Building strong teams is a manager's superpower, and the HR team is here to help you!
This Leadership Lab, led by Viseven's HR Business Partner Olha Tymchenko, explores Carl Jung's typology as a valuable tool for understanding your team's unique personalities.
🖇 Carl Jung's typology is a unique and groundbreaking concept that forms the basis for all modern personality assessment systems, including socionics, MBTI, DISC, Enneagram, and many others.
Typology focuses on the study of consciousness, exploring how individuals perceive and process information from both external and internal sources.
4️⃣ The Four Cognitive Functions
💭 Thinking: focuses on logical analysis, objective evaluation, and the pursuit of truth.
💡 Intuition: emphasizes patterns, possibilities, and abstract concepts, allowing individuals to grasp underlying connections and insights.
✅ Feeling: prioritizes emotions, values, and personal relationships, enabling individuals to understand and respond to the emotional needs of themselves and others.
✋🏻 Sensing: focuses on concrete details, sensory experiences, and practical information, allowing individuals to perceive and appreciate the tangible world around them.
In addition to the four cognitive functions, Jung also identified two primary attitudes that influence how individuals direct their psychic energy:
👈🏻 Extraversion tends to focus their energy outward, on external stimuli and interactions with others. They are often characterized by sociability, enthusiasm, and a desire for engagement.
👉🏻 Introversion tends to focus their energy inward, on their inner thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They are often characterized by reflection, depth, and a desire for solitudeю
We all possess a dominant function, a natural way we process information and make decisions.
This "superpower" shapes our strengths, talents, and inclinations. By understanding this dominant function, we gain valuable insights into who we are at our best.
Leveraging this knowledge empowers us to tap into our full potential and achieve greater success and fulfillment in everything we do. Explore how to achieve it in the carousel ➡️