Global Tattoo Mag.

Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Portugal, Italy, France, Belgium, Argentina, Brazil
GLOBAL TATTOO MAG., una revista hecha para tatuadores, amantes del mundo artístico, con esto esperamos poder ofrecer la oportunidad de representar a los Artistas con claridad y franqueza, como se merecen, Incluyendo deportes extremos, música, notas de interés, y mucho mas.

👌• .tattoo Done a few weeks ago  🇺🇸

👌• .tattoo Done a few weeks ago 🇺🇸

🤯•  First piece of 2025 completed during my guest spot with  in Sydney 🤘Had a blast working on this Art the Clown from T...

🤯• First piece of 2025 completed during my guest spot with in Sydney 🤘

Had a blast working on this Art the Clown from Terrifier 3 🙏

I’ll be back in the USA on January 12th to kick off my travels again. I’ve got around 12 appointments left from January to April, so if you’d like to secure a spot, feel free to DM me and let’s chat!

Give this one a SHARE, LIKE and SAVE also.

Why We Recommend Basilio is a trailblazing tattoo artist who has redefined the boundaries of body art with his unique ‘S...

Why We Recommend Basilio
is a trailblazing tattoo artist who has redefined the boundaries of body art with his unique ‘Street Pop Art’ Tattoo style. Inspired by legends like Basquiat, Warhol, and Banksy, Basilio blends the raw energy of street art with the vibrant aesthetics of pop art. His signature use of bold orange and blue backgrounds makes every piece instantly recognizable and uniquely his.
With over a decade of experience, Basilio’s artistic journey has been extraordinary. Starting with Japanese Oriental and Neo-Traditional styles, he transitioned to realism and eventually developed his innovative approach. Every tattoo he creates is a work of art, rich in symbolism, emotion, and a deeply personal connection to his clients.
Basilio’s collaborative approach and commitment to excellence ensure that each design is one-of-a-kind and profoundly meaningful. Whether it’s a complex realism piece or a bold artistic statement, he transforms your vision into a breathtaking masterpiece.
Beyond tattooing, Basilio is dedicated to the growth of the tattoo community. Using top-tier tools like Xtreme Tattoo Ink and Emalla Needles, he continuously pushes the boundaries of his craft. He also mentors aspiring tattoo artists, sharing his expertise and inspiring others to innovate and elevate their art.
If you’re looking for a tattoo that combines impeccable technique, bold design, and deep narrative meaning, Basilio is the artist to bring your vision to life.

👌•  Down the rabbit hole 🕳️. Latest addition to an Alice in wonderland sleeve I’ve been working on.

👌• Down the rabbit hole 🕳️. Latest addition to an Alice in wonderland sleeve I’ve been working on.

We have a cover model!🥁 The winner of the cover of the 83rd issue, November edition is… with 110 nominations.Congratulat...

We have a cover model!
🥁 The winner of the cover of the 83rd issue, November edition is…

with 110 nominations.
Congratulations! 🍾

Thanks to all the participating artists, to all the people who voted, thank you all!

🎨 Warum wir Sascha Linz als Tätowierer empfehlen 🖤 aus Deutschland ist ein wahrer Meister der Realismus-Kunst mit über e...

🎨 Warum wir Sascha Linz als Tätowierer empfehlen 🖤
aus Deutschland ist ein wahrer Meister der Realismus-Kunst mit über einem Jahrzehnt Erfahrung. Sein einzigartiger Stil kombiniert Black-and-Grey-Artistik mit neo-traditionellen Einflüssen und schafft Tätowierungen, die sowohl visuell beeindruckend als auch tiefgründig bedeutungsvoll sind. Mit einem Auge für Detail, Kontraste und emotionale Geschichten wird jedes von Sascha entworfene Werk zu einem maßgeschneiderten Meisterwerk.
Von bewegenden Gedenktätowierungen bis hin zu kunstvollen Designs, inspiriert von der Renaissancekunst, geht Saschas Arbeit über das Gewöhnliche hinaus. Er legt großen Wert darauf, die Geschichten und Emotionen seiner Kunden zu verstehen, und kreiert Tattoos, die mehr sind als nur Farbe – sie sind persönliche Lebensgeschichten, die unter die Haut gehen.
Seine Hingabe an sein Handwerk ist unübertroffen. Ständig verfeinert er seine Fähigkeiten und geht neue Wege, indem er traditionelle Techniken mit modernen Werkzeugen kombiniert, um außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse zu liefern. Egal, ob du ein mutiges Statement oder ein dezentes Kunstwerk suchst – Saschas Expertise garantiert ein einzigartiges Tattoo.
📍 Standort: Deutschland
✨ Vertraue Sascha Linz, um deine Vision in ein zeitloses Kunstwerk zu verwandeln.

👏•  치카노 분위기로 진행해봤습니다(〃ω〃) #인물타투  #치카노타투  #블랙엔그레이  #포트레이트  #치카노인물타투  #합정타투  #도시타투      #어깨타투  #반팔타투

👏• 치카노 분위기로 진행해봤습니다(〃ω〃)
#인물타투 #치카노타투 #블랙엔그레이 #포트레이트 #치카노인물타투 #합정타투 #도시타투 #어깨타투 #반팔타투

👌•  1 Session  done💪🖤 Leg sleeve in progress🖤 thank you for the trust herrie_bert Made with                             ...

👌• 1 Session done💪🖤 Leg sleeve in progress🖤 thank you for the trust herrie_bert
Made with

 he’s a storyteller, blending his graffiti roots with modern tattoo techniques to create dynamic, emotionally charged pi...

he’s a storyteller, blending his graffiti roots with modern tattoo techniques to create dynamic, emotionally charged pieces. His unique style, often described as “splatter perspective,” combines bold elements like female faces, lettering, flares, and drips into designs that truly stand out.
With a strong foundation from his mentor, Josh Eon Johnson, and inspiration from legendary artists like Torsten Malm and Freddy Negrete, Headley has developed a distinctive artistic voice. His passion for creating meaningful tattoos is evident in every piece, whether it’s a tribute to a loved one or a bold, conceptual design.
Headley’s approach is deeply personal. He takes time to connect with his clients, understanding their emotions and stories, ensuring each tattoo is as unique as the person wearing it. His process blends traditional sketching with modern tools like Procreate, while still honoring his graffiti background, making each piece a seamless fusion of old-school creativity and contemporary innovation.
Having recently opened his own studio, Headley is not only dedicated to his craft but also to building a space where art and community thrive. His vision extends beyond borders, with aspirations to travel, collaborate with international artists, and make a lasting impact on the global tattoo scene.
If you’re looking for an artist who can transform your ideas into a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, Headley Lamar is the perfect choice.

🤩•  lil cover up 🐯

🤩• lil cover up 🐯

The final battle is here! 👊🏼💥 Contest for our next cover, featuring the three semi-finalist artists. 🎨🔥1 6  10 Your vote...

The final battle is here! 👊🏼💥 Contest for our next cover, featuring the three semi-finalist artists. 🎨🔥


Your vote counts! Make history with us by commenting on the name of the artist you want to see on the cover. 🏆✨

🎨 Why We Recommend Ryan as Your Tattoo Artist in Halifax, Canada ✨ isn’t just a tattoo artist—he’s a creative force in H...

🎨 Why We Recommend Ryan as Your Tattoo Artist in Halifax, Canada ✨
isn’t just a tattoo artist—he’s a creative force in Halifax, Canada, transforming ideas into breathtaking tattoos. Specializing in black-and-grey realism with touches of illustrative flair, Ryan’s work is a seamless blend of artistry and precision.
🖋️ Crafted with Precision: Ryan’s tattoos feature impeccable shading, strong contrasts, and intricate details that make every piece uniquely stunning. Whether you want a meaningful design or a bold statement piece, Ryan’s expertise ensures perfection.
🌟 Inspired and Inspiring: Influenced by iconic artists like Robert Hernandez and Paul Booth, Ryan constantly elevates his craft. His dedication to learning and adapting makes him a standout in Halifax’s tattoo scene.
🤝 Client-Centered Experience: Ryan listens, understands, and brings your vision to life. From personalized consultations to expertly crafted designs, he ensures every tattoo resonates with your story and personality.
💡 Why Choose Ryan?
If you’re in Halifax and seeking an artist who combines passion, professionalism, and artistic brilliance, Ryan is your perfect match. He’s not just creating tattoos; he’s crafting memories that last a lifetime.
📍 Book Your Appointment with Ryan in Halifax, Canada, Today!

Prečo odporúčame Jana Hullu ako vášho tetovacieho umelca? , tatér z jedinečným štýlom a precíznosťou, patrí medzi popred...

Prečo odporúčame Jana Hullu ako vášho tetovacieho umelca?
, tatér z jedinečným štýlom a precíznosťou, patrí medzi popredných odborníkov na realistické tetovanie. S viac ako dvadsaťročnými skúsenosťami a vášnivým prístupom ku každému projektu, Jan vytvára diela, ktoré kombinujú estetiku, technickú dokonalosť a hlboký význam pre jeho klientov.
Realizmus so zmyslom pre detail
Janov štýl je definovaný realistickým prístupom, ktorý sa vždy prispôsobuje osobnosti a príbehu klienta. Čerpá inšpiráciu od veľkých klasických maliarov ako Rembrandt či Caravaggio a zároveň obdivuje moderné školy tetovania, najmä ukrajinskú a poľskú. Táto kombinácia prináša do jeho práce jedinečný umelecký podpis.
Individuálny prístup ku klientovi
Pre Jana je každý zákazník výnimočný. Chápe emocionálnu hodnotu tetovania a vždy kladie dôraz na hlboké porozumenie a spoluprácu. Bez ohľadu na to, či ide o spomienkové tetovanie s hlbokým významom alebo umelecké dielo, Jan sa snaží splniť každé očakávanie.
Moderné technológie, tradičné hodnoty
Jan pracuje s najmodernejšími tetovacími nástrojmi, pričom si stále cení tradičné metódy a staré cievkové stroje. Neustále zdokonaľuje svoje techniky, aby jeho diela boli nielen esteticky dokonalé, ale aj trvácne.
Ciele a vízie
Jeho cieľom je nielen vytvárať tetovania, ktoré robia klientov šťastnými, ale aj projekty, ktoré prinášajú radosť a naplnenie jemu samotnému.
Ak hľadáte tetovanie, ktoré spája príbeh, emóciu a nekompromisnú kvalitu, Jan Hulla je presne ten umelec, ktorého potrebujete.
📍 Jan Hulla – Tetovací umelec, Slovensko

🤩•  Seamlessly blending white into black creates the ultimate impact.I love how it feels similar to color realism. What ...

🤩• Seamlessly blending white into black creates the ultimate impact.

I love how it feels similar to color realism. What do you think?

Last day, Day 3Welcome to the “Global Tattoo Cover Star”, we will feature 4 stunning photos of 4talented tattoo artists....

Last day, Day 3
Welcome to the “Global Tattoo Cover Star”, we will feature 4 stunning photos of 4talented tattoo artists.
Now, you have the power to choose who you will see on our next cover.


Nominate the artist from the photo you like the most, and the most mentioned photos will move on to the semi-final.

Which of these tattoo artists deserves to shine on the cover of Global Tattoo?

Your vote counts, and you can help one of these artists make it to the finals. This contest celebrates diversity and creativity in the world of tattooing.

Help us decide the next cover artist and be part of this exciting experience.

Kodėl rekomenduojame Justą Šlepetį? yra išskirtinis tatuiruočių meistras iš Lietuvos, kurio darbai pavergia dėmesį unika...

Kodėl rekomenduojame Justą Šlepetį?
yra išskirtinis tatuiruočių meistras iš Lietuvos, kurio darbai pavergia dėmesį unikaliu stiliumi ir techniniu meistriškumu. Jo specializacija – juodai pilkas realizmas, harmoningai derinantis detalių aiškumą, stiprų kontrastą ir subtilų šešėliavimą. Justo gebėjimas kurti individualius ir reikšmingus dizainus daro jį ypatingu pasirinkimu tiems, kurie ieško tikro meno ant odos.
Justas savo talentą ugdė nuo vaikystės, kai pradėjo lankyti menų mokyklą, o vėliau įgavo įvairiapusių meno žinių. Jo aistra tatuiruočių menui gimė dar mokyklos laikais, ir nuo to laiko jis kryptingai siekė tapti profesionalu. Justas semiasi įkvėpimo iš pasaulinio lygio menininkų, tokių kaip Dmitriy Samohin ir Ilya Teryaev, o jo noras nuolat tobulėti verčia siekti dar aukštesnių standartų.
Dirbdamas su klientais, Justas ne tik įsiklauso į jų idėjas, bet ir siekia, kad kiekviena tatuiruotė atspindėtų unikalią istoriją ir emociją. Jo kūriniai – tai ne tik menas, bet ir gilus ryšys su kiekvieno žmogaus asmenine patirtimi. Be to, Justas aktyviai domisi šiuolaikinėmis technologijomis ir naudoja tik aukščiausios kokybės įrankius, tokius kaip belaidės mašinėlės ir paruošti dažų rinkiniai, kad užtikrintų nepriekaištingą rezultatą.
Jei ieškote tatuiruočių meistro, kuris sujungia techninį tobulumą, kūrybiškumą ir nuoširdų dėmesį detalėms, Justas Šlepetis yra geriausias pasirinkimas. Leiskite jo menui papasakoti jūsų istoriją!

Waarom we Nikita Khramko - Zloi_Kolshik aanbevelen als jouw tatoeëerder beter bekend als Zloi_Kolshik, is een meester in...

Waarom we Nikita Khramko - Zloi_Kolshik aanbevelen als jouw tatoeëerder

beter bekend als Zloi_Kolshik, is een meester in realistische en surrealistische zwart-wit tattoos. Gebaseerd in Den Haag, Nederland, combineert Nikita zijn jarenlange ervaring met een unieke artistieke visie, waardoor elk ontwerp een persoonlijk meesterwerk wordt.

🎨 Unieke stijl en kwaliteit
Geïnspireerd door grootmeesters zoals Rembrandt, Velázquez en Caravaggio, creëert Nikita kunstwerken die klassieke schoonheid combineren met moderne tattoo-technieken. Zijn specialiteit in zwart-wit realisme en surrealistische elementen maakt zijn werk zowel verfijnd als expressief.

👥 Een persoonlijke aanpak
Bij Nikita draait alles om het verhaal van de klant. Hij neemt de tijd om je ideeën en emoties te begrijpen en deze te vertalen naar een tattoo die perfect past bij jouw visie en lichaam. Zijn aandacht voor detail en open communicatie zorgen ervoor dat je je gehoord en begrepen voelt tijdens het hele proces.

🏆 Ervaren en gepassioneerd
Met meerdere onderscheidingen op tattoo-conventies en een indrukwekkend portfolio, bewijst Nikita keer op keer zijn vakmanschap. Van zijn eerste bekroonde portret tot zijn voortdurende deelname aan conventies, hij streeft er altijd naar om zichzelf te overtreffen en zijn klanten de hoogste kwaliteit te bieden.

Ben je op zoek naar een tatoeëerder in Den Haag die passie, creativiteit en vakmanschap combineert? Kies dan voor Nikita Khramko - Zloi_Kolshik en laat jouw verhaal tot leven komen in inkt.

📍 Den Haag, Nederland

🤯• .tattoo Done at . 27 hours, 3 days in a row. It will be continued.

🤯• .tattoo Done at . 27 hours, 3 days in a row. It will be continued.





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