🚩Exposición de Manuscritos Ilumiandos de la Edad Media y Renacimiento
🌟 Entrada Libre - Hasta el 19 de octubre 2024
🗺️ Planetario de Pamplona
Calle Sancho Ramírez, s/n
31008 Pamplona
🗓️ Horario
Martes y miércoles: de 10:00 a 14:00
Jueves, viernes y sábado: De 10:00 - 14:00 y 16:30 - 20:00
Lunes, domingos y festivos: cerrado
✳️ + Info👉: https://www.moleiro.com/es/eventos/pamplona-2024.html
📕Temática de la Exposición: El gabinete de las maravillas. Códices ilustres (s. VIII - XVI).
Los manuscritos iluminados más impresionantes e influyentes de la historia de la humanidad. Estas obras maestras, con un valor histórico y artístico incalculable, una ventana al pasado a través de sus deslumbrantes pinturas y detalles.
Esta exposición rinde tributo al manuscrito iluminado, una obra de lujo que también constituye un testimonio inigualable del ingenio y la creatividad humana. Estos códices, verdaderos tesoros, resguardan no solo un vasto conocimiento, sino también algunas de las expresiones artísticas más extraordinarias del arte medieval y renacentista. En este contexto, una biblioteca que posea tales obras puede considerarse un auténtico gabinete de maravillas.
La exposición organiza el legado científico, cultural y artístico de estos códices en cinco secciones: la percepción del tiempo, la devoción, el arte, el ocio y bienestar, el espíritu explorador y el hambre de conocimiento. Estas temáticas reflejan las aspiraciones, inquietudes y complejidades del ser humano, mostrando cómo estos manuscritos son una manifestación tangible de nuestro pensamiento colectivo y de nuestra forma de entender el mundo.
✳️ Toda la Informanción de la exposición👉: https://www.moleiro.com/es/eventos/pamplona-2024.html
🚩 Vídeo extraído de Navarra Televisión con motivo de la Exposición de Manuscritos Iluminados que estamos celebrando estos días hasta el 19 de octubre 2024 en el Planetario de Pamplona.
Já não poderá ver estes tesouros na exposição no Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, mas sim na Feira do Livro de Lisboa, no stand D38, até às 22 horas de hoje.
Esperamos por si!
27 de abril de 1521
Magalhães morre em combate contra os nativos da ilha de Mactan, nas Filipinas, liderados por Lapu-Lapu.
Por que Magalhães, talvez o navegador mais capacitado de toda a história, entra em uma batalha estúpida que não tem nenhum interesse para Carlos V, nem para ele mesmo?
Por que comete essa tolice?
Não será que Magalhães percebeu, ao chegar às Filipinas, que havia se indisposto com seu país, Portugal, por comandar uma expedição contra os interesses de Portugal, já que as Molucas, ilhas das especiarias, eram portuguesas, e tinha enganado, sem querer, o imperador Carlos V?
É essa a razão pela qual Magalhães vagou 42 dias pelas Filipinas, quando já tinha no horizonte as Molucas e o grande negócio das especiarias estava tão próximo?
Magalhães se deixou levar pelo desespero ao perceber que já não podia voltar a Portugal e não estar seguro da reação do imperador Carlos V, a quem já não podia continuar enganando, mesmo que sem querer?
Dizendo-lhe que as Molucas pertenciam à Coroa Espanhola pelo Tratado de Tordesilhas.
Picture Book of the Life of St John and the Apocalypse 📖
The Additional ms. 38121 of the British Library is an Apocalypse produced near Antwerp around 1400. It is a sumptuous codex of unique saturated pigments and generous use of gold leaf that captures Saint John's visions from his exile in Patmos.
To learn more about the origin of this Apocalypse, click on the video.
👉📽️ https://www.moleiro.com/en/biblical-books/picture-book-life-john-apocalypse.html
Find more stories about manuscripts on our YouTube channel.
✳️👉 https://www.youtube.com/user/moleiroeditor
#enluminure #manuscritos #illuminatedmanuscript #illuminatedmanuscripts #facsimil #Facsimiles #moleiroeditor British Museum British Library Publishing
February in The Hours of Jean de Montauban (c. 1430-1440)
February in The Hours of Jean de Montauban (c. 1430-1440) Bibliothèque des Champs Libres / Rennes Métropole 😊 Bibliothèque des Champs Libres
Just like in January: the image is of staying inside the house 🏠, in this case warming up 🔥 in front of the fireplace. In the lower register, Pisces 🐟, the symbol of February, is highlighted in the form of two fish 🐠🐠 swimming in opposite directions. It is a very common image found in other 15th-century manuscripts.
The images belong to the almost-original edition of the Book of Hours of Jean de Montauban (c. 1430-1440) that M. Moleiro Editor 📚 has reproduced in its 987 copies, unique and unrepeatable, certified and notarially authenticated ✍️, of this illuminated manuscript 💡.
#horoscope #astrology #bookofhours #illuminatedmanuscript #manuscripts #manuscript #illuminatedmanuscript #medievalbooks #moleiroeditor #facsimile #medievalart #medievalmanuscript #booksofhours #jeandemontauban #medievalilluminations
🎁 Atlas Vallard (1547) Book of Art - Unboxing (ES, FR, EN) 🎁
👉 Special Offer: https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books.htm
🗺️ The Vallard Atlas (1547) is one of the most important cartographic works of the 16th century, remarkable both for its lavish illustrations and for what it represents in the history of global exploration.
🗺️ This book contains 210 illustrations over 240 pages, and offers you fascinating analysis by leading international experts of the atlas and its historical context. Currently available in French and Spanish. Treat yourself to something extraordinary with the Vallard Atlas art book now!
👉 https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books/vallard-atlas-art-books
🎁 Atlas Vallard (1547) Book of Art - Unboxing (ES, FR, EN) 🎁
👉 Special Offer: https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books.htm
🗺️ The Vallard Atlas (1547) is one of the most important cartographic works of the 16th century, remarkable both for its lavish illustrations and for what it represents in the history of global exploration.
🗺️ This book contains 210 illustrations over 240 pages, and offers you fascinating analysis by leading international experts of the atlas and its historical context. Currently available in French and Spanish. Treat yourself to something extraordinary with the Vallard Atlas art book now!
👉 https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books/vallard-atlas-art-books
🎁 Atlas Vallard (1547) Book of Art - Unboxing (ES, FR, EN) 🎁
👉 Special Offer: https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books.htm
🗺️ The Vallard Atlas (1547) is one of the most important cartographic works of the 16th century, remarkable both for its lavish illustrations and for what it represents in the history of global exploration.
🗺️ This book contains 210 illustrations over 240 pages, and offers you fascinating analysis by leading international experts of the atlas and its historical context. Currently available in French and Spanish. Treat yourself to something extraordinary with the Vallard Atlas art book now!
👉 https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books/vallard-atlas-art-books
🎁 Atlas Vallard (1547) Book of Art - Unboxing (ES, FR, EN) 🎁
👉 Special Offer: https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books.htm
🗺️ The Vallard Atlas (1547) is one of the most important cartographic works of the 16th century, remarkable both for its lavish illustrations and for what it represents in the history of global exploration.
🗺️ This book contains 210 illustrations over 240 pages, and offers you fascinating analysis by leading international experts of the atlas and its historical context. Currently available in French and Spanish. Treat yourself to something extraordinary with the Vallard Atlas art book now!
👉 https://www.moleiro.com/en/art-books/vallard-atlas-art-books