Eva — Microecosistema [NW0068] firts reference of the year is avalaible from now on Polygon Network.
Includes reworks by Alf, Xplexed and Vortex Count.
> https://polygonnetwork.bandcamp.com/album/eva-microecosistema-polygon-network-nw0068
Eva [Valladolid, Spain] is part of Insurgents Collective, an electronic and cultural agitation collective . Apart of this, manages Dirtyy Tapess, a music and fanzine label that operates in a copyright-free and non-commercial way and co-direct the A/V label MOHO with calambr3D, Aurora Arelas, a 3D/Visual designer and artist.
Artwork by Aurora Arenales
Tracks programmed and mixed by Eva
Mastered by Dual Spectrum [Black Unit Studios]
5 track album