This is what we are called to do, to live a life with an eternal purpose. Today we can share stories that impact other lives and that in the search for their purpose and to fill spiritual voids, they traveled paths beyond the imagination, content that will impact nations and you will be able to see it translated into different languages. Live with us this documentary TV series co-produced by Taevas tv7 and XpanZionProduction. 🫶🙏🏾
📣 UUDIS: 8.02 alustab uus tunnistustesaade "180 kraadi" 🧭 L kell 21.15
Kuidas see saade sündis? "TV7 lühiminutid" uuris autoritelt Fabianilt, Maxilt ja Lauralt. Vaata "TV7 lühiminutid" intervjuud siit: https://youtu.be/OBPsKIcIgkE?si=splBD4gm_Ac1621r