Volume 52(1/2) of the journal Sign Systems Studies is now available in both open access and print version.
It includes 3 thematic sections with 10 papers.
Section: Models, cognition and visualization
* A formal model of primitive aspects of cognition and learning in cell biology as a generalizable case study of the threefold logic of Peircean semiotics in natural systems / Timothy Rogers
* Semiosis and embodied cognition: The relevance of Peircean semiotics to cognitive neuroscience / Edna Andrews, Hayes Bierman, Brogan Hannon, Huijuan Ling
* The passions as seen through the lens of Greimassian semiotics and cognitive science / Amir Biglari, Marcel Danesi
* Triangle or tripod? Neither: A diagrammatic investigation into a sign’s visual representation / Thierry Mortier
Section: Lotman, past and future
* The problem of (re)generation of the past in Juri Lotman’s semiotics / Soo Hwan Kim
* Utopian semiospheres: Isolation and dialogue across borders / Artur Blaim, Ludmiła Gruszewska-Blaim
Section: Biosemiotics and sociosemiotics, linked
* Exploring domestic cat welfare: Gaps, challenges, and the role of zoosemiotics in feline well-being / Jana Tajchmanová, Nelly Mäekivi
* Simulated animal and simulated umwelt: Towards a method of analysing and critiquing nonhuman animals in consumer settings / Andrew Mark Creighton
* The silent war on signs: Unpacking the concept of semiocide and its implications for the Baha’i community in Iran / Erfan Fatehi
* Guiding interpretation towards deproblematization: A video interview with a Climate Change denier analysed as conspiracy theory / Heidi Campana Piva
The Reviews and Notes section includes the following:
* Language is not a thing: it is a practice! A conversation with Patrick Sériot / E. Israel Chávez Barreto