Opal web services

Opal web services Opal is a business development company, specialized in Digital Marketing, Web development, and Video Marketing, photography,
We build your business online

We receive the mission of growing your business
from A to Z in online network
- We build your website from scratch with all features..
-we We receive the mission of growing your business from A to Z ..
- We build your website from scratch with all features..
- We Promote your service through social media channels and SEO
- We help your service to attract your target audience by a professional mo

tion graphics video meets marketing strategies and take photography and mange your page
- We Promote your service through social media channels and SEO
- We help your service to attract your target audience by a professional motion graphics video meets marketing strategies.we can Handel everything for your company

ما هو الشعار(اللوجو)؟ ما الذي يفعله؟ ولماذا نحتاجه؟لا يخفـى على أحـد بـأن الشـعارات تحيـط بنـا مـن كل اتجـاه، وهـي موج...

ما هو الشعار(اللوجو)؟ ما الذي يفعله؟ ولماذا نحتاجه؟

لا يخفـى على أحـد بـأن الشـعارات تحيـط بنـا مـن كل اتجـاه، وهـي موجـودة في كل شـيء حولنـا تقريبـاً. لكـن، مـا الـذي يمكـن للشـعار فعلـه؟ ولمـاذا نحتاجـه؟ سـأقوم باقتبـاس كلمـات رائعـة سـتجيب على سـؤالنا بشـكل دقيـق مأخـوذة مـن كتـاب «التصميـم بيـن النمذجـة والفوضـى»، لأسـطورة التصميـم «بـول رانـد».

< Paul Rand />

الشـعار أحـد أدوات الفخـر والاعتـزاز، لذلـك يجـب أن يظهـر في أفضـل
1 الشعار هو «علم» وتوقيع، هو أيضاً رمز للنبل.
2 الشعار لا ُيباع «فوراً»، وإنما ُيعرف.
3 الشعار لا يكون وصفاً لعمل إلا في حالات نادرة.
4 الشـعار يسـتمد معنـاه مـن جـودة الشـيء الـذي يمثلـه أو يرمـز لـه،
وليس العكس.

الشعار اقل اهمية من المنتج الذي يرمز له ،وهـوأكثـرأهميـة
من «كيف يبدو».
الشعار أمٌر مهم، وقد يكون أي شيء تقريباً!
القاعـدة المبدئيـة في الشـعارات هـي أن يكـون «بسـيطاً»، ابتعـد عـن الشــعارات الصعبــة أو المعقــدة أو الغامضــة، لأن ذلــك يعــد تدميــراً للشـعار بشـكل ذاتـي. في البدايـة يجـب أن تعلـم أَّن الشـعار ُيعبـر عـن الشـركة أو المؤسسـة التـي يرمـز لهـا، وليـس مـا الـذي تقدمـه تلـك الجهـة، هـذه هـي وظيفتـه الأساسـية.

What's the logo? What's he doing? Why do we need a logo?

It is no secret that slogans surround us from every direction, and they are almost everything around us. But what can the logo do? Why do we need him? I will quote great words that will answer our question accurately from the book "Design between Modeling and Chaos", by design legend Paul Rand.

< Paul Rand />

The logo is one of the tools of pride and pride, so it must appear in the best
1 The logo is «science» and signature, is also a symbol of nobility.
2 The logo is not sold "immediately", but is known.
3 Logo is a description of the work only in rare cases.
4 The logo derives its meaning from the quality of the thing it represents or symbolizes,
Not the other way around.

The logo is less important than the product it symbolizes, and it's more important.
from "what it looks like."
The logo is important, and it may be almost anything!
The principle of slogans is to be "simple", stay away from difficult, complex, or vague slogans, because this is self-destructive. First of all, you should know that the logo expresses the company or institution it symbolizes, not what that entity offers, that's its primary function.

احنا حجر الاساس My Marketing content in 2015 become trending now

احنا حجر الاساس

My Marketing content in 2015 become trending now

لو عايز تبقي رقم (1) فى جوجل فى مجالك او نشاطك . وتتصدر نتائج البحث البوست دا يهمك ✔ حجم الشغل والعملاء عن طريق جوجل بيب...

لو عايز تبقي رقم (1) فى جوجل فى مجالك او نشاطك . وتتصدر نتائج البحث البوست دا يهمك ✔ حجم الشغل والعملاء عن طريق جوجل بيبقى كبير طبعا لانو محرك البحث الاول فى العالم ✔ نقدر نساعدك فى حملة اعلانية توصلك للصفحة الاولى سؤاء عندك موقع او لا هنقدر نساعدك ونحقق نتائج مضمونة 100% للتفاصيل .
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الـ ONPAGE SEO فى عصر الروبوتات الأون بيدج سيو : هى كافة العوامل التى بإمكانك التحكم بها داخل موقعك والتى من شأنها أن تح...

الـ ONPAGE SEO فى عصر الروبوتات
الأون بيدج سيو : هى كافة العوامل التى بإمكانك التحكم بها داخل موقعك والتى من شأنها أن تحسن من ترتيب نتائج موقعك فى محركات البحث المختلفة وتوفير تجربة أفضل للمستخدمين الذين يتصفحون موقعك أو ما يعرف بالـ User Experience .
جديد الـ ONPAGE SEO ، العوامل التى تؤثر فى ترتيب النتائج فى محركات البحث وهى عوامل جديدة لم تكن مؤثرة بالشكل الكبير فى السابق ولكن فى بداية عام 2017 بدأت فى التأثير بقوة على النتائج فى المحتوى الأجنبى وبعض المجالات داخل المحتوى العربى .

خدمة الاعلان على الفيسبوك وانستجرام نضمن تحقيق اعلى النتائج باقل التكاليف 📢 . اعلان ممول - تكبير صفحات - فلورز تويتر او ...

خدمة الاعلان على الفيسبوك وانستجرام نضمن تحقيق اعلى النتائج باقل التكاليف 📢 .
اعلان ممول - تكبير صفحات - فلورز تويتر او انستجرام - اعجبات فيسبوك لجميع المجالات. اسعار وباقات مختلفة تناسب كل الافراد والشركات .
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موقع شركتك عندنا وهدية تطبيق اندرويد مجانا للموقع .موقعك متجاوب على جميع الشاشات الذكية  (موقعك يعمل على كل شاشات الموبي...

موقع شركتك عندنا وهدية تطبيق اندرويد مجانا للموقع .
موقعك متجاوب على جميع الشاشات الذكية (موقعك يعمل على كل شاشات الموبيل والتابلت ) دعم فنى كامل طول السنة .
. نطاق دولى لاسم شركتك (com .)استضافة كاملة .
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لو عايز تبقي رقم (1) فى جوجل فى مجالك او نشاطك  . وتتصدر نتائج البحث  البوست دا يهمك ✔ حجم الشغل والعملاء عن طريق جوجل ب...

لو عايز تبقي رقم (1) فى جوجل فى مجالك او نشاطك . وتتصدر نتائج البحث البوست دا يهمك ✔ حجم الشغل والعملاء عن طريق جوجل بيبقى كبير طبعا لانو محرك البحث الاول فى العالم ✔ نقدر نساعدك فى حملة اعلانية توصلك للصفحة الاولى سؤاء عندك موقع او لا هنقدر نساعدك ونحقق نتائج مضمونة 100% للتفاصيل .
ارسل رسالة للتفاصيل 📨
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لو بتفكر  تعمل اعلان على الفيسبوك او  انستجرام وتويتر يوصلك بكل الناس المهتمة بنشاطك وتزود عملائك ومبيعاتك بشكل كبير  ✔ ...

لو بتفكر تعمل اعلان على الفيسبوك او انستجرام وتويتر يوصلك بكل الناس المهتمة بنشاطك وتزود عملائك ومبيعاتك بشكل كبير ✔ 📣 مهما كان نشاطك .هنساعدك تعمل حملة اعلانية تحقق اعلى النتائج باقل التكاليف 📢 .وكمان تقدر تزود وتكبر عدد المتابعين لصفحتك او بروفيلك ☑ ☑ .
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إعلان ممول على الفيس بوك 💰 فى منطقتك او محافظتك ندير لك اعلاناتك لتتفرغ لاعمالك ⌚والاستفادة بأقل تكلفه . مهما كان نشاط ش...

إعلان ممول على الفيس بوك 💰 فى منطقتك او محافظتك
ندير لك اعلاناتك لتتفرغ لاعمالك ⌚
والاستفادة بأقل تكلفه .
مهما كان نشاط شغلك .
هتقدر توصل لعملائك و الاشخاص الى بدور على خدمتك وتزود مبيعاتك بسهولة .
¤ نحقق لك أفضل النتائج بأفضل الأسعار 💰
نقدر نكبر اى صفحة مهما كان عددها او تخصصها .
ويوجد حملات مختلفة على انستجرام و جوجل ادورد وتويتر .
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اعلان علي جوجل ادواردز يجلب لك الزوار من محرك البحث اوزيادة مشاهدات فيديوهاتك اوتنزيلات اكثر لتطبيقكوهي افضل طريقة لجلب ...

اعلان علي جوجل ادواردز يجلب لك الزوار من محرك البحث اوزيادة مشاهدات فيديوهاتك اوتنزيلات اكثر لتطبيقك
وهي افضل طريقة لجلب زوار حقيقيين متفاعلين لهم نفس الاهتمامات المحددة المرتبطة بموقعك او مدونتك او تطبيقك او فيديوهاتك
◄ مزايا الاعلان علي جوجل ادواردز-Adwords
-يرفع من ترتيب موقعك بظهوره في الصفحة الأولي ويزيد من مشاهدات فيديوهاتك أو عدد تنزيلات تطبيقك والاستفادة من العملاء المنفذين .
-يزيد من انتشار موقعك وخدماتك لجلب عملاء جدد وتحقيق ارباح اكثر.
-يمكنك استهداف منطقة او محافظة او دولة او عدة دول .
ويمكنك تحديد تفاصيل اهتمامات الاشخاص المستهدفين.
يمكننا مساعدك بحملة مستهدفة باقل التاكليف واعلى النتائج فقط ارسل رساله وسيتم التواصل معك فى 24 ساعة .

What is an SEO Specialist?when I’m asked what I do for a living, I debate in my head how to answer the question. Should ...

What is an SEO Specialist?
when I’m asked what I do for a living, I debate in my head how to answer the question. Should I say: “I’m an SEO” and wait for the inevitably confused look?

Perhaps I should go with my wife’s answer, instead: “He organizes the internet to get high rankings on Google.” You have to admit, anyone who can organize the internet is probably pretty cool.

Should I keep my answers brief, or should I take a little time and educate them about the awesomeness of SEO?
Many professionals in this industry still find it challenging to explain to someone in a different field exactly what they do. Then again, when my wife, a nurse, comes home and tries to share stories and challenges from her day, I feel like she’s speaking a foreign language. So maybe it’s the same for any profession.

In the SEO industry, however, communication and clarity are important. Hopefully, I can clearly answer the question: “What is an SEO Specialist?”

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps people find products and information on search engines like Google and Bing. An SEO specialist, then, researches and analyzes the trends and best practices online to develop and implement strategies that improve search results.

The overall goal is to increase the level of traffic to a website by using keywords and keyword topics to improve the user experience and meet search engine guidelines.

Search engines, however, are always changing. And SEO specialists have to keep up. Let’s think about what exactly we mean by this.

Consider, for example, a search for the keyword: “SEO.”

Back in the day, the search results looked something like this:

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Things to Consider When Re-Doing Your Websitehave a small business that is doing fairly well. Everyone is busy. In the m...

Things to Consider When Re-Doing Your Website
have a small business that is doing fairly well. Everyone is busy. In the midst of the busyness, your website has fallen by the wayside as a priority. You cringe each time you look at your website and make a mental note about your intention to re-do it someday.

It has been some time now and that “someday” never came.

Until now.
While your business is booming, you realize that customers on your website are having a less-than-pleasant experience. That repulsive cringe of disgust you experience when looking at your site is the same experience shared by customers and would-be customers.

Who would want to do business with a company with such a lame, slow, outdated website? you ask.

[Do you know how well your site is performing? Get a free website report and find out.]

Ignoring the need to update your company’s website can have potentially devastating effects. Your website is the first experience many people have with your business. Your website is the reflection of your company. You want to make sure your website makes a solid first impression with Internet users who could turn into potential customers.

What to Consider When Re-Doing Your Website

Besides the obvious updates of colors, layout and overall appearance, you must also consider your new site’s functionality and the user experience. Proper search engine optimization should also be implemented on your new site.

Here are some specific elements to pay particular attention to when revamping your company’s website:

Website Design

Your revamped website has to have more creative design elements to stand out from the myriad of websites cluttering the Internet. To be noticed online, your website must be unique and yet be relevant and useful.

How do you get your website to stand out? Here are some 2017 website design trends worth implementing:

Utilizing more geometric shapes and lines
Use a creative style and font for your page headings (diverge from the traditional centered layout and serifs fonts)
Use multi-tone gradient imagery (aka supra-imposing one image over another, faded out background image)
More use of GIFs and animations (tastefully – don’t take us back to the 90s)
Mobile friendliness (make sure that your new website has a mobile responsive design, meaning that your website will be easy to see and navigate on both a large computer screen and a small screen of a cellphone)
More hand-drawn elements

User Experience

Your website can look flashy with bright colors, illustrations, video and animations, but if a viewer can’t easily find their way around your site and find what they are looking for, they will quickly leave and go to another that is easier to navigate.

Web users know what they are looking for and they don’t have the patience to spend unnecessary time looking for it. They also like clear directions and guidance. When navigating your site, users want to clearly be told what to do. This is why it is important to have one, clear call to action on a page.

Website visitors quickly get confused when they get to a site and instantly get bombarded with a plethora of buttons telling them to do something. Spare your website visitors unnecessary frustration and stress and don’t go button crazy.

Besides having a single call to action on each page, make it easy for your site visitors to find what they’re looking for by having a prominent search bar function at the top of each webpage as well as a link to the site map at the bottom.

When visitors aren’t overwhelmed by the multiple calls to actions and can quickly search and find what they’re looking for, the more time they will spend on your site and the more likely they will return in the future.


In recent years, content has become an increasing element of web design. Information is immediately at our fingertips online, and when users search for something, they want relevant, immediate answers.

With web users being in the driver’s seat, search engines have made user experience the top priority. For your website to be noticed, it is not enough to have a unique creatively designed website. You must prove to search engines, and more importantly, to Internet users that your business is a trusted and authoritative source of information.

You accomplish this through professional, engaging, useful content.

Understand your audience and their needs. What are they looking for and how will your company website answer their questions or solve their problems?

Quality content will make your company stand out as a leader in your respected industry which, in turn, will facilitate trust. Once users come to trust your brand through the content on your website, the more likely they will take the desired call to action and even spread your company’s brand across the web by recommending it to friends and family.

SEO: Putting it All Together

While all the previous web design elements will greatly improve your business’s online presence, your site won’t meet its true online potential without proper, regular search engine optimization (SEO). Web design, user experience and content all are aspects that contribute to full optimization. Modern SEO goes much further than including keywords in title tags and alt attributes, and these website design elements can have a major impact on your rankings.

Consult with a pro about developing your company’s SEO strategy.

In today’s digital age, a company can’t afford to not be online, let alone have an outdated, slow, poorly designed website.

A little self-promotion: if your company is planning a website re-design or has recently revamped your company’s website and needs help optimizing it, contact us today and make sure the redesign goes as smoothly as possible.

Find out how your website redesign impacts the rest of your online marketing efforts

A Mostly Brief Guide to Writing Better Web Contenthave been writing web content for the better part of… well, forever.An...

A Mostly Brief Guide to Writing Better Web Content
have been writing web content for the better part of… well, forever.

And in all that time, the trends and best practices for effective writing have certainly gone through a lot of changes.

I still recall the good old days of “a web page must be 250 – 300 words and have a keyword density of roughly 10 – 15%.”

It was simple. It was practically mechanical. And it didn’t even have to be particularly good or useful because it was just going to be tagged at the very bottom of a page where no one was actually going to see it.
Look at that. 200 – 400 words of keyword-inclusive content featuring a title with a keyword and a link with a keyword (on Walmart’s content). Classic SEO content in these modern times on some massive websites.

This format is fairly common around the web, and there’s a simple reason for it. Most websites were not created for the content. They were created to move product. So where are the words going to fit into that kind of design?

Well, generally speaking, they fit in down at the bottom.

Which is unfortunate, but don’t let that stop you from writing better content and finding better ways to get it in front of your customers’ eyes.
The Standard Reminders

Before we delve a little deeper into how to write better content, let’s just mention some things you’ve probably heard before, but need to be stated for the sake of completeness.

Write for a human being, not for a search engine.
Always be relevant to the page.
Overoptimization will cancel out all your hard work.

Your Goal for Web Content Writing

So now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s start by listing your goals for web content.

Increase the perceived value of the product or service.
Reduce the perceived friction between a customer arriving on the site and making a purchase.
Answer the customers’ questions.
Make the next action clear and simple.
Help the search engines understand the topic relevance of the page.

It should be noted, perhaps, that a few paragraphs hidden away at the bottom of the page are unlikely to accomplish any of those goals (with the possible exception of #5). Just something to point out if you have any input on the design of the page.

[How well is your content performing? Get a free website report and find out.]
Get The Voice Right

A lot of us creative writer types will talk about “the voice” like it is some mystical entity that will whisper sweet words of encouragement to even the most jaded of consumers.

While that’s just a bit of a romanticized way to look at it, your brand does need to have a recognizable voice.

Your brand voice is how you write and speak about your company. It’s the language you use to send a message about your company and build stronger connections with your customers.

How do you do this?

By writing content that balances emotional and functional appeal. In other words, if you’re only speaking to the emotional side of your customers, then you’re only delivering empty content.

On the other hand, if you’re just talking about features alone, you might as well email them a spreadsheet.

This can be a pretty difficult balance to strike, but it’s possible if you keep your content focused on the customer, rather than the company.

You can appeal to their emotional side by showing that you understand their needs, and proving that you want their trust. Then, you can show off the features of the products or services and help them understand how it will solve their current problems.

The most important thing about the brand voice, though, is that it should speak to the customer. It should focus on what they get, not what you have

Social Media Brand and Conversation MonitoringAs part of our social media management services, we will constantly monito...

Social Media Brand and Conversation Monitoring

As part of our social media management services, we will constantly monitor your social streams for mentions, reviews, questions, and complaints. This is an important part of the process because it is tied directly to your online reputation.

This information can help improve interactions with your community by providing insights and suggestions for publishing and responding to your audience.
Creating Your Social Media and Publishing Strategy

SEO.com is a social media management company that can work closely with you to improve your campaign’s ROI and cost per lead. Our experts use performance-based strategies to create the strategy that will work for your business.

We will start by looking at the competition in the industry and how they’re using their social channels. Then we can provide a range of social media management packages that include everything from simply helping you generate ideas to producing and publishing the relevant and timely content you need. We also have designers in house that can help create some great graphic designs that attract immediate attention.

Why Do You Need Social Media for Your Business?    Facebook remains the most-used social media brand among all ages    6...

Why Do You Need Social Media for Your Business?

Facebook remains the most-used social media brand among all ages
68% of Instagram users and 32% of Facebook users engage with brands regularly
49% of monthly Twitter users will follow brands or companies
42% of monthly Twitter users will learn about products and services through Tweets
60% of Instagram users say they discover products on the platform and 75% say they have taken action after seeing a post
LinkedIn drives more than half of all the social traffic to B2B blogs

There is a huge opportunity to reach your customers through these platforms, but many companies feel overwhelmed by so many different options. At SEO.com, we can manage all your accounts so you don’t have to.


Old Cairo


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