Read the full story in English after the short extract in Danish.
🚨 Advarsel om NFT Mediation Phishing-svindel! 🚨 En såkaldt køber henvendte sig via X og tilbød 4X den ønskede pris for min Opensea NFT-samling. Ved at insistere på kommunikation via Discord og påstå at bruge en mægler grundet tidligere svindel, forsøgte vedkommende at narre mig. Efter kontakt med Opensea viste det sig at være en svindel. Læs den fulde historie nedenfor for at undgå faldgruber i NFT-rummet! 🛡️
Konklusion: Vær opmærksom på usædvanligt høje tilbud og krav om alternativ kommunikation. Svindlere udnytter kendte platforme som Opensea og påstår, at mægling er nødvendig. Læs mere nedenfor, på engelsk, for at få indsigt og undgå lignende faldgruber.
Scam Alert 🚨: Mediation Phishing Scam
Received contact on X from a collector interested in my Opensea NFT collection. Claimed to be a scam victim, suggesting a mediator for the transaction and providing a ticket image from Opensea. Invited to a Discord group for further discussion.
Red Flags:
Offering 4X the asking price upfront.
Urging communication on Discord.
Claiming to use a mediator due to a previous scam.
Notable poor English skills.
Doubting legitimacy, I contacted Opensea directly through a ticket. Opensea responded, clarifying they never require a 'middleman' for transactions and recognized the situation as a phishing attempt and scam.
Opensea's Response:
"We will never require a 'middleman' or intermediary to sell or purchase an item when using OpenSea. This looks like a phishing attempt and scam. We recommend you block the sender, and stop communicating with them, and report it directly to the social media platform."
Lesson Learned:
"We will never require a 'middleman' or intermediary to sell or purchase an item when using OpenSea. This looks like a phishing attempt and scam. We recommend you block the sender and stop communicating with them, and report it directly to the social media platform.
Stay vigilant in the NFT space! 🛡️