Only one day left until K.Y.B.O hits all the major streaming platforms. 🤩🤩🔥🔥🔥
We are so excited to finally release this techno inspired, Raw´ish
track, once again through the boys and girls at Upcoming Records
Thanks for trusting us, and helping us spread our music.
We are forever grateful. 🙏🙏🙏
if you want to help us out, then please follow the link below and presave the track. It would mean the world to us.🙏
FINALLY!!. after a couple of silent months we have brand new music out.
"Next Level" is the perfect way to start 2024 for us, and we hope all of you will like it. 🤞 it´s also our first release with Upcoming Records
and we are beyond excited to work with theese guys. 🙏
Go stream the crap out of it, and let us know what you think. 😁
available on your favorite streaming platform. 🤘
Have an wonderful weekend everyone.