Please join us! We ❤︎ real people. Casting real people for paid photo shoots in Denmark and Europe. Sometimes world wide.
How to respond to our current casting call? Please mail us 4 photos (at least one portrait in daylight and one full figure, photos from cell phones ok) at [email protected]. Please don’t forget your age, home city and contact information.
Strategy: Concept development. Visual identity. Evaluate concept idea. Concept optimization. Research and planning.
Production: Budget management. Shooting schedules. Coordination. Shoot handling. Castings (releases/usage rights), models and extras. Locations (permits/clearance). Scout. Stylist. Makeup artist. Special effect. Assistants and crew. On-set supply.
Post-Production: Still photo processing, contact sheets, delivery, editing, proofs.
Graphic production: Project management from planning to print (analogue print/digital product). Large network of freelancers, collaborators and printing houses.
Lene Wagner Tvist.
Phone +45 26145560 / [email protected] (not for castings*).
TVist Produktion. Trekronergade 147b, 2., DK-2500 Valby. Denmark.
*Please note! Mail for casting calls: [email protected]
Kom og vær med! Vi ❤︎ rigtige mennesker. Her finder du aktuelle castings til betalte jobs i Danmark og udland.
Ønsker du at byde ind på en casting, så send os en mail på [email protected] med 4 fotos (heraf mindst ét i dagslys og ét i fuld figur). Angiv navn, alder, by og Oplys gerne særlige (synlige) kendetegn så som tatoveringer, piercinger, permanent makeup etc. Vi glæder os til at se dig. Dine private informationer og fotos anvendes alene til castingbrug for en specifik opgave og kan slettes på forlangende.
Casting calls: [email protected]
Fra konceptudvikling til færdig produkt. Med respekt for forretningen og den kreative proces.
Strategi: Konceptudvikling og visuelle identiteter. Test af og sparring på fotokoncept. Konceptoptimering. Research og planlægning.
Præproduktion og produktion: Produktionsplanlægning. Tilrettelæggelse. Projektledelse. Budgetter. Skydeplaner. Casting, location, stylist, hår og makeup, assistenter.
Post produktion: Kontaktark, billedbehandling, colorgrading, korrektur, levering. Klip og redigering af videoproduktion. Tags og metadata.
Grafisk produktion: Projektledelse fra planlægning til print (analoge/digitale produkter), korrekturgange, budgetter, produktionsplaner, kontakt til freelancers, trykkerier og øvrige leverandører.
Lene Wagner Tvist
Tlf. 26145560 / [email protected] (ikke castings)
TVist Produktion. Trekronergade 147b, 2., DK-2500 Valby.
Privacy: We keep your casting photos and contact information (Name, address, email, phone no.) in our mail box alone. It won't be visible for the public. We will only share information which is essential for engaging a model for a specific production. Your data will be deleted when no longer required. Your photos and personal contact information can be deleted on request.