The condition of your heart (emotions, feelings) is so important because it determines what fruit is produced in your life. Cultivating a heart of flesh and not a stone matters to God. ❤️🙏
A hardened heart can take root and burden relationships with loved ones, restrict the hand of God to move in your life and limit overall emotional development.
I lived with a guraded heart for many years. It felt like like a prison. I was afaraid to let anyone get close; had difficulty trusting others, impatient, unable to receive any help or love, unable to fully connect with loved ones. It was stealing my joy. 😭😭 Now I thank God everyday for healing my heart so I can help others on the journey of inner healing ❤️🩹 .
I created a workbook for my clients that helps them unravel where there is a need for healing. I would love to share with anyone that is interested. Just drop a ❤️ in the comments or PM me and I will send it to you.