Whats Goin on sharm

Whats Goin on sharm Entertaining


Are you ready !
Miss Intercontinental 2021 finale


Get ready for 10th Anniversary night 5 Aug with Dj

The Early bird tickets are SOLD OUT!
So let’s go to the First wave tickets 🎫

الرئيس السيسي يستقبل ولي العهد السعودي الأمير محمد بن سلمان في شرم الشيخ——•————-•—————-•—President El-Sisi hosts Saudi C...

الرئيس السيسي يستقبل ولي العهد السعودي الأمير محمد بن سلمان في شرم الشيخ

President El-Sisi hosts Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Sharm El-Sheikh

News 🗞

📸 by  ———•—————•————•—Old market  -•————•—————•—-Copyrights by  —-•—————•———-                                           ...

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Old market

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عاجلتوفي الفنان المصري سمير غانم عن عمر يناهز 84 عاما ، في مستشفى بالقاهرة ، متأثرا بإصابته بمرض کوفید -19 وكان الممثل ا...


توفي الفنان المصري سمير غانم عن عمر يناهز 84 عاما ، في مستشفى بالقاهرة ، متأثرا بإصابته بمرض کوفید -19 وكان الممثل الشهير ، وزوجته الممثلة دلال عبد العزيز ، قد تقلا إلى المستشفى قبل نحو 3 أسابيع بعد تدهور حالتهما الصحية جراء الإصابة بفيروس كورونا .


The Egyptian artist, Samir Ghanem, died at the age of 84, in a hospital in Cairo, of his infection with Covid-19 disease. The famous actor, and his wife, actress Dalal Abdel Aziz, had been transferred to the hospital about 3 weeks ago after their health deteriorated due to infection with the Coronavirus.

News 🗞

عاجل"يوتيوب" يقيد الوصول لقناة الجزيرة بدعو ان "المحتوى قد يكون غير مناسب——•————•————Urgently YouTube restricts access t...

"يوتيوب" يقيد الوصول لقناة الجزيرة بدعو ان "المحتوى قد يكون غير مناسب

YouTube restricts access to Al Jazeera, claiming that "the content may be inappropriate."

News 🗞

Egypt to Conduct Rapid 15 minutes COVID-19 Test For international visitors ———•—————•————•—News 🗞  -•————•—————•—-      ...

Egypt to Conduct Rapid
15 minutes COVID-19 Test
For international visitors

News 🗞

📸 by  ———•—————•————•—Model  There is no words to explain How that looks !!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️-•————•—————•—-Copyrights by  —-•——...

📸 by
There is no words to explain How that looks !!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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📸 by  ———•—————•————•—From the best underwater photography -•————•—————•—-Copyrights by  —-•—————•———-                  ...

📸 by
From the best underwater photography

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📸 by  ———•—————•————•—Queen 👑 of the sea .1.2.7 Model .prokhor -•————•—————•—-Copyrights by  —-•—————•———-              ...

📸 by
Queen 👑 of the sea .1.2.7
Model .prokhor

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📸 by .ali.photography———•—————•————•— كافيه فرشة الهاضبة-•————•—————•—-Copyrights by .ali.photography —-•—————•———-     ...

📸 by .ali.photography

كافيه فرشة الهاضبة
Copyrights by .ali.photography



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Excursions From first class
Sharm El-Sheikh


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📸 by  ———•—————•————•—Dahab 🏔 -•————•—————•—-Copyrights by  —-•—————•———-

📸 by
Dahab 🏔


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📸 by  ———•—————•————•—-مسجد الصحابة - شرم الشيخ.. السوق القديم ———-•————-•—————-•——Alsahabba mosque in Sharm  El- Sheikh...

📸 by
مسجد الصحابة - شرم الشيخ.. السوق القديم
Alsahabba mosque in Sharm El- Sheikh
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📸 by  ———•—————•————•—Dahab ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Happiness is a day at the beach!!-•————•—————•—-Copyrights by  —-•—————•———-      ...

📸 by
Dahab ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Happiness is a day at the beach!!


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📷 Copyrights by  ——-•————-•————•——-•———www.huubwaaldijk.com————•———-•———-In freediving it is actually just what we are a...

📷 Copyrights by
In freediving it is actually just what we are after; falling as deep as possible... And the challenge is to remain as relaxed as possible. You can do this only when you know you're backed by your buddies who look out for you! I have done this with great pleasure and relentless motivation for thousands of dives and to depths I could never have perceived. And I've always returned to the surface with a sense of achievement, growth or plain joy. This is what I will try to to do in real life as well to reach again the surface. I wish good luck and health to all of you out there. Take care of each other please, we don't share the same privileges in this world unfortunately.. Keep breathing, we will reach that surface again!

📸 by .ali.photography ———•—————•————•—مسجد الصحابة وسلسلة جبال سينا- شرم الشيخ.. السوق القديم من اعلى الهضبة Alsahabba m...

📸 by .ali.photography
مسجد الصحابة وسلسلة جبال سينا- شرم الشيخ.. السوق القديم من اعلى الهضبة
Alsahabba mosque in Sharm El- Sheikh
Copyrights by .ali.photography


Happy earth 🌍 day  Today (April 22) is Earth Day, an international event celebrated around the world to pledge support f...

Happy earth 🌍 day Today (April 22) is Earth Day, an international event celebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. The year 2021 marks the 51st anniversary of the annual celebrations. .


Offer by  Enjoy your Day use  for 250 EGP only with beach access, snacks & A drink ——-•———-•————-•————Double room start ...

Offer by

Enjoy your Day use for 250 EGP only with beach access, snacks & A drink
Double room start from 700 EGP half Board
For reservation call 📞 069370061


Head an Osirid (mummiform) statue of Queen Hatshepsut that stood in front of the pillars of the upper colonnade of her f...

Head an Osirid (mummiform) statue of Queen Hatshepsut that stood in front of the pillars of the upper colonnade of her funerary temple. The bottom of the Red Crown of Lower Egypt can be seen. She had a ceremonial beard in compliance with the iconography expected of a pharaoh, but nevertheless the wide eyes with extended cosmetic lines, the gently curving eyebrows and the full cheeks bear distinctive feminine features.

New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, Hatshepsut (c. 1498-1483 BC)

Luxor, Deir al-Bahari, Hatshepsut funerary temple

Limestone, painted

Возглавьте статую Осирида (мумие) царицы Хатшепсут, которая стояла перед колоннами верхней колоннады ее погребального храма. Можно увидеть низ Красной Короны Нижнего Египта. У нее была ритуальная борода, соответствующая иконографии фараона, но, тем не менее, широкие глаза с вытянутыми косметическими линиями, плавно изогнутые брови и полные щеки обладают отличительными женскими чертами.

Новое царство, 18-я династия, Хатшепсут (ок. 1498-1483 гг. До н.э.)

Луксор, Дейр аль-Бахари, погребальный храм Хатшепсут

Известняк окрашенный


رأس تمثال أوزوري (مومياء) للملكة حتشبسوت يقف أمام أعمدة الرواق العلوي لمعبدها الجنائزي. يمكن رؤية الجزء السفلي من التاج الأحمر للوجه البحري. كان لديها لحية احتفالية تتماشى مع الأيقونية المتوقعة من الفرعون ، ولكن مع ذلك فإن العيون الواسعة ذات الخطوط التجميلية الممتدة والحواجب المنحنية بلطف والخدود الممتلئة تحمل ملامح أنثوية مميزة.

المملكة الحديثة ، الأسرة الثامنة عشر ، حتشبسوت (1498-1483 قبل الميلاد)

الأقصر ، الدير البحري ، معبد حتشبسوت الجنائزي

حجر جيري مطلي



.when magic is both above and under the water



Egypt it all Begins .


Wife of Nakhtmin-•————————-•———One of the most elegantly sculptured women figures from ancient Egypt, wearing a transpar...

Wife of Nakhtmin
One of the most elegantly sculptured women figures from ancient Egypt, wearing a transparent garment of fine, pleated linen and a wig with a band of petals with a blooming lotus flower in the center. In her left hand she holds a menat necklace, which is associated with the goddess Hathor. On the back in Hieroglyphs the titles of her husband General Nakhtmin are engraved as it was originally a statue of the couple.

New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty (c.1550–1295 BC)

Provenance: Luxor, Sheikh ‘Abd al-Qurna


واحدة من أكثر الشخصيات النحتية أناقة من مصر القديمة ، ترتدي ثوبًا شفافًا من الكتان الناعم ذي الثنيات وشعر مستعار مع شريط من البتلات مع زهرة اللوتس المتفتحة في الوسط. في يدها اليسرى تمسك عقد منات مرتبط بالإلهة حتحور. وعلى ظهره بالهيروغليفية نقش ألقاب زوجها الجنرال نختمين حيث كان في الأصل تمثالاً للزوجين.

المملكة الحديثة ، الأسرة الثامنة عشر (1550-1295 قبل الميلاد)

ممكان صنع القطعة أو العثور عليها: الأقصر ، الشيخ عبد القرنة

متوسطة: الحجر الجيري.



From the best gyms at Sharm Elsheikh

Recommend by

If you’re not one of those people who wake up every day jazzed to hit the gym and eat lightly seasoned chicken and broccoli… don’t worry. You’re not alone. Following and sticking to a fitness and nutrition plan is tough, and there will be days when you can’t find any sense of fitness; Never give up { Let’s Do It }




Egypt 🇪🇬
The Giza Pyramids are attached to the name of Egypt itself. The huge sizes of the pyramids, especially the Giza ones, are and will always be an awe factor for millions of tourists who visit Egypt all year long. The amazement factor comes from the question that everyone who visits Egypt asks, how the three kings, Khafre, Khufu, and Menkaure, managed to build such huge structures?

📸 by   Night time mood !❤️❤️ ———•———••———•——

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Night time mood !


The Golden parade is a celebration for transferring the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings and queens from the Egyptian M...

The Golden parade is a celebration for transferring the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings and queens from the Egyptian Museum of Cairo in Tahrir square to the Egyptian Civilisation (NMEC) in old Cairo's Fustat . The new procession will see the royal mummies transported on the Nile and then accompanied by chariots and horses.


📸 by   is one of the best places in Sharm El Sheikh. It is actually a must-see. The best time to visit the place is befo...

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is one of the best places in Sharm El Sheikh. It is actually a must-see. The best time to visit the place is before the sunset



Get ready for an unforgettable night 2nd Friday April with Dj takes over

Info & Reservations : +2 012-282-20601
E. [email protected]

📸 by  ———•———••———•——I traveled more than Sinbad traveled, saw the greatest cities and seas, and met idiots who thought ...

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I traveled more than Sinbad traveled, saw the greatest cities and seas, and met idiots who thought that they were guiding the world, entered the richest palaces and the poorest huts, listened to the logic of philosophers and the ravings of lovers, and experienced success, failure, love, hate, rich and poverty, and lived a life full of experience, travel, reading and meditation, but I admit that I did not discover the meaning of happiness except through These moments that we used at sharm❤️



🎥 by .l1712
Under the sea, Sharm El-Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt


 ———•———••———•——Sharm elsheikh hotels Egypt  ———•———••———•——

Sharm elsheikh hotels Egypt


📸 by .vlasov ———•———••———•——Sharm elsheikh desert 🏜 Egypt  ———•———••———•——                                              ...

📸 by .vlasov
Sharm elsheikh desert 🏜 Egypt


📸 by  ———•———••———•—— ———•———••———•——

📸 by


📸 by  ———•———••———•——Dahab is an Egyptian town on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, approximately 80 ...

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Dahab is an Egyptian town on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, approximately 80 km northeast of Sharm el-Sheikh. Formerly a Bedouin fishing spot, Dahab is now considered to be one of Egypt's most treasured diving destinations.



It’s a day to be happy, of course! Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a...

It’s a day to be happy, of course! Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a way to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. In 2015, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which seek to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect our planet – three key aspects that lead to well-being and happiness.
The United Nations invites each person of any age, plus every classroom, business and government to join in celebration of the International Day of Happiness.

#египет #шармэльшейх #море #отдых #красноеморе

📸 by  The most famous mosque in Sharm El Sheikh with amazing architecture. It is very beautiful and you can make amazing...

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The most famous mosque in Sharm El Sheikh with amazing architecture. It is very beautiful and you can make amazing photos around the area. It is located in the old market.


Namma Bay
Sharm El-Sheikh





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