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🔥 ሪያል ማድሪድ በቻምፒየንስ ሊግ ዙር 16ቱን ተቀላቀለ⏱️ ተጠናቀቀ⚪️ ሪያል ማድሪድ 3 - 1 ማንቸስተር ሲቲ 🔵⚽️4' ምባፔ                ⚽️90+2' ጎንዛሌዝ⚽️33' ምባፔ⚽️...

🔥 ሪያል ማድሪድ በቻምፒየንስ ሊግ ዙር 16ቱን ተቀላቀለ

⏱️ ተጠናቀቀ
⚪️ ሪያል ማድሪድ 3 - 1 ማንቸስተር ሲቲ 🔵
⚽️4' ምባፔ ⚽️90+2' ጎንዛሌዝ
⚽️33' ምባፔ
⚽️65' ምባፔ

- ድምር ዉጤት: ( 6ለ3 )

 :: ባለፈው ሳምንት በኤቨርተን ነጥብ የጣለው ሊቨርፑል ዛሬ ከአስቶንቪላ ጋር ባደረገው ጨዋታም 2ለ2 ተለያይቷል:: በደረጃ ሰንጠረዡ ተከታይ የሆነው አርሰናል ቀሪ ጨዋታውን ካሸነፈ ከሊቨርፑ...

:: ባለፈው ሳምንት በኤቨርተን ነጥብ የጣለው ሊቨርፑል ዛሬ ከአስቶንቪላ ጋር ባደረገው ጨዋታም 2ለ2 ተለያይቷል:: በደረጃ ሰንጠረዡ ተከታይ የሆነው አርሰናል ቀሪ ጨዋታውን ካሸነፈ ከሊቨርፑል ጋር የሚኖረው ልዩነት ይጠባል::

ሊቨርፑሎች ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ ባሉ ጨዋታዎች ጥሩ ደረጃ ላይ ባይገኙም በፕሪሚየር ሊጉ ከሜዳቸው ውጪ ምንም ሽንፈት አላስተናገዱም::

🔻ኑኔዝ በጣም ጥሩ ተጫዋች ነው; ነገርግን በሊቨርፑል አልሰራለትም። ምስኪን!






   #የሰሜን ለንደኑ ክለብ አርሰናል ወደ ኪንግ ፓወር ስታዲየም አቅንቶ ሌስተር ሲቲን 2 ለ 0 አሸንፏል፡፡የመድፈኞቹን ሁለቱንም ግቦች ተቀይሮ ወደ ሜዳ የገባው ስፔናዊው ሚኬል ሜሪኖ አስቆጥ...

#የሰሜን ለንደኑ ክለብ አርሰናል ወደ ኪንግ ፓወር ስታዲየም አቅንቶ ሌስተር ሲቲን 2 ለ 0 አሸንፏል፡፡

የመድፈኞቹን ሁለቱንም ግቦች ተቀይሮ ወደ ሜዳ የገባው ስፔናዊው ሚኬል ሜሪኖ አስቆጥሯል፡፡

አርሰናል ድሉን ተከትሎ በደረጃ ሰንጠረዡ ከመሪው ሊቨርፑል ያለውን ልዩነት በ4 ነጥብ በማጥበብ በ53 ነጥብ 2ኛ ደረጃውን ማጠናከር ችሏል፡፡

once a woman realises who she is and the power she holds, it’s over for everyone!✍️ Pipilo Tadesse

once a woman realises who she is and the power she holds, it’s over for everyone!✍️ Pipilo Tadesse

 ! 🐅❤     Yahode Link⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴


Yahode Link

  🙌🙌🙌ከቀናት በፊት ሲያነጋግር የነበረው የአየር መንገድ ግቢ ውስጥ የተነሳው ፎቶ እንደተባለው "ከተቋሙ አመራሮች እውቅና ውጪ" ሳይሆን በእውቅና መደረጉን የሚያሳይ ደብዳቤ ለመሠረት ሚድያ ...


ከቀናት በፊት ሲያነጋግር የነበረው የአየር መንገድ ግቢ ውስጥ የተነሳው ፎቶ እንደተባለው "ከተቋሙ አመራሮች እውቅና ውጪ" ሳይሆን በእውቅና መደረጉን የሚያሳይ ደብዳቤ ለመሠረት ሚድያ ደርሷል።

የአየር መንገዱ የአዲስ አበባ ሽያጭ ክፍል ዳይሬክተር አቶ ግሩም አበበ ለሲቪል አቪዬሽን ደህንነት ዋና መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር ታህሳስ 25/2017 ዓ/ም በፃፉት ደብዳቤ አርቲስት ምህረት ታደሰ በአየር መንገድ የአየር ክልል ውስጥ የፎቶ ፕሮግራም እንድታደርግ መጠየቋን ያሳያል።

ደብዳቤው አክሎም የፎቶ ፕሮግራሙ ለአየር መንገዱ ማስታወቂያነት ስለሚጠቅም ታህሳስ 27/2017 ዓ/ም ቅጥር ግቢ ውስጥ ገብተው ፎቶ እንዲነሱ ይጠይቃል።

የፎቶ ፕሮግራሙ በዚህ ሁኔታ በተቋሙ እውቅና ቢካሄድም ተቋሙ ከትናንት በስቲያ በፌስቡክ ገፁ "የግለሰቧ የአየር መንገድ ግቢ ውስጥ የልደት ምስል ቀረጻ ከተቋሙ አመራሮች እውቅና ውጭ የተደረገ ነው" ማለቱ ግርታን ፈጥሯል።

በተጨማሪም የፎቶ ፕሮርግራሙ የግል የልደት ፕሮግራም መሆኑን አርቲስቷ በሶሻል ሚድያ ገጿ ላይ የገለፀች ቢሆንም ይህ በምን መልኩ ለአየር መንገዱ በማስታወቂያነት እንደሚጠቅም ግልፅ አልሆነም።

ተቋሙ ለፎቶ ፕሮግራሙ ከአርቲስቷ ገንዘብ አለመቀበሉን እና ምንም አይነት ውል እንደሌለው በመግለጫው ላይ ገልፆ ነበር።

በርካታ የማህበራዊ ሚድያ ተጠቃሚዎች ድርጊቱን ከአየር የበረራ ክልል ደህንነት ጋር በማንሳት ጥያቄ ሲያቀርቡ ሌሎች ደግሞ በምን መስፈርት አንድ ግለሰብ የግል ልደት ከፍ ያለ ደህንነት በሚያስፈልገው አውሮፕላን ላይ ዲኮር በመስራት ተከበረ የሚል ጥያቄ አንስተዋል፣ በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ክስተቱ ለአየር መንገዱ ጥሩ ማስታወቂያነት ውሏል ብለው ሀሳብ የሰጡም አልጠፉም።

Via መረጃን ከመሠረት!

Beautiful Ethiopian Actress Pipilo Tadess

Beautiful Ethiopian Actress Pipilo Tadess

  ልጅ Pipilo Tadesse ናት።ለአየር መንገዳችን አዲስ ውበት ነው የፈጠረችለት❤ በርቺ እህታችን 😍  watch more👆👆👆👆💥 🥰 **************Ten Unknown Facts Ab...

ልጅ Pipilo Tadesse ናት።

ለአየር መንገዳችን አዲስ ውበት ነው የፈጠረችለት❤ በርቺ እህታችን


watch more👆👆👆👆
💥 🥰
Ten Unknown Facts About

1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.

2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.

3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.

4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.

5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company

6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.

7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.

8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.

9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.




  🐅🖤❤  hossanafans  _PREMIERELig⚪️⚪️⚪️🔴🔴🔴⚫️⚫️⚫️  Hossana FC Fans 🐅 ⚫️🔴⚪️


Hossana FC Fans 🐅 ⚫️🔴⚪️

  🆚 ቅዱስ_ጊዮርጊስን 1ለ0 በሆነ ውጤት ደመሰሰ‼️     እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ Yahode Link              ⚪️⚫️🔴  watch more👆👆👆👆💥 🥰 **************Ten U...

🆚 ቅዱስ_ጊዮርጊስን 1ለ0 በሆነ ውጤት ደመሰሰ‼️
እንኳን ደስ አላችሁ Yahode Link


watch more👆👆👆👆
💥 🥰
Ten Unknown Facts About

1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.

2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.

3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.

4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.

5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company

6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.

7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.

8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.

9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.

  በኤፍኤ ካፕ ቀጣዩን ዙር ተቀላቀለ⏱️ ተጠናቀቀ🔴 ማን-ዩናይትድ 2 - 1 ሌስተር ሲቲ 🔵⚽️68' ዚርክዜ         ⚽️42' ዴኮርዶቫ-ሪኢድ⚽️90+3' ማጓየር

በኤፍኤ ካፕ ቀጣዩን ዙር ተቀላቀለ

⏱️ ተጠናቀቀ
🔴 ማን-ዩናይትድ 2 - 1 ሌስተር ሲቲ 🔵
⚽️68' ዚርክዜ ⚽️42' ዴኮርዶቫ-ሪኢድ
⚽️90+3' ማጓየር







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