LIVE @ Arvamusfestival 2021 / Neighbour Relations panel: “Estonia and Finland in common digital language space”
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival - Neighbour Relations tent:
18.00 “Estonia and Finland in common digital language space”
Development of technology soon allows us to understand each other regardless one’s language skills. What would it change in Estonia-Finland relations? What should we do together so that it would be possible asap? Shall we dream of a bilingual distribution of TV channels of YLE and ERR in both countries?
Tanel Alumäe – language technologist at TalTech
Rain Kooli – journalist at ERR and YLE
Pekka Myllylä - Managing Director at Tilde
Moderator: Jaak Aaviksoo, co-author of the third report on future Estonian-Finnish cooperation
Panel host: Estonian Foreign Policy Institute in cooperation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival 2021 / Neighbour Relations panel: “Cross-border workers in the Nordic-Baltic region – possibilities and challenges”
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival - Neighbour Relations tent:
16.00 “Cross-border workers in the Nordic-Baltic region – possibilities and challenges”
Cross-border working and immigrants in work – how does the developing labour market look like in the Nordic-Baltic region? How will the cross-border working develop after Covid and what challenges are we seeing on both ends? Will there be a labour shortage and where does the new talent come from? What will be the potential problems and how to overcome them? How much should the neighbouring country support the mobility of foreign workforce, and how much should the country's own workers be protected?
Marina Kaljurand – Member of the European Parliament
Sten Andreas Ehrlich – Deputy Secretary General on Labour and Employment Policy
Reijo Paananen - Secretary-General of Nordic-IN
Tuuliki Poom - Country HR Manager in Baltic countries, ABB
Moderator: Esa Suominen – Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Finland, Partner & Chair of the Board
Panel host: Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Estonia
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival 2021 / Neighbour Relations panel: ”Kas "heanaaberlik" konkurents suretab meie ühendused Läti ja Soomega?”
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival - Neighbour Relations tent:
14.00 “Kas "heanaaberlik" konkurents suretab meie ühendused Läti ja Soomega?”
Möödunud poolteist aastat näitas nii meil kui kõikjal mujal Euroopas ja maailmas, kuivõrd habras võib kriisis olla naabritevaheline suhtlus ning kuivõrd olulised sealjuures riikidevahelised ühendused, suhtlus ja avatus. Arutleme, kuidas tagada kestlikud ühendused heanaaberlikus konkurentsis, kus samaaegselt on võimalik nii võita kui kaotada. Otsime vastust küsimusele, kas on piisav kui Eesti ja Läti ehitavad Rail Balticat või peaks selle põhjapoolseim punkt olema hoopis Helsingi? Kas ja kellele on vajalikud Soome lahe tunnel või laevaühendus või mõlemad? Kes on ühenduste loomises võitjad, kes kaotajad ning milline on ühenduste mõju riigi arengule ning naabersuhetele AD2021.
Paneelis osalejad:
Veiko Spolitis - Läti poliitik ja politoloog, endine ajakirjanik, Helsingi ülikool
Tõnu Grünberg – Rail Baltic Estonia juht
Timo Kantola – Soome suursaadik Eestis
Eva Killar - Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi Transpordi arengu ja investeeringute osakonna peaspetsialist
Rain Kooli - ERR korrespondent Soomes
Katrin Höövelson – Euroopa Komisjoni Taastamise ja vastupanuvõime rakkerühm (RECOVER)
Moderaator: Tea Danilov - Arenguseire keskuse juhataja
Paneeli korraldab: Rail Baltic Estonia
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival 2021 / Neighbour Relations panel: ”Cross-border workers in the Nordic-Baltic region - possibilities and challenges”
LIVE @ Arvamusfestival - Neighbour Relations tent:
12:00 ”Cross-border workers in the Nordic-Baltic region - possibilities and challenges”
Working life is facing significant changes. Covid pandemic affected most the culture of working in white-collar jobs, but not all labourers had a chance for remote working. Some professions became even a health hazard. Among the most suffering groups were young workers who had to find new solutions. What lessons were learned from the pandemic concerning working life and how to promote equality among different professions while taking care of the youth? The focus of the discussion is on systemic changes in contemporary working life. Reflections will be made on the first large scale remote working during the corona pandemic. Should similar flexibility continue or not? How do we have to adapt? What is everyone´s role in this transition?
Erik Mikkus – Public policy, The Estonian National Youth Council
Johanna Vallistu – Foresight Centre, expert
Samuel Laurinkari – Wolt Finland, Head of Global Public Policy
Kristjan Vanaselja – GoWorkaBit, CEO
Moderator: Christman Roos – Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Estonia, consultant
Panel host: Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Estonia
1-minuti mõte - Lauri Peltola CSR-ist
Our colleague Lauri Peltola was visiting from Finland and spoke about CSR at the AmCham Estonia morning seminar.
Here is Lauri’s 1-minute thought
Lauri Peltola, meie kolleeg Soomest, käis eilsel AmChami hommikuseminaril rääkimas ettevõtete sotsiaalse vastutuse olulisusest ja võimalustest äris.
Siin on tema 1-minutiline mõte sel teemal.