On Friday at the ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival, we will hear the story of Maggie Whittum.
Maggie Whittum grew up in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA. After graduating from Colorado College with a Bachelor of Arts in Drama, she travelled and worked abroad for many years as a teacher, director, producer and actor. While pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree, she suffered a massive brainstem stroke at age 33. This stroke was caused by a cavernous angioma, and left her with significant permanent physical disabilities, multiple visual impairments, intense chronic pain, and a paralyzed face.
Now she is re-emerging into life as an artist. She performs with Phamaly Theatre Company in Denver, Colorado, which exclusively casts actors with disabilities. She has directed and performed in Scotland, Colorado, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing and throughout Canada. Maggie speaks at conferences, universities, hospitals, and medical schools about her story of stroke, disability and identity.
Maggie is creating 'The Great Now What', a documentary film about her experience with stroke, disability, loss and resilience. It is planned to be released in 2022.
🕝 Maggie Whittum’s story’s livestream on Friday, August 27 at 14:40 (UTC+3). Read more about Maggie Whittum ➡️ https://finland.accac.global/en/portfolio/maggie-whittum-3/
❗ ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival, 25—28 August, 2021, ONLINE!
👉 Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/TIMoS8oE
🔗 Festival’s Stream Link: www.accac.fi
Maggie Whittum The Great Now What
In English below!
Perjantaina ACCAC Kulttuuri 2.0 Festivaaleilla saamme kuulla yhdysvaltalaisen Maggie Whittumin tarinan.
Maggie Whittum kasvoi Coloradossa Yhdysvalloissa. Suoritettuaan Colorado Collegessa kandidaatin tutkinnon (Draama) hän matkusti ulkomailla ja työskenteli samalla opettajana, ohjaajana, tuottajana ja näyttelijänä. Opiskellessaan teatteritaiteen maisteriksi Whittum sai aivorunkohalvauksen ollessaan 33-vuotias. Halvaus aiheutti Whittumille merkittäviä pysyviä vammoja, näkörajoitteita, vakavaa kroonista kipua ja halvaantuneet kasvot.
Nyt Whittum on uudestisyntynyt taiteilijana. Hän esiintyy vain vammaisia näyttelijöitä roolittavan Phamaly Theatre Companyn kanssa Denverissä, Coloradossa. Hän on ohjannut ja esiintynyt Skotlannissa, Coloradossa, Etelä-Koreassa, Taiwanissa, Hong Kongissa, Pekingissä ja Kandassa. Maggie toimii puhujana konferensseissa, yliopistoissa, sairaaloissa ja lääketieteellisissä yliopistoissa kertoen halvauksestaan, vammaisuudesta ja identiteetistään.
Tällä hetkellä Maggie työstää The Great Now What -dokumenttia, joka kertoo hänen kokemuksensa halvauksesta, vammautumisesta, menetyksestä ja sitkeydestä. Sen arvioitu julkaisuajankohta on vuonna 2022.
🕝 Maggie Whittumin tarina nähdään festivaaleilla perjantaina 27.8. klo 14:40! Tutustu lisää tarinaan ➡️ https://finland.accac.global/portfolio/maggie-whittum-2/
❗ACCAC Kulttuuri 2.0 Festivaali 25—28.8.2021 ONLINE!
👉 Facebook-tapahtuma: https://fb.me/e/TIMoS8oE
🔗 Festivaalin striimauslinkki: www.accac.fi
On Friday at the ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival, we will hear the story of Maggie Whittum.
Maggie Whittum grew up in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA. After graduating from Colorado College with a Bachelor of Arts in Drama, she travelled and worked abroad for many years as a teacher, director, producer and actor. While pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree, she suffered a massive brainstem stroke at age 33. This stroke was caused by a cavernous angioma, and left her with significant permanent physical disabilities, multiple visual impairments, intense chronic pain, and a paralyzed face.
Now she is re-emerging into life as an artist. She performs with Phamaly Theatre Company in Denver, Colorado, which exclusively casts actors with disabilities. She has directed and performed in Scotland, Colorado, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing and throughout Canada. Maggie speaks at conferences, universities, hospitals, and medical schools about her story of stroke, disability and identity.
Maggie is creating 'The Great Now What', a documentary film about her experience with stroke, disability, loss and resilience. It is planned to be released in 2022.
🕝 Maggie Whittum’s story’s livestream on Friday, August 27 at 14:40 (UTC+3). Read more about Maggie Whittum ➡️ https://finland.accac.global/en/portfolio/maggie-whittum-3/
❗ ACCAC Culture 2.0 Festival, 25—28 August, 2021, ONLINE!
👉 Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/TIMoS8oE
🔗 Festival’s Stream Link: www.accac.fi