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It’s a game of numbers
The Canary News
- El Periódico Inglés de Gran Canaria
- started life as a community newspaper focused on Gran Canaria local businesses, recommended services, items of interest, excursions and days out for both residents and visitors, providing in depth in
formation, from a local perspective, on the events and happenings of importance to English speakers on Gran Canaria. provides well researched and curated News, Views & Sunshine for a vibrant English speaking community of native Canarians, foreign residents and visitors, as well as a large and growing overseas audience, on a not-for-profit basis, offering integrated packages for publicity, public relations, marketing, advertising and on line campaigns, with plenty of help on offer to ensure you get results. Boasting the widest English language distribution of any free, independent publication on the island, we offer the very best way to get eyeballs in front of your message, business, or announcement, each advert or promotion seen by more people, repeatedly and for longer. We specifically aim our work toward both resident English Speakers and high-value repeat visitors, who Love Gran Canaria and aim for much more than simply beach and sun offerings. Our readers are engaged and highly mobile with an interest in living well, enjoying life, exploration, and new discoveries. Our news distribution is focused throughout the southern tourist zones and up to the business hubs of the capital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, month on month receives more than 150,000 individual visitors who return on average 2-3 times in the month, more than half of whom are from the UK, we aim carefully to meet the high demand for English language news and information here on this unique sub-tropical paradise. We curate stories of simple universal importance, based on official sources and backed up with research-based depth of context and understanding. We occasionally view those stories through the lens of progressive social development and community coherence. You do the maths. Reach more people and support local community values with global perspectives and truth at its core. Get accurate information and benefit from key local insight and nuanced historical perspectives. Get the best for your business and support accurate understandings of the world on and around Gran Canaria. Give us a call on +34 928 987 988 NOW! or email [email protected]