Enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to @freshpresssocial for amazing coconut match, coconut and peanut protein balls and a green juice. Anyone passing through Loughton should go by “The Crate”!
Staying healthy and getting all the nutrients especially in todays world where we have 50% less nutrients per nutrient intake because of whats in the ground or rather what isnt in the ground due to over farming.
#juice #freshpressedjuice #healthy #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthylife
What is the best way to change your habit? Of course, replace it with a less harmful habit. Whilst this may be simple, it’s true and for anyone, wanting to replace a bad habit with a better habit, this is an easily accessible and actionable tool that can get you started straight away.
#habit #changemymind #changemylife #livemylife #personaldevelopment #coach
Walk for the world a heart and mind, coherence, meditation global movement by Dr Joe Dispenza. I was lucky enough to manage and lead the Malaga participants. The staggering amount of interest in this movement was incredible. With gratitude to everyone who showed up and combine their vibration with those around the world who are participating at the same time. I can’t express how powerful the energy was. It was truly magnetic. Guru’s and mentors have a place in all of our lives. It’s never too late to change who we are and what we can achieve in this world. Be seen. Be heard. Be your true self in this magnificent world we live in, and the life we get to lead. You can be an inspiration to others and together we can change the world.
#heartcoherence #drjoedispenza #walkingmeditation #meditation #walkfortheworld #change #changetheworld #vibration #frequency #consciousness
Join me for this once in a lifetime leadership retreat in Bali Indonesia. If you are an executive or business leader, this is for you. Expect to experience both personal and professional transformation. Come together with like minded professionals from all around the world. Get in touch if its time for to journey toward profound change in your life and make an impact in others. Your inner leader needs you. DM for details.
#yourinnerleaderneedsyou #baliretreat #leadership #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipskills #leadershipcoaching #transformation #retreat #teambuilding #motivationmonday #professionalgrowth #superman #teamleadership #personaldevelopment
No filter! Lol. Got me looking my best just befire bed! Looking after yourself is your responsibility. Be proactive. The right supplementation is key. Sweet dreams all.
#supplements #supplementsthatwork #gym #workout #bodyrepair AminoMan
You will know nutrition is key to how the body feels and operates on a day to day basis. Nutrition doesn’t offer a quick fix all overnight remedy consistent action and good habits will lead to great rewards. As many of you will know I am swimming the English Channel for charity in September end whilst I have the best coach, the best mindset and give my all everyday the food we eat today doesn’t have the same level of nutrition it did 100yrs ago. Thats why supplementing with the right supplements is so important. I have been supplementing with some products from amino man. For all “stay outstanding members” there is a 10% discount with the code: “STAY22”.
#supplements #fitnessgoals #nutrition #wellbeing
Juice cleansing is becoming more and more popular, but which one is right for you?
Here are some few key points about juice cleanses:
* Advocates claim that juice cleanses can help remove toxins from the body and aid weight loss.
* There is insufficient evidence to support the benefit of juice-based diets.
* Research has linked liquid diets with an increased riskTrusted Source
of serious health complications and eating disorders.
Join me on my journey on how I lose weight on this 30-day juice challenge.
#juicedetox #juicedetoxing #juicecleanse #juicecleansedetox #nopainnogain #regime #transformation #bodychange #fitnessaddict #regimeuse #eatclean #lifestyle #nutrition #bodymotivation #fitchallenge #yoga #food #bodyshape #bodygoal #summerbody #health #instaregimeuse #instadiet #fitnesslifestyle #bodypositivity #muscu #perfectbody #perfectshape
Beat the trash. Don’t eat the garbage?! Let’s keep our environment clean. #plasticpollution #plasticwaste #plasticfree #plasticfreeoceans #reuse#recycling #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreeforthesea #plasticfreeliving #plasticfreelivinguk #plasticsucks#helpchangethefuturecampaign #plasticfreecampaign #englishchannel #facebookreels #facebookreelsviral ©@tommykozuba
Good morning might just be a single syllable phrase, but to some people it might mean so much more than what those three words actually say. You might not know that you can change a person's day for the better. #goodmorning #goodmorningworld #mindsetmatters #changeyourmindset #beautifullife #facebookreels #wednesdaymood #messageforyou
Good morning might just be a single syllable phrase, but to some people it might mean so much more than what those three words actually say. You might not know that you can change a person's day for the better. #goodmorning #goodmorningworld #mindsetmatters #changeyourmindset #beautifullife #facebookreels #wednesdaymood #messageforyou
When have you last felt confident in your physical
appearance? I know it's a tough topic to talk about
but we need more conversations like this.body-
shaming is an issue that affects many people,
especially women and girls! If you're feeling
uncomfortable with your body or if someone else
has been commenting on how they think the way
you look makes them feel - then let me help 🙂
#lifecoach #bodyshaming
#bodyshame #loveyourself
#bodyshameneedstostop #messageforyou
Jessen James talks about working smarter
The Jessen James talks about working smarter:
*Don’t give your children whats left of you - Be sure to give them the best of you
*Family first always despite difficulties being an entrepreneur presents
*Work smarter not harder - Working hard is a very old school draconian mentality - where did we inherit that?
#Entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneurlifestyle #entrepreneurquotes
Entrepreneurs Business School