KoBBoK Owned by Angel Heredia & Cristóbal López

So, we “COME BACK” again: KBBK019 is the latest EP of our master producer Angel Heredia and this time he colaborates wit...

So, we “COME BACK” again: KBBK019 is the latest EP of our master producer Angel Heredia and this time he colaborates with Umberto Pagliaroli; one of the most acclaimed DJ’s of the Lazio region. COME BACK continues the sucessful sound of KoBBoK music.

This relentless track - made by two acclaimed DJ’s - will make the crowd move with the rhythm of today’s most energetic, groove and iconic tech house. With an enveloping kick and bass, in which the vocals make us get to a place where we want to COME BACK again and again, the elegance and technique are palpable to the most refined ears who will know they must add this track to their sets.

We can’t say anything else, words are superfluous. Pure KoBBoK style. Yeahh! Stay tuned and come back with KoBBoK


Así que «COME BACK» de nuevo: KBBK019 es el último EP de nuestro maestro productor Angel Heredia y esta vez colabora con Umberto Pagliaroli; uno de los DJ’s más aclamados de la región del Lazio. COME BACK continúa el exitoso sonido de la música KoBBoK.

Este tema implacable -realizado por dos aclamados DJ’s- hará que el público se mueva al ritmo del tech house más enérgico, groove e icónico de la actualidad. Con un envolvente kick y bass, en el que las vocales nos hacen llegar a un lugar en el que queremos VOLVER una y otra vez, la elegancia y la técnica son palpables para los oídos más refinados que sabrán que deben añadir este track a sus sets.

No podemos decir nada más, sobran las palabras. Puro estilo KoBBoK. ¡Yeahh! Estad atentos y volved con KoBBoK

We are excited to announce the release of our new EP titled “LIBERTAD” a unique collaboration between our talented produ...

We are excited to announce the release of our new EP titled “LIBERTAD” a unique collaboration between our talented producer Ángel Heredia and the renowned artist Fer BR. “LIBERTAD” is more than just a tech house track; the masterful production of Ángel Heredia, combined with Fer BR’s distinctive touch, has resulted in a piece that challenges boundaries and redefines what it means to be free on the dance floor. Every element of this track has been carefully crafted to resonate with your free spirit, from its immersive melodies and catchy vocals to its powerful basslines that will make you vibrate from start to finish. Freedom is the beat of our soul. Stay tuned and be free! ——————————————————————— Estamos emocionados de anunciar el lanzamiento de nuestro nuevo EP titulado “LIBERTAD”, una colaboración única entre nuestro talentoso productor Ángel Heredia y el renombrado artista Fer BR. “LIBERTAD” es más que una simple pista de tech house; La magistral producción de Ángel Heredia, combinada con el toque distintivo de Fer BR, ha dado como resultado un tema que desafía los límites y redefine lo que significa ser libre en la pista de baile. Cada elemento de este track ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado para resonar con tu espíritu libre, desde sus envolventes melodías, su increíble y pegadiza vocal hasta sus potentes bajos que te harán vibrar de principio a fin. La libertad son los beats de nuestra alma. Stay tuned and be free! Regards

❌ MENEALO EP ❌Are here!Summer is just around the corner and we at KoBBoK have brought you these two summer bombs that wi...


Are here!

Summer is just around the corner and we at KoBBoK have brought you these two summer bombs that will give your sets that fresh and hot vibe of this season.

The early 2000’s are back and MI GENTE brings it to the stage. This version will remind ‘our people’ how new times adapt and renew themselves. This punch applied on bass and adapted tempo, will bring to your set the nostalgia of an iconic decade, reliving the most memorable moments nowadays.

MENEÁLO will merge the dancefloor with styles that will be an extra to our sets. A union of pure energy in which the power of electronic beats meets the rhythms of Latin music. Modernity, taste and passion are the characteristics of this great track.

KoBBoK adapts, merges and applies the trends. Stay tuned and feel KoBBoK!


¡Ya están aquí!

La época estival está a la vuelta de la esquina y en KoBBoK hemos traído para ti estas dos bombas veraniegas que harán de vuestros sets tengan ese toque fresco y caluroso propio de la temporada.

Principios de los 2000 están de vuelta y menéalo lo pone en escena. Esta adaptación de MI GENTE hará recordar a “nuestra gente” cómo se adaptan y evolucionan los nuevos tiempos. Esta contundencia aplicada al bajo así como un tempo adaptado, harán para tus set que la nostalgia de una década icónica, reviva los momentos más memorables en la actualidad.

MENEÁLO fusionará la pista de baile se fusionará entre estilos que darán un plus a nuestros sets. Una unión de pura energía en el que el poder de los beats electrónicos se encuentra con los ritmos de la música latina. La modernidad, el sabor y la pasión son las características de este gran track.

KoBBoK se adapta, se fusiona y aplica tendencia. Stay tuned and siente KoBBoK!

We’re back to bring you what’s going to be playing in the coming months. “DOWN OK” will be the must have EP in your libr...

We’re back to bring you what’s going to be playing in the coming months. “DOWN OK” will be the must have EP in your library after a long line of consolidated hits. continues to be our visionary, setting the baton in the style.
The track “DOWN OK”, slides from a fluid base that accompanies minimalistic sounds entering through your ears and diluting in the swing of a hypnotic dance. So magical is the high that you’ll surrender to the demands immediately. Angel is on top form knowing how to take the dancefloors to their maximum capacity with this combination of sass.
We assure you that DOWN OK will be in your hard drive and not just taking up space, it will be more than burnt!
Stay tuned and why not, down ok!
Estamos de vuelta para ofreceros lo que va a sonar en los proximos meses. “DOWN OK” será el EP imprescindible en vuestra biblioteca después de una larga línea de éxitos consolidados. sigue siendo nuestro visionario poniendo la batuta en el estilo.
El track “DOWN OK”, se desliza desde una base fluida que acompaña a sonidos minimalistas entrando a través de tus oidos y diluyéndose en el swing de un baile hipnótico. Tan mágnetico es el subidón que te rendirás a las exigencias de inmediato. Angel está en plena forma sabiendo cómo llevar a las pistas de baile a su máxima capacidad con esta combinación de descaro.
Aseguramos que DOWN OK estará en vuestro disco duro y no solo ocupando espacio, ¡será más que quemado!
Stay tuned and why not, down ok!

As in previous productions, KoBBoK has another successful producer who will also delight your ears. Wellcome to our fami...

As in previous productions, KoBBoK has another successful producer who will also delight your ears. Wellcome to our family !
Manu Fuentes is a young promise born in 1993 who started his musical career at the early age of 13. His style is based on Tech House sounds with powerful bases, some old school touches and brilliant percussion.
Our new friend Manu, brings his vision of “DOWN OK” into a sphere where the base brings up the BPMs adding a touch of power to this track.
Stay tuned and why not, down ok!
Como en producciones anteriores, KoBBoK cuenta con otro exitoso productor que también deleitará tus oídos. ¡Bienvenido a nuestra familia !
Manu Fuentes es una joven promesa nacida en 1993 que comienza su carrera musical a la temprana edad de 13 años. Su estilo se basa en sonidos Tech House con bases potentes, algunos toques old school y una percusión brillante.
Nuestro nuevo acompañante en este camino, trae su visión de “DOWN OK” a una esfera en la que la base hace subir los BPMs añadiendo un toque de potencia en este track.
Stay tuned and why not, down ok!

This fifteenth EP is an explosion of Latin beats fused with the unmistakable energy of electronic tech house music in ou...

This fifteenth EP is an explosion of Latin beats fused with the unmistakable energy of electronic tech house music in our faithful KoBBoK style.

With a spicy touch and a dose of Latin flavor, each track on this EP is designed to take you into a state of euphoria and move your body non-stop. From the seductive vibes of the trumpet beats to the irresistible melodic hooks, “QUE RICO” promises to be a listening experience you won’t be able to resist.

Stay tuned and rico!


En este décimo quinto EP es una explosión de ritmos latinos fusionados con la energía inconfundible de la música electrónica tech house a nuestro fiel estilo KoBBoK.

Con un toque picante y una dosis de sabor latino, cada pista de este EP está diseñada para llevarte a un estado de euforia y mover tu cuerpo sin parar. Desde las vibraciones seductoras de los ritmos de trompetas hasta los irresistibles ganchos melódicos, “QUE RICO” promete ser una experiencia auditiva que no podrás resistir.

Our new member , since he was a child he always liked electronic music, until one day he decided to create and play it i...

Our new member , since he was a child he always liked electronic music, until one day he decided to create and play it in order to share his creations.

Little by little he was opting for a very consecrated style nowadays, Tech House and Techno. Right now he is working with the promoter “We Project”, with them he is playing in big parties making his music reach a large public mass. At his age he has already played in clubs like Soul Tech (Mexico), Ibiza (Caracas, Venezuela), ROW14, Florida 135, ZUL, Rhythm Factory (London) among others. His productions have had the support of important and recognized artists around de world.


Nuestro nuevo miembro (Barcelona), desde pequeño siempre le gustó la música electrónica, hasta que un día decidió crearla y tocarla para compartir sus creaciones.

Poco a poco fue decantándose por un estilo muy consagrado hoy en día, Tech House y Techno. Ahora mismo trabaja con la promotora “We Project” realizando sets en grandes fiestas haciendo llegar su música a una gran masa de público. A su edad ya ha tocado en clubs como Soul Tech (México), Ibiza (Caracas, Venezuela), ROW14, Florida 135, ZUL, Rhythm Factory (Londres) entre otros. Sus producciones han contado con el apoyo de importantes y reconocidos artistas alrededor del mundo.

At KoBBoK when we talk about something tasty, we mean this firewood EP - number 15. The geniuses Angel Heredia and our n...

At KoBBoK when we talk about something tasty, we mean this firewood EP - number 15. The geniuses Angel Heredia and our new travelling companion Guille Placencia, have prepared something really tasty for you. But it is not surprising that happens when two production geniuses get down to work. “QUE RICO” is sure to thrill to the point of ecstasy those privileged to listen to it. How tasty will be the sauce in your ears! It will spice up the fun in your sets. The Latin vocals and all the ingredients that these tracks carry are measured and intertwined so that you will feel all the flavors to reach an electronic or**sm. Do you like it spicy? Or the sweet? Undoubtedly this is a “must” in your pantry. And you will see how it will feel...tasty! Stay tuned and rico! ——————————————————————-

En KoBBoK cuando hablamos de algo sabroso, nos referimos a este EP a la leña - el número 15. Los genios Angel Heredia y nuestro nuevo compañero de viaje Guille Placencia, os han preparado algo realmente sabroso. Pero no es de extrañar lo que ocurre cuando dos genios de la producción se ponen manos a la obra. “QUE RICO” seguro que emocionará hasta el éxtasis a los privilegiados que lo escuchen. ¡Qué sabrosa será la salsa en tus oídos que condimentará la diversión en tus sets. Las vocales latinas y todos los ingredientes que llevan estos temas están medidos y entrelazados para que sientas todos los sabores hasta alcanzar un or**smo electrónico. ¿Te gusta el picante? ¿O el dulce? Sin duda este es un “must” en tu despensa. Y ya verás como lo sentirás... ¡sabroso!

Stay tuned and rico!

Why do we believe in “FAKE NEWS”? Here is the answerThe power from KoBBoK’s style and minimalist elegance, converge with...

Why do we believe in “FAKE NEWS”? Here is the answer

The power from KoBBoK’s style and minimalist elegance, converge with our fourteenth EP FAKE NEWS by our guru . This production fuses the simplicity of minimalist sounds with the characteristic intensity of our catchy Tech House, ensuring a dose of euphoria and extra serotonin in your sets. Catchy beats intertwine with simple and precise sounds, making this EP a must-have to keep the energy on the dance-floor. Definitely FAKE NEWS is an essential EP in the most groovy sets on the scene that the crowd will undoubtedly appreciate.

Stay tuned with our “FAKE NEWS”.


¿Por qué creemos en las “FAKE NEWS”? He aquí la respuesta

La energía de nuestro estilo KoBBoK y la elegancia minimalista convergen con nuestro décimo cuarto EP FAKE NEWS por nuestro gurú . Esta producción fusiona la simplicidad de los sonidos minimalistas con la intensidad característica de nuestro Tech House pegadizo, asegurando una dosis de euforia y serotonina extra en los sets. Los beats infecciosos se entrelazan con sonidos simples y precisos, haciendo de este EP un imprescindible para mantener la energía en la pista. Sin lugar a dudas FAKE NEWS es un EP esencial en los sets mas cuidados en la escena que el público agradecerá.

Stay tuned with our “FAKE NEWS”.

Our new member  brings his unique vision that makes his remix a version endowed with a punchy bass keeping the minimalis...

Our new member brings his unique vision that makes his remix a version endowed with a punchy bass keeping the minimalist essence, while the Tech House grooves elements bring a punch of intensity. Farouki’s sound is defined by signature basslines, glitchy percussions, and grooves with surprising elements.

Rooted in Toronto’s underground scene and global music exploration, his influences range from 90s hip hop to present-day dance cultures. He’s gaining recognition in the tech-house scene, supported by top artists and labels worldwide. Signed to most important labels Farouki consistently releases music. He’s featured in guest mixes on platforms like Deeperfect Radio, Trippn mix series, and Comfort Zone Radio, with tracks played on United Ants Radio, Hannah Wants Kiss Nights, Stefano Noferini Club Edition, Ibiza Global Radio, and more.

Stay tuned with our “FAKE NEWS”.


Nuestro nuevo miembro , desde Toronto (Canadá), aporta su visión única que hace de su remix una versión dotada de un bajo punchy manteniendo la esencia minimalista, mientras que los elementos grooves Tech House aportan un punch de intensidad. Su sonido se define por sus líneas de bajo características, percusiones glitchy y grooves con elementos sorprendentes.

Arraigado en la escena underground de Toronto y en la exploración musical global, sus influencias abarcan desde el hip hop de los 90 hasta las culturas dance actuales. Está ganando reconocimiento en la escena tech-house, con el apoyo de los mejores artistas y sellos de todo el mundo. Farouki ha firmado con los sellos más importantes y no deja de publicar música. Ha aparecido en mezclas invitadas en plataformas como Deeperfect Radio, Trippn mix series y Comfort Zone Radio, con temas pinchados en United Ants Radio, Hannah Wants Kiss Nights, Stefano Noferini Club Edition e Ibiza Global Radio, entre otros.

Stay tuned with our “FAKE NEWS”.

We welcome 2024 with the release of our 13th EP: “WAS” YOUR SCREAM”. This project masterfully fuses the hypnotic smoothn...

We welcome 2024 with the release of our 13th EP: “WAS” YOUR SCREAM”. This project masterfully fuses the hypnotic smoothness of a pure tech-house beat with the deep emotionality of the vocals - our guru has done it again!

This EP not only represents a further step in the definition of KoBBoK as a record label; on “WAS YOUR SCREAM”, the perfect synergy between the warmth of the electronic sounds and the emotional intensity of the vocals is achieved. Each note is like a whisper that abstracts and immerses us in a captivating listening experience. This masterfully braided “scream” slips and takes hold between the pulsations of the bass, adding a playful touch that awakens mischief in every aural nook and cranny.

The family also grows with this unique collaboration with the talented , who has added his distinctive touch with a remix that redefines the experience. A reinterpretation that adds layers of complexity and dynamism, taking the track to new dimensions of sound exploration.

An EP that not only kicks off the year 2024, but continues the trend of a year 2023 full of joy and success that we hope you will enjoy.

Stay tuned and SCREAM in 20-24!

The family grows with this unique collaboration with the talented , who has added his distinctive touch with a remix tha...

The family grows with this unique collaboration with the talented , who has added his distinctive touch with a remix that redefines the experience. A reinterpretation that adds layers of complexity and dynamism, taking the track to new dimensions of sound exploration.

was born in 1995 in Huelva (Spain) and is an electronic music producer and DJ. He began to get into electronic music, learning to be a DJ and music production at the same time, in a self-taught way. Since its first release in 2017, Oravla Ziur has been able to find its own characteristic sound between the different branches of House, Minimal / Deep Tech and Tech House, resulting in tracks with powerful groovie bass lines and deep at the same time. This has allowed him to sign music with different national and international labels and putting his music in the outstanding categories and Top picks of and . During this time he has performed in clubs throughout Spain and in Portugal, sharing the bill with artists like Paco Osuna, Gordo, Chelina Manuhutu, Fatima Hajji, George Privatti, Guille Placencia, Bassel Darwish, Reelow, Harvy Valencia, Marco Faraone, Blackchild etc.

Stay tuned and SCREAM in 20-24!

We welcome 2024 with the release of our 13th EP: “WAS” YOUR SCREAM”. This project masterfully fuses the hypnotic smoothn...

We welcome 2024 with the release of our 13th EP: “WAS” YOUR SCREAM”. This project masterfully fuses the hypnotic smoothness of a pure tech-house beat with the deep emotionality of the vocals - our guru has done it again!

This EP not only represents a further step in the definition of KoBBoK as a record label; on “WAS YOUR SCREAM”, the perfect synergy between the warmth of the electronic sounds and the emotional intensity of the vocals is achieved. Each note is like a whisper that abstracts and immerses us in a captivating listening experience. This masterfully braided “scream” slips and takes hold between the pulsations of the bass, adding a playful touch that awakens mischief in every aural nook and cranny.

An EP that not only kicks off the year 2024, but continues the trend of a year 2023 full of joy and success that we hope you will enjoy.

Stay tuned and SCREAM in 20-24!


Damos la bienvenida al 2024 con el lanzamiento de nuestro EP número 13: “WAS” YOUR SCREAM”. Este proyecto fusiona con maestría la suavidad hipnótica de un ritmo puramente tech-house con la profunda emotividad de las vocales. ¡Nuestro gurú Angel Heredia lo ha vuelto a hacer!

Este EP no solo representa un paso más en la definición de KoBBoK como sello discográfico; en “WAS YOUR SCREAM”, se alcanza la sinergia perfecta entre la calidez de los sonidos electrónicos y la intensidad emocional de las vocales. Cada nota es como un susurro que abstrae y hace sumergirnos en una experiencia auditiva cautivadora. Este grito, entretejido con maestría, se desliza y conquista entre las pulsaciones del bajo, añadiendo un toque juguetón que despierta la travesura en cada rincón auditivo.

Un EP que no sólo da el pistoletazo de salida al año 2024, sino que continúa la tendencia de un año 2023 lleno de alegría y éxitos que esperamos que disfrutéis.

Stay tuned and SCREAM in 20-24!

Desde la vanguardia sonora presentamos nuestro último lanzamiento: “Turn It Up”. Este EP lleva la experiencia de nuestro...

Desde la vanguardia sonora presentamos nuestro último lanzamiento: “Turn It Up”. Este EP lleva la experiencia de nuestro estilo a nuevas alturas con su combinación única de elementos electrónicos y vocales profundas que resuenan en el alma.

Además, nuestra familia se va agrandando cada vez más y esta vez contamos con un fascinante remix de la mente maestra George Privatti. Su interpretación única agrega capas adicionales a la composición, creando un viaje sonoro cautivador.

“Turn It Up” es más que un EP; es una invitación a sumergirse en la oscuridad y el minimalismo. Desde los matices más sutiles hasta las explosiones de energía, este lanzamiento promete una experiencia auditiva inigualable. Prepárate para “encenderlo” con nosotros. ¿Estás listo para subir el volumen y dejar que la música te envuelva?

Stay tuned and turn it up with us!


This time we’re thrilled to feature a captivating remix from the mastermind George Privatti. He showcased his talent at ...

This time we’re thrilled to feature a captivating remix from the mastermind George Privatti. He showcased his talent at renowned venues and festivals like Florida 135, ElRow, and Magazzini Generali. Privatti shared stages with notable artists including Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, and Paco Osuna. In 2009, he delved into producing techno, gaining attention from labels and releasing tracks on prominent platforms. Engulfed in the tech-house scene, he earned recognition from top DJs and gained residency at ElRow in 2013. His tracks, characterized by fresh sounds and danceability, have left a mark on festivals like Monegros Desert Festival and clubs worldwide.

Stay tuned and turn it up with us!


From the forefront of sound, we present our latest release: “TURN IT UP.” 🎶 This EP takes the experience of our style to...

From the forefront of sound, we present our latest release: “TURN IT UP.” 🎶 This EP takes the experience of our style to new heights with its unique blend of electronic elements and soul-stirring deep vocals. 🚀

“TURN IT UP” is more than an EP; it’s an invitation to immerse yourself in darkness and minimalism. From subtle nuances to bursts of energy, this release promises an unparalleled auditory experience. Get ready to “turn it up” with us. 🔊 Are you prepared to crank up the volume and let the music envelop you? 🌌

Stay tuned and turn it up with us!


We present to you our latest EP titled "POWER OF UNDERGROUND." "POWER OF UNDERGROUND" is a true anthem to underground el...

We present to you our latest EP titled "POWER OF UNDERGROUND." "POWER OF UNDERGROUND" is a true anthem to underground electronic music. Furthermore, the chords used in this track evoke nostalgia for the bygone eras of underground music, reminding you of the authentic essence of the electronic scene of yesteryears. The EP also includes an exciting remix by Alessio Bianchi

We present to you our latest EP titled "POWER OF UNDERGROUND." "POWER OF UNDERGROUND" is a true anthem to underground el...

We present to you our latest EP titled "POWER OF UNDERGROUND." "POWER OF UNDERGROUND" is a true anthem to underground electronic music. Furthermore, the chords used in this track evoke nostalgia for the bygone eras of underground music, reminding you of the authentic essence of the electronic scene of yesteryears. The EP also includes an exciting remix by Alessio Bianchi.

And here we go, number 10!This EP is a musical gem that reflects the passion and perseverance of our project. It's a tes...

And here we go, number 10!

This EP is a musical gem that reflects the passion and perseverance of our project. It's a testament to our unwavering commitment to the music we love and share with you.

With "TUMBAO", you'll be immersed in a whirlwind of rhythm and passion. The vocal shines with sensuality over a hard-hitting rhythmic base, creating a penetrating groove that will have you wiggling instantly. Also, be prepared to get hooked on a catchy hook that will have you humming this song over and over again.

"BATUCADA": a world of vibrant percussion and breathtaking energy! The catchy rhythm fuses styles and features the well-known sample that returns to the dancefloors, adding a touch of nostalgia and freshness that will grab you. This track is a musical experience that will have you dancing non-stop and connecting with the magic of the past reinvented in the present."

Stay tuned and passionate!

With love... KoBBoK!


¡Y ya van 10!

Este décimo EP es una joya musical que refleja la pasión y perseverancia de nuestro proyecto. Es el testimonio de nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con la música que amamos y compartimos contigo.

Con "TUMBAO", te sumergiras en un torbellino de ritmo y pasión. La vocal brilla con se*******ad sobre una base rítmica contundente, creando un groove penetrante que te hará mover los pies al instante. Además, prepárate para engancharte a un “hook” muy pegadizo que te llevará a tararear esta canción una y otra vez.

"BATUCADA": ¡Track de percusiones vibrantes y una energía inigualable! El ritmo contagioso fusiona estilos y presenta el sample tan conocido que vuelve a las pistas, agregando un toque de nostalgia y frescura que te atrapará. Este track es una experiencia musical que te hará bailar sin parar y conectarte con la magia del pasado reinventada en el presente."

Stay tuned and passionate!

With love…KoBBoK!!

And here we go, number 10!This EP is a musical gem that reflects the passion and perseverance of our project. It's a tes...

And here we go, number 10!

This EP is a musical gem that reflects the passion and perseverance of our project. It's a testament to our unwavering commitment to the music we love and share with you.

With "TUMBAO", you'll be immersed in a whirlwind of rhythm and passion. The vocal shines with sensuality over a hard-hitting rhythmic base, creating a penetrating groove that will have you wiggling instantly. Also, be prepared to get hooked on a catchy hook that will have you humming this song over and over again.

"BATUCADA": a world of vibrant percussion and breathtaking energy! The catchy rhythm fuses styles and features the well-known sample that returns to the dancefloors, adding a touch of nostalgia and freshness that will grab you. This track is a musical experience that will have you dancing non-stop and connecting with the magic of the past reinvented in the present."

Stay tuned and passionate!

With love... KoBBoK!


¡Y ya van 10!

Este décimo EP es una joya musical que refleja la pasión y perseverancia de nuestro proyecto. Es el testimonio de nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con la música que amamos y compartimos contigo.

Con "TUMBAO", te sumergiras en un torbellino de ritmo y pasión. La vocal brilla con se*******ad sobre una base rítmica contundente, creando un groove penetrante que te hará mover los pies al instante. Además, prepárate para engancharte a un “hook” muy pegadizo que te llevará a tararear esta canción una y otra vez.

"BATUCADA": ¡Track de percusiones vibrantes y una energía inigualable! El ritmo contagioso fusiona estilos y presenta el sample tan conocido que vuelve a las pistas, agregando un toque de nostalgia y frescura que te atrapará. Este track es una experiencia musical que te hará bailar sin parar y conectarte con la magia del pasado reinventada en el presente."

Stay tuned and passionate!

With love…KoBBoK!!




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