Fra Hanbok til Hygge

Fra Hanbok til Hygge 🌐✨ "From Hanbok to Hygge" - a podcast and global movement exploring the untold stories of adoptees.


🌟 Overwhelming Support – A Heartfelt Thank You to All! 🌟

Dear friends and followers of "From Hanbok to Hygge",

Today we are filled with deep gratitude and excitement. Reaching over 3,000 followers is nothing short of astounding, and it's all thanks to you!

Your incredible support shows us that our journey in shedding light on and understanding mental health and cultural identity from a Danish-Korean adoptee perspective is more than just our own – it's a movement that many of you feel connected to.

Each one of you who has chosen to follow our page, share our content, and engage in our community is now part of this growing family. Your support fuels our motivation, and together we are creating a platform where voices are heard, and stories are shared.

We look forward to taking you on a journey filled with insightful conversations, inspiring stories, and meaningful content. Let's make a difference together and brighten the challenges of everyday life with hope and understanding.

Once again, a huge thank you for your incredible support. We are honored to have you with us on this exciting journey.

Warmest regards,

The "From Hanbok to Hygge" Team ❤️


🌟 Overvældende Støtte – Tak til Jer Alle! 🌟 (Danish)
Next post will be in English.

Kære venner og følgere af "From Hanbok to Hygge",

Vi står i dag med en følelse af dyb taknemmelighed og begejstring. At nå over 3.000 følgere er intet mindre end fantastisk, og det er alt sammen takket være jer!

Denne utrolige opbakning viser os, at vores rejse mod at belyse og forstå mental sundhed og kulturel identitet gennem et dansk-koreansk adoptivperspektiv er mere end bare vores egen – det er en bevægelse, som mange af jer føler en forbindelse til.

Hver enkelt af jer, der har valgt at følge vores side, dele vores indhold, og deltage i vores samfund, er nu en del af denne voksende familie. Jeres støtte er vores motivation, og sammen skaber vi en platform, hvor stemmer bliver hørt, og historier bliver delt.

Vi ser frem til at bringe jer med på en rejse fyldt med indsigtsfulde samtaler, inspirerende historier og meningsfuldt indhold. Lad os sammen gøre en forskel og lyse op i hverdagens udfordringer med håb og forståelse.

Endnu engang, tusind tak for jeres utrolige støtte. Vi er beæret over at have jer med os på denne spændende rejse.

Med varmeste hilsner,

"From Hanbok to Hygge" Team ❤️

🌟 Introducing "From Hanbok to Hygge" – A Journey of Voices 🌟Hello everyone, I'm your host Jin, and I'm thrilled to welco...

🌟 Introducing "From Hanbok to Hygge" – A Journey of Voices 🌟

Hello everyone, I'm your host Jin, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to the beginning of a profound journey with "From Hanbok to Hygge." This project is more than a podcast; it's an emerging movement dedicated to exploring and sharing the diverse stories of adoptees, starting from my personal roots as a Korean adoptee in Denmark and branching out globally.

🚀 We're in the exciting startup phase of creating a platform where tales of identity, culture, and belonging are not just told but felt and understood. Our aim? To bridge cultural divides, shed light on the unique experiences of adoptees, and contribute to mental health research.

🤝 But, to bring this vision to life, we need your support. We've launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover the essentials - from professional recording equipment to creating a digital home for these stories. This is where you come in!

💖 By joining our Facebook community and supporting our fundraiser, you're not just a listener; you're a crucial part of this journey. Every share, contribution, and word of encouragement brings us closer to making "From Hanbok to Hygge" a reality.

👉 Check out our GoFundMe and stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and the very first episodes. Together, let's amplify the voices of adoptees and create a tapestry of shared understanding.

Thank you for being part of this incredible venture. Let's make a difference, one story at a time!

Hello, I am Jin, a voice echoing from the unique intersection of two cultu… Rasmus Møller needs your support for Unheard Voices: Empowering Adoptees' stories




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