise decisions and independent thinking. Weld books with the music. Of your mind, so that you find out...
Heart warming, life-affirming, and in-depth stories, from poetry to high-literature, are the main principle we offer for nourishment. The kind of stories go well into movie transcriptions (but books ALWAYS have more space to tell much more.) We aspire to help you in many ways: design books, write creative contents, direct films, and compose lyrics & music. We always think authors first. Our newest books are found on...
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/fi/author/samuel-sylf/id725640255?mt=11
In print: odeweld.com
How about YOUR STORY?: [in English, in Russian, in Portuguese, in Finnish? We are ready for many languages.]
Our editors are open for new stories. They undergo these three-steps with you.
1. Preparing your story for publishing. Editing. Designing. Binding.
2. We make a deal that is the best for you and your readers. Choose the market and the method. [You usually earn 70%.]
3. We deliver the story available for people. You don't need to sign-in, log-in any other company. We do all managing for you. You are the maker of the creative story. Contact us, and we take it from there forwards. VISUAL ARTS/PRESENTATION:
Are you a photographer, sound/designer, illustrator, even a coder or an actor/actress or a model? We do have opportunities in digital formats and in filmmaking.
-> Get in touch here: http://instagram.com/samuelsylf