Yellow - the colors of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths from 550 to 590 nm. It is an additional color to blue in RGB or additional to violet in artistic practice and the RYB system. However, in antiquity, due to the imperfection of the had pigments, it was considered as an additional to purple.
Typographic yellow
Color icon yellow.svg.
Hex FFED00.
RGB¹ (R, G, B) (255, 237, 0)
CMYK (C, M, Y, K) (0, 0, 100, 0)
HSV² (H, S, V) (56 °, 100%, 100%)
Normalized to [0-255]
Normalized to [0-100]
One of the standardized shades of yellow is a component of the CMYK system. His hexadecimal designation in the RGB - # FFFF00 system.
Organic Height Color
Yellow color of dandelion, tanning, buttons, sunflower, etc. give the carotenoids: Flavoksanthin, Taraksanthin and Luthein.
Lutein and Xanthophil, participating in photosynthesis along with green chlorophyll, give the yellow color of autumn leaves and grains.
An egg yolk yolk gives the same xanthofill, as well as orange carotenoids. They are contained in the grains of plants eaten by a bird.
The urine color of healthy animals is determined by an organic pigment - bilirubin, which is formed from hemoglobin.
When hepatitis, the liver is not able to process bilirubin. A large amount of bilirubin accumulates in the blood, which is why the skin and eye proteins are yellow. This symptom is called jaundice.
The bile has a yellow color, so in the Middle Ages, medicines made of yellow-colored plants were given during diseases of the liver. Some of them entered scientific medicine in the same role (dandelion, tapering guilty).