Estonian spring flowers...
#honestnektar #estonia🇪🇪 #estonianhoney
🟡 Now available exclusively in our e-shop - honey with propolis in a convenient package!
Propolis is a resin-like substance produced by honey bees. Bees seal the beehive with propolis to protect the colony from the elements, such as rain and cold winter drafts. Propolis has been used in traditional medicine and it might offer several health benefits such as helping the body to fight off infections and illnesses more effectively. So why not add it to your daily menu?
If you have a taste for bolder flavor, this might just be the thing for you!
The link to the product is in the comments.
🟡 Nüüd saadaval ainult meie e-poes - taruvaiguga mesi mugavas portsjonpakendis!
Taruvaiguga mesi on eriline tänu lisatud koostisosale – taruvaigule, mis on rahvameditsiinis tuntud antibakteriaalsete, seene- ja viirusevastaste omaduste poolest. Taruvaik on mesilaste poolt toodetud aine, mida nad kasutavad tarude kaitsmiseks ja tugevdamiseks. Kui taruvaik segatakse meega, ühendab see endas mee naturaalsed toitained ja taruvaigu omadused. See kombinatsioon võib pakkuda toetust immuunsüsteemile.
Taruvaiguga mesi on sageli tumedam, tugevama maitse ja kõrgema antioksüdantide sisaldusega kui tavaline mesi, muutes selle unikaalseks ja tervist turgutavaks valikuks.
Toote link on kommentaarides.
🟡 Meet Janek, one of our seven beekeepers. Janek shares the story of how his first bee colony came into his life and discusses the various joys and experiences that beekeeping brings to him.
🟡 Saage tuttavaks Janekuga, kes on üks meie seitsmest mesinikust, kellelt HONEST NEKTAR mesi pärit on. Janek meenutab, kuidas esimene mesilaspere tema juurde sattus ja räägib, mida mesilastega tegelemine talle pakub.
#honestnektar #estonia #estonianhoney #pure #traceable #genuine #beekeeper #beekeeping
We had a wonderful day yesterday as we finished packing a special shipment...
Meil oli eile imeline päev, kuna lõpetasime ühe erilise saadetise pakkimise...
🟡 The beekeepers at HONEST NEKTAR, deeply attuned to their craft, recognize the profound might of nature through their intimate work with bees. Each jar of our honey is a testament to this awe-inspiring force, encapsulating a sliver of nature's boundless power.
Meet Siim, one of our beekeepers:
🟡 HONEST NEKTARi mesinikud teavad tänu oma pühendunud tööle mesilastega, et loodus on kõikvõimas. Killukese seda kõikvõimsust leiab igast meie meepurgist.
Saa tuttavaks Siimuga, ühega meie seitsmest mesinik-koostööpartnerist:
Honey from pure Nordic nature is delicious!
#pure #honey #traceable #honestnektar #mesi
Our bees are looking for the last drops of nectar as the summer has reached it's peak. Almost all of the nectar plants have blossomed and now is the time to collect the honey.
#honetnektar #nectar #bees #honeybee #nature #honig #honey
Listen how beekeeper Janek started his journey!
"I went swimming with the boys back in the year 1993. We saw a swarm of bees up on a tree. At first we didn’t touch it but when went swimming again later in the evening the swarm was still there. We decided to take it down. It was a pretty crazy thing to do, we got stung multiple times...."
Watch til the end to hear the full story.
#honestnektar #beekeeper #bees #honig #wild #nature #interview
Embracing the Fiery Magic of Midsummer's Day!
As the sun sets ablaze and paints the sky in vibrant hues, we gather around the flickering flames to celebrate Midsummer's Day, the brightest night of the year.
✨ Be mindful while making fires as the nature around is super dry and extremely flammable.
#MidsummersDay #BrightestNights #nature #fire #jaanipäev
Start your day with a sweet sip of bliss!
Embrace the morning tranquility with soothing morning coffee and our honey combo. Let the aroma awaken your senses and the sweetness of honey fill you with joy!
#honestnektar #honey #honig #coffee #morning