are at the heart of in Indian , yet very few of them offer an attractive and public space. Back to the Placemaking India Weekend 2019, here is what we learned from walk-shop at the DP Road, Pune.
Prasanna Desai, who transformed the street a few years back under the scheme, stressed on these elements of success:
1. The street was designed for all user groups: Wide and continuous footpaths, safe crossings, separate cycle tracks, designated on-street parking and organized street vending stands;
2. Demarcated green areas: have been incorporated in the design, the surrounding embankments of which create ample seating which falls directly under the shade of these trees.
3. : installations include painted junction boxes, art installations made of recycled materials, interactive games and installations on the and play area for children.
The DP Road sets a great precedent on how Indian streets could be. How can we upscale the practice? Share your ideas.
UNICITI joined The Smart Citizen, PlacemakingX, ISOCARP - International Society of City and Regional Planners, Prasanna Desai Architects PDA, and VIT's PVP College of Architecture, Pune to make Placemaking India Weekend 2019 happen.