BestPractice Nordic Norge

BestPractice Nordic Norge BestPractice Nordic – Faglig dialog mellom leger

I denne oversiktsartikkelen gjennomgår spesialist i gynekologi og obstetrikk Christine Felding de vanligste symptomene s...

I denne oversiktsartikkelen gjennomgår spesialist i gynekologi og obstetrikk Christine Felding de vanligste symptomene samt epidemiologi og behandlingsmuligheter for kvinner i overgangsalderen.

🌟BestPractice Nordic inviterer til Nordisk Aften EAN 2024 i Helsinki!🌟 Bli med på et spennende arrangement i Helsinki hv...

🌟BestPractice Nordic inviterer til Nordisk Aften EAN 2024 i Helsinki!🌟

Bli med på et spennende arrangement i Helsinki hvor vi samler nordiske spesialister som deltar på EAN til en faglig og sosial begivenhet med diskusjoner, synspunkter og nettverksbygging.

Programmet byr på vitenskapelige oppsummeringer av nyheter og høydepunkter fra seks nevrologiske sykdommer, etterfulgt av engasjerende diskusjoner og en hyggelig middag.

🔗 Meld deg på til Nordisk Aften EAN 2024 her:

📅 man., 1. jul. 2024, 19.00 – 22.00
📍 Original Sokos Hotel Tripla Helsinki, Fredikanterassi 1 B, Helsingfors, Southern Finland, FI, 00520
👥 Del gjerne invitasjonen med dine kolleger

Norsk nevrologisk forening

Håkon Sætre præsenterer: Denne artikkelen handler om behandlingen av urinveisinfeksjoner hos menn i Norge. Studien under...

Håkon Sætre præsenterer: Denne artikkelen handler om behandlingen av urinveisinfeksjoner hos menn i Norge. Studien undersøker antibiotikaforskrivning og behandlingsutfall hos menn med urinveisinfeksjon i Norge mellom 2012 og 2019.

Denne artikkelen handler om behandlingen av urinveisinfeksjoner hos menn i Norge. Studien undersøker antibiotikaforskrivning og behandlingsutfall hos menn med urinveisinfeksjon i Norge mellom 2012 og 2019.

Helena Backman, Associate Professor at Umeå & Anne Lindberg sweden, senior consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Sunderb...

Helena Backman, Associate Professor at Umeå & Anne Lindberg sweden, senior consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Sunderby Hospital, Luleå, Sweden present:

This study aimed to identify and characterize different trajectories of lung function in adults with airway obstruction and age—and sex-matched non-obstructive referents and explore their association with clinical characteristics and mortality.

This study aimed to identify and characterize different trajectories of lung function in adults with airway obstruction and age—and sex-matched non-obstructive referents and explore their association with clinical characteristics and mortality.

New research indicates that modern therapy alone will not reduce breast cancer mortality - regular screening mammography...

New research indicates that modern therapy alone will not reduce breast cancer mortality - regular screening mammography is necessary to optimize the reduction in risk.

New research indicates that modern therapy alone will not reduce breast cancer mortality – regular screening mammography is necessary to optimize the reduction in risk.

An update of the international PCOS guidelines has just been released. Listen to Johanna Melin, an expert in gynecology ...

An update of the international PCOS guidelines has just been released. Listen to Johanna Melin, an expert in gynecology and obstetrics from the University of Helsinki, present the study behind the updated guidelines and get her recommendations on when to use metformin or oral contraceptive pills to treat PCOS.

Listen to Johanna Melin, an expert in gynecology and obstetrics from the University of Helsinki, present the study behind the updated guidelines and get her recommendations on when to use metformin or oral contraceptive pills to treat PCOS.

I denne MEDtalk diskuterer Rikke Borg, nefrolog og overlæge på Sjællands Universitetshospital, organbeskyttelse ved type...

I denne MEDtalk diskuterer Rikke Borg, nefrolog og overlæge på Sjællands Universitetshospital, organbeskyttelse ved type 2-diabetesbehandling med fokus på nyresundhed. Hun fremhæver SGLT2-hæmmere og GLP-1-agonister som vigtige i behandlingsretningslinjerne og præsenterer data om deres gavnlige virkning på hjerte og nyrer.

I denne MEDtalk diskuterer Rikke Borg, nefrolog og overlæge på Sjællands Universitetshospital, organbeskyttelse ved type 2-diabetesbehandling med fokus på nyresundhed.

Dr. Mehwish Nisar presents: International migrants experience a greater prevalence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes...

Dr. Mehwish Nisar presents: International migrants experience a greater prevalence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases when compared to the native population of developed countries. Learn more about the Australian research that supports this finding.

International migrants experience a greater prevalence of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases when compared to the native population of developed countries. Learn more about the Australian research that supports this finding.

I denne artikel af Judith Becker Nissen stilles der skarpt på obsessiv kompulsiv tilstand (OCD) med fokus på, hvordan li...

I denne artikel af Judith Becker Nissen stilles der skarpt på obsessiv kompulsiv tilstand (OCD) med fokus på, hvordan lidelsen manifesterer sig hos unge mennesker, hvilke lidelser den kan forveksles med eller optræde samtidig med, samt hvordan man kan håndtere OCD både ved første møde og senere i forløbet.

I denne artikel stilles der skarpt på obsessiv kompulsiv tilstand (OCD) med fokus på, hvordan lidelsen manifesterer sig hos unge mennesker, hvilke lidelser den kan forveksles med eller optræde samtidig med, samt hvordan man kan håndtere OCD både ved første møde og senere i forløbet.

Anders Hansen & Jesper Lykkegaard fra Syddansk Universitet præsenterer: Der er stor forskel på, hvilken type behandler p...

Anders Hansen & Jesper Lykkegaard fra Syddansk Universitet præsenterer: Der er stor forskel på, hvilken type behandler patienter med lændesmerter opsøger. Forskellene er blevet beskrevet i et nyligt studie baseret på konsultationer i Region Syddanmark.

Der er stor forskel på, hvilken type behandler patienter med lændesmerter opsøger. Forskellene er blevet beskrevet i et nyligt studie baseret på konsultationer i Region Syddanmark.

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus kan resultere i en alvorlig infektion. Virus kan overføres til mennesker fra flåter,...

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus kan resultere i en alvorlig infektion. Virus kan overføres til mennesker fra flåter, som aktuelt findes i den danske og svenske skov. Lad ekspert inden for infektionsmedicin, Carsten Schade Larsen, gøre dig klogere på blandt andet inkubationstid, forløb og håndtering af patienter der bliver smittet med TBE, samt hvem vi i almen praksis skal overveje at vaccinere forebyggende.

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus kan resultere i en alvorlig infektion. Virus kan overføres til mennesker fra flåter, som aktuelt findes i den danske og svenske skov. Lad ekspert inden for infektionsmedicin, Carsten Schade Larsen, gøre dig klogere på blandt andet inkubationstid, forløb og h....

MD Rasmus Dahl-Larsen presents: Traditional one-on-one consultations between general practitioners and patients may be o...

MD Rasmus Dahl-Larsen presents: Traditional one-on-one consultations between general practitioners and patients may be outdated compared to a new popular alternative approach – group consultations. This article describes a firsthand experience with group consultations in general practice and provides insights from the literature regarding the benefits and challenges associated with this innovative model of care in general practice.

Traditional one-on-one consultations between general practitioners and patients may be outdated compared to a new popular alternative approach – group consultations. This article describes a firsthand experience with group consultations in general practice and provides insights from the literature...

MBBS Sultana Monira Hussain & John J McNeil from the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Australia presen...

MBBS Sultana Monira Hussain & John J McNeil from the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Australia present: new findings from the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) clinical trial reveal that unintended weight loss is associated with mortality risk, particularly in older men without major health issues.

New findings from the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) clinical trial reveal that unintended weight loss is associated with mortality risk, particularly in older men without major health issues.

Pernille Lindsø Andersen from Zealand University Hospital present: Onychomycosis is usually treated in general practice,...

Pernille Lindsø Andersen from Zealand University Hospital present: Onychomycosis is usually treated in general practice, but the number of patients needing hospital treatment seems to have increased in recent years, new study concludes.

Read the article and find out more!

Onychomycosis is usually treated in general practice, but the number of patients needing hospital treatment seems to have increased in recent years, new study concludes.

In this article, MD Ditte Georgina Zhang from Bispebjerg Hospital presents a recent literature review that has provided ...

In this article, MD Ditte Georgina Zhang from Bispebjerg Hospital presents a recent literature review that has provided evidence suggesting a significant association between chronic urticaria and atopic disorders.

A recent literature review has provided evidence suggesting a significant association between chronic urticaria and atopic disorders.

Machine learning models can help improve diagnostics, identify high-risk patients, target treatments, and predict the ef...

Machine learning models can help improve diagnostics, identify high-risk patients, target treatments, and predict the effectiveness of treatments. However, there are many pitfalls in developing these models, and as a healthcare professional, it may be relevant to understand them.

Find out more in the article below by Simon Lebech Cichosz, Thomas Kronborg & Morten H. Jensen from the Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University.

Machine learning models can help improve diagnostics, identify high-risk patients, target treatments, and predict the effectiveness of treatments. However, there are many pitfalls in developing these models, and as a healthcare professional, it may be relevant to understand them.

COPDLIFE is a new evidence-based intervention designed by an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team for patients with COP...

COPDLIFE is a new evidence-based intervention designed by an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team for patients with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Learn more about the intervention in this article by Charlotte Simonÿ & Malene Beck.

COPDLIFE is a new evidence-based intervention designed by an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team for patients with COPD.

Puria Nabilou, Signe Wiese & Lise Lotte Gluud from Hvidovre Hospital present: In a recent study, we discovered a diminis...

Puria Nabilou, Signe Wiese & Lise Lotte Gluud from Hvidovre Hospital present: In a recent study, we discovered a diminished impact of acute beta-blockade on cardiac function in patients with advanced cirrhosis.

These findings indicate a compromised cardiac reserve which is consistent with the concept of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. The results support the window hypothesis suggesting that beta-blockers might exacerbate hemodynamic complications in patients with end-stage cirrhosis.

In a recent study we discovered a diminished impact of acute beta-blockade on cardiac function in patients with advanced cirrhosis. These findings indicate a compromised cardiac reserve which is consistent with the concept of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy. The results support the window hypothesis sugges...

We had the the privilege of producing this MEDtalk with one of the foremost experts on ADHD, Stephen Faraone, PhD. As a ...

We had the the privilege of producing this MEDtalk with one of the foremost experts on ADHD, Stephen Faraone, PhD. As a professor and PhD holder at SUNY UPSTATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL in New York, he has dedicated his career to understanding this complex disorder.

In this talk, he highlights the importance of focusing on adults with ADHD and shares valuable insights on how to approach diagnosis and comorbidity for this population. He also touches upon exciting new developments in the treatment of ADHD in adults.

In this talk, he highlights the importance of focusing on adults with ADHD and shares valuable insights on how to approach diagnosis and comorbidity for this population. He also touches upon exciting new developments in the treatment of ADHD in adults.

A recent study has found a significant increase in psychiatric morbidity among androgenic anabolic steroids users – this...

A recent study has found a significant increase in psychiatric morbidity among androgenic anabolic steroids users – this highlights the need for specialized treatment in this population.

Read the article written by Doctor, Josefine Windfeld-Mathiasen & Chief Physician Henrik Horwitz, both from Klinisk Farmakologisk Afdeling, Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital.

A recent study has found a significant increase in psychiatric morbidity among androgenic anabolic steroids users – this highlights the need for specialized treatment in this population.

A new digital tool for patients with type 2 diabetes enables lifestyle treatment with long-term metabolic efficacy that ...

A new digital tool for patients with type 2 diabetes enables lifestyle treatment with long-term metabolic efficacy that is cost-saving and can reach large numbers of patients.

Read the article written by Anders Rosengren, MD & professor at Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg.

A new digital tool for patients with type 2 diabetes enables lifestyle treatment with long-term metabolic efficacy that is cost-saving and can reach large numbers of patients.

Kombinasjonen av GLP-1-reseptoragonister med livsstilscoaching på en interaktiv app gir et effektivt vekttap, som snart ...

Kombinasjonen av GLP-1-reseptoragonister med livsstilscoaching på en interaktiv app gir et effektivt vekttap, som snart kan sammenlignes med effekten av bariatrisk kirurgi. Ny helseteknologi kan forbedre behandlingen av livsstilssykdommer, og her presenteres en holistisk metode for behandling av overvekt.

Les artikkelen skrevet av Kristoffer Jensen Kolnes lege, som for tiden skriver Ph.D. ved Steno Diabetes Center Odense, Oliver Willacy, lege og skriver for tiden doktorgrad. ved Rigshospitalet & Carl J. Brandt allmennlege og Ph.D. i telemedisin.

Kombinasjonen av GLP-1-reseptoragonister med livsstils veiledning på en interaktiv app gir en effektiv vektreduksjon, som snart kan sammenlignes med effekten av fedmekirurgi. Ny helseteknologi kan forbedre behandlingen av livsstilssykdommer, og her presenteres en holistisk metode for behandling av ...

Learnings from previous pandemics indicate higher mortality and prolonged duration of illness in people with obesity.Acc...

Learnings from previous pandemics indicate higher mortality and prolonged duration of illness in people with obesity.

According to Professor in Endocrinology Nitin Kapoor, there is a bidirectional impact between COVID-19 and obesity. But what is the mechanism?

Let him elaborate in this MEDtalk.

According to Professor in Endocrinology Nitin Kapoor, there is a bidirectional impact between COVID-19 and obesity. But what is the mechanism? Let him elaborate in this MEDtalk.

In psychotic psychiatric disorders, maintenance treatment with antipsychotics is the current recommendation, despite som...

In psychotic psychiatric disorders, maintenance treatment with antipsychotics is the current recommendation, despite some patients experiencing no psychotic symptoms after discontinuation. Do we need a new approach?

With a struggle to recruit and retain patients having their first episode of schizophrenia, MD Anne Emilie Sturup suggests alternative designs to investigate this knowledge gap further.

Hear more below.

With a struggle to recruit and retain patients having their first episode of schizophrenia, MD Anne Emilie Stürup suggests alternative designs to investigate this knowledge gap further.

Nye og enklere diagnostiske verktøy vil kunne bidra til at flere får riktig   og  .Les mer om dette i artikkelen under s...

Nye og enklere diagnostiske verktøy vil kunne bidra til at flere får riktig og .

Les mer om dette i artikkelen under skrevet av Jarle Jortveit, overlege og forsker ved hjerteseksjonen på Sørlandet sykehus i Arendal.

Nye og enklere diagnostiske verktøy vil kunne bidra til at flere får riktig diagnose og behandling.

Digitalt smertemestringsprogram kan være nyttig for pasienter som lever med langvarige smerter. Les mer om dette i artik...

Digitalt smertemestringsprogram kan være nyttig for pasienter som lever med langvarige smerter. Les mer om dette i artikkelen under av Katrine Bostrøm, Cecilie Varsi, Hilde, Elin Børøsund, Elise F., Stubhaug Audun og Lise Solberg Nes.

Digitalt smertemestringsprogram kan være nyttig for pasienter som lever med langvarige smerter.

This Norwegian study compares sexual health among breast cancer survivors eight years after diagnosis and explores the e...

This Norwegian study compares sexual health among breast cancer survivors eight years after diagnosis and explores the effects of age and systemic breast cancer treatment.

As you can hear in this MEDtalk with Solveig Katrine Smedsland, Chief Physician, oncologists, post.doc, Oslo University Hospital, sexual enjoyment is poorer and discomfort higher among breast cancer survivors.

As you can hear in this MEDtalk with Solveig Katrine Smedsland, Chief Physician, oncologists, post.doc, Oslo University Hospital, sexual enjoyment is poorer and discomfort higher among breast cancer survivors.

Through three published articles, Professor Per Wändell updates us on the impact of an HIV diagnosis on psychiatric heal...

Through three published articles, Professor Per Wändell updates us on the impact of an HIV diagnosis on psychiatric health in this MEDtalk. Results suggest increased rates of psychiatric disorders for men and higher rates of drug substance disorders among women after HIV diagnosis.

Through three published articles, Professor Per Wändell updates us on the impact of an HIV diagnosis on psychiatric health in this MEDtalk.

A recent Danish randomized controlled trial suggests that singing   confers objective and subjective improvements within...

A recent Danish randomized controlled trial suggests that singing confers objective and subjective improvements within -based pulmonary rehabilitation for with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary (COPD).

Read more about the trial in the article below written by Mette Kaasgaard, postdoctoral researcher, Pulmonary Research Unit Region Zealand (PLUZ).

A recent Danish randomized controlled trial suggests that singing training confers objective and subjective improvements within community-based pulmonary rehabilitation for people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

In this MEDtalk, primary investigator and Oncologist Jon Amund Kyte presents the latest results from the ICON trial. ICO...

In this MEDtalk, primary investigator and Oncologist Jon Amund Kyte presents the latest results from the ICON trial.

ICON is a randomized phase IIb trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of chemotherapy combined with ipilimumab (Ipi) and nivolumab (Nivo) in patients with metastatic hormone receptor-positive (HER2+) breast cancer.

In this MEDtalk, primary investigator and Oncologist Jon Amund Kyte presents the latest results from the ICON trial.


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Kort om BestPractice Nordic og BestPractice ApS

Best Practice Nordic forbedrer folkehelse og pasientbehandling gjennom faglig dialog mellom leger.

Dette oppnås gjennom fasilitering av legefaglig dialog, for eksempel gjennom MEDtalks fra internasjonale konferanser, konferansespesifikke events der leger deltar, utdannelsesvideoer tilpasset de ulike fagfeltene og faglige tester. I Norden gir BestPractice Nordic ut over 200 MEDtalks hvert år.

Hos Best Practice Nordic deler leger kunnskapen sin med kollegaer, og legger dermed grunnlaget for videre faglig dialog mellom leger i Danmark, Norge, Sverige og Finland. Slik fremmes forståelse for – og klinisk implementering av – nye behandlingsmuligheter.

Best Practice ApS publiserer spesialiserte legefaglige magasiner, alle med selvstendige og lokalt forankrete redaksjoner i Danmark, Norge, Sverige og Finland. Magasinene sendes kostnadsfritt til leger innenfor de spesifikke spesialiseringene.

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