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"Apathy Kills!" "WHEN THE MEDIA CONTROLS THE QUESTION, WE DON'T ASK ANY!" "What Has Government Done In Our Name?" The Federal Reserve was born out of this meeting. To Facebook !

Having researched my subject for over 30 years, this page is intended to be an alternative media source to expose the truth on escalating world events as part of the Illuminati agenda devised in 1776 and periodically reviewed at certain points in history at clandestine meetings, such as that hosted by JP Morgan on Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1913. However, there is much more to the Illuminati, and i

t goes much further back than 1776, which is only significant due to the U.S. being seized as the first "masonic nation". The Illuminati has an atheistic agenda yet to come, through the establishment of the Soviet Union, hence a false left/right paradigm, since as I promote throughout my blog, "Divide & Conquer" prevents Revolution. The order of the Illuminati goes beyond what the Knights Templar discovered in King Solomon's Temple during the crusades, from where the modern banking system was born. More to come in my hoped for book. After successfully seizing control of the banking system, these elite globalists saw `Albert Pike's' inspired WWI as an opportunity to take control of World Media in 1917 by buying up all the major newspapers and appointing their own people as editors. Disney soon followed, and with the aid of Edward Bernays, the Father of Public Relations, the stage was set for mass mind control. Bernays published his book, "Propaganda" in 1928. Control of the media was among the first remits of the Rockefeller, Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), another clandestine branch of the Illuminati network. This page aims to expose the deceptions in the mainstream corporate media to bring you the Truth about the Illuminati New World Order and the Globalist agenda. I have researched and written on this topic since aged 15, after being told about a book, "The Final Solution, the apparent true story of Jack The Ripper". Also among my reading list at that time was my research on HAARP technology and Nikola Tesla, as well as doggedly researching the Kennedy assassinations. I was also pre-occupied with my passion for music, writing poetry and other expressions of art. During a college debate in 1986, I expressed a view that in the future we would be paying for water and buying it in supermarkets, and even paying for it every time we flushed the loo. Of course, nobody was going to listen to an angry rebellious young man, as frequently accused of at the time. "From the moment we begin to rationalize and justify malevolence, we give it an acceptable level, making us all complicit in our own damnation. Evil shall destroy itself upon sight of its own hideous reflection. It avoids this by making us part of it". "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality." PLEASE JOIN US AND KEEP UP-TO-DATE BY JOINING MY BLOG: http://ggordonapathykills.blogspot.com/ WEBSITE: http://apathykills.site11.com (Currently under repair)


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**Stop paying for Gas and Electricity - The BIG Gas and Electricity Scam**I remember when Maggie.T privitised the utilit...

**Stop paying for Gas and Electricity - The BIG Gas and Electricity Scam**

I remember when Maggie.T privitised the utilities and wondering how British Gas, with no infrastructure in the electricity generation and supply industry, could suddenly, overnight, supply people with electricity. Or how the previously 'electric boards' became companies that could manage to supply gas, in direct competition with said mighty British Gas? How could someone create a new company, make no investment in infrastructure, enter the market, and then supply gas and electricity?
Then when changing suppliers, how seamlessly the physical changeover happened. No switching drops as my electricity came from a different company, no drop or falter in the gas pressure at the changeover time. What technological marvel had The Devil Woman and her cronies conjured up to enable this miracle?

These questions and others remained unanswered and in the back of my mind, as I got on with the daily grind of being a good little 'sheeple' and not questioning authority.

In the last year or two the unanswered questions resurfaced with the help of other people via the Internet. So I started researching, asking questions, reading online documents, until the scales fell from my eyes.

There is no technological marvel, only a good, old fashioned SCAM.

1.STATEMENT OF FACT: The supply licensee companies that we, the consumers, pay our money to, supposedly for the supply of gas and electricity, DO NOT SUPPLY THE GAS AND ELECTRICITY WE HAVE CONSUMED!

2.STATEMENT OF FACT: The supply licensee companies issue a 'Statements of account', NOT A BILL FOR GAS OR ELECTRICITY!

3.STATEMENT OF FACT: The supply licensee companies are suppliers NOT OF GAS OR ELECTRICITY, but of CREDIT!

THE SCAM: When Maggie.T granted licences to the various companies that generate/distribute electricity, or supply/distribute gas, those licences did not allow said companies to offer extended terms of credit. Those companies MUST be paid for the gas/electricity they have provided/distributed at the end of each business day. To knock on every consumers door and demand payment for that days consumption is both physically and technologically impossible. So, that opens the door for a whole host of parasite companies, known as the Supply Licensees. When these companies buy a licence from the government, they purchase the right to pay on behalf of [but totally unknown to..] any supply address they can convince to sign up with them. They, in fact, purchase the LIABILITY of that supply address to pay the Generators/Distributors the Actual True Cost of the Gas or Electricity at the end of each business day, based on meter readings, actual and estimated. As they have provided Unsecured Credit for that Supply Address, they then add their own charges for this credit to the Actual True Cost of the consumed energy, and issue a Statement of Account. As everybody should know, Unsecured Credit is a very costly item.
This means the Consumer of the Gas/Electricity at the Supply Address is paying for the Actual True Cost of the consumed energy, PLUS a Credit Agreement they didn't know they had AND NEVER AGREED to!!!

This situation is both Unlawful and Illegal on so many levels:

[a] By falsely posing as the supplier of the consumed energy to the Supply Address, the Supply Licensees are in breach of the Fraud Act 2006, Section 2, Fraud by False Representation.
[b] By not disclosing that the consumer is agreeing to a Credit Agreement, the Supply Licensees are in breach of the Fraud Act 2006, Section 3, Fraud by failing to disclose Information.
[c] By not disclosing that the consumer is agreeing to a Credit Agreement and will pay their credit charges, as well as the Actual True Cost of the consumed energy,the Supply Licensees are in breach of the Fraud Act 2006, Section 4, Fraud by abuse of position.
[d] By instigating the SCAM, and selling the liability [assignment of..] for a Supply Address to a Supply Licensee, without the knowledge or consent of the occupier of that Supply Address, the Government [and ALL UK Governments since the privitisation] is in breach of the :
Fraud Act 2006, Section 2, Fraud by False Representation
Fraud Act 2006, Section 3, Fraud by failing to disclose Information
Fraud Act 2006, Section 4, Fraud by abuse of position.
There are many more breaches of legislation, The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, The Consumer Credit Act 2006, The Consumer Credit Act 1974, and the list goes on..., as well as the basic Common Law of “You, or your actions, shall cause no harm or loss to another”.
The Supply Licensees can then turn these fraudulently obtained Credit Agreements into Negotiable Securities and receive payment for them on the Money Markets.
The recent PPI scandal involving mis-selling by the banks pales into insignificance by comparison.
EVERY household in the UK has been and is affected by this SCAM.
WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS?, you may ask?
Well, I am reminded of a campaign, fronted by Nancy Reagan, when she was America's First Lady, against drug use. The campaign's slogan was “JUST SAY NO”.
Because the Supply Licensees did not disclose that they were offering CREDIT, there can be no Credit Agreement between themselves and the Consumer. Without a Credit Agreement, no Consumer has any LIABILITY to pay ANY charges. The Supply Licensees can not ask a court to enforce an Agreement that does not exist, and never did. Ask your Supply Licensee for a copy of the Credit Agreement that exists between the two parties, and they will not be able to produce one.
On the other hand, the contracts that exist between generators/ distributors, etc. and the Supply Licensee companies are perfectly LEGAL and BINDING. They have accepted LIABILITY for the costs of the energy supplied to the Supply Address, and they MUST pay them [oh s***].

It is a scam. But check it out for yourself. The billing companies that supply your home have not got a credit agreement with you according to information gi...

The US and UK, including the western media are responsible for this horrific genocide.

The US and UK, including the western media are responsible for this horrific genocide.

Support our work: https://democracynow.org/donate/sm-desc-ytAs the official death toll in Gaza passes more than 42,400, the true number may be impossible to ...


The reason why I never vote. From the moment you vote and the fu***rs do something you disagree with, you can't complain about it since you voted for it. It doesn't matter who you vote for because it is the same bastards who fund the treasury and they call the shots and those in Government are only there to give you the false illusion that you live in a democracy. No matter what they do, no matter how diabolical, immoral or unethical, you voted for it and just so that you don't have to feel any guilt, the fu***rs provide you with denial and a defence to disarm anyone challenges you, "Conspiracy Theorist".


I don't talk politics. I let the logical thought process I share with George Carlin explain my stance on the matter.


Grrr!! FFS. Is nothing sacred anymore? Having switched on the telly to find the Rugby World Cup has started, my slight excitement was short lived after discovering it was "Women's" rugby. To add insult to injury, any man who loves the game becoming dispondent will be seized upon by the "Wokists" and immediately branded as s*xist, misogynist or old fashioned. It's bad enough that every single time we settle down to watch a Netflix series, it is immediately ruined by the forceful irrelevent interuption of a gay scene, or every TV quiz show now has to have a token gay couple. The blasphemy against men and all things masculine is getting out of control. I am sick of people saying, "Well, times are changing", worryingly and obliviously taking for granted the expectation that change is always for the better. In this diabolic era of wokism and radical feminism, they want to teach our children transgenderism and buggery in s*x education in schools as part of the curriculum as the new `Norm'. Mark these words, we should expect at some time in the near future that "Adults having s*x with children" will become socially acceptable as part of the diabolic "New Norm" in the New World Order.



It's getting worse and they are relying on our conditioned indifference. Kier Starmer has just said that he will ensure heavy fines are imposed on Water Companies for pollution! What he isn't telling you is that "Water companies are making us, their victims of poisoning pay their fine by increasing prices". What's worse, is that Ofwat are actively endorsing this outrageous barefaced corruption. So, to put this into perspective, water companies are poisoning the public and committing environmental terrorism and when they are punished for it, `You' accept the punishment on their behalf. This is unbelievable. That is akin to someone murdering one of your family. The killer is caught, found guilty and receives a life sentence in prison, but the parent of the murder victim has to serve the prison term instead. Starmer knows this. He knows that by imposing heavier fines on water companies, you will be forced to pay that fine. Think about that the next time you see a disabled child or wonder why there has been a huge increase in autistic children ever since water charges were introduced. If you are of a certain generation, try to recall when we used to safely drink water from the kitchen tap. Generations did it safely for years without any health issues and us and our parents were in good health. So, at what point did it suddenly become `unsafe' to drink and how??

This is NOT a matter of political allegiances, however it is evidence that Starmer is continuing a policy of blatantly obvious corruption transcended across all political party's. In 1987 while I was a Politics and Sociology student and campaigned for CND, I voiced my concerns that in the future we would be buying water from supermarkets. My teachers thought I was being outspoken as usual. Everyone thought it was an OTT hysterical conspiracy theory. However, I continued the rant, that if we remained indifferent to it, it would only be a matter of time before they introduced charges on air.


Severn Trent Water along with other corrupt water companies have outrageously demonstrated their absolute contempt toward customers by poisoning us and our children, resulting in criminal penalties of huge fines, which they then have the audacity to force us to pay for. They then add further insult to injury by rewarding themselves with huge pay rises and profits with the blessing of Ofwat, who have not only endorsed but encouraged them to force the public to pay the fines.

The state clearly rewards corporate corruption by handing out lucrative titles, such as giving the boss of Severn Trent Water, Liv Garfield a CBE for literally robbing the public and paying a fortune to herself and her greedy shareholders with a multi-million paypack. Over the past four years she has earner £13million and was recently awarded £3.2m in pay, bonuses and shares.

The absolute and ultimate outrageous insult would be for the public to do nothing and remain indifferent. I have already written to Severn Trent to inform them that I have no intention in paying any further water bills and contributing to their corruption. At least, in the years to come, my conscience can be clear when an increasing number of children are born with or inherit crippling deformities, disabilities and diseases due to pollution by greedy corporations.


See what crypto can be https://kraken.com/thewhyfiles. Thanks Kraken for sponsoring this video!Illuminati Vol. 1: The Bilderberg Blueprint and Hidden Agenda ...


Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit https://taxnetworkusa.com/brand and find your path to financial peace of mind.Prof Jeffrey Sachs schools Piers Morgan on the roo...


I posted this some time ago, so this is a repost

I first saw this many years ago. It is worth sharing it again today...

I first saw this many years ago. It is worth sharing it again today...

LUCIFER RISING: The Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy (Original Classic) - In this original classic Illuminati exposé, various strands are tied together to show ...


Why our National Parliament must follow the lead of the Dutch Parliament in voting to postpone any vote on a proposed Treaty due to a failure by the WHO to f...


WWI was nothing more than an exercise by a small group of men to control the earth's most valuable asset, mankind. Once they achieved their success in convincing millions of young men, an entire generation to sacrifice their lives under a false doctrine of patriotism, they knew they could control future generations to come and so the destiny of humanity. As a result of WWI, they established a system that would make mass indoctrination and the control of the minds of men effortless, the media. In 1917, they purchased 25 of the most influential newspapers and appointed their own editors to control information....

If you want the proof of this, read my Apathy Kills blog, where I have meticulously recorded a diabolic agenda since its inception in 1776 and its identifiable and predictable pattern for the future to come.


Try Everyday Wellness for yourself today, https://www.trulean.com use code BRAND25 for 25% off, let them know I sent you!I got baptised at the weekend, as we...



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