Barselhjælp -støtte i tiden efter fødslen-

Barselhjælp -støtte i tiden efter fødslen- Are you a stranger in a strange land? Far away from family and network? Are you pregnant 👶 and feel lost in the Danish health system?

I assist moms before, during and after birth. I offer both birth prep, assistance at birth and post partum support

Husk, hvis du har brug for nogle Forever Living produkter, så kan du bestille hos mig:

Husk, hvis du har brug for nogle Forever Living produkter, så kan du bestille hos mig:


God søndag! Jeg nyder naturens undere.

God søndag! Jeg nyder naturens undere.


Jeg skifter bare telefon engang imellem, så kan jeg stadig være på denne profil. Men det er lidt irriterende.
God weekend ♥️


(Yes, yes, tell me you’re middle-aged without telling me you’re middle-aged etc etc).
Earlier today, I was reflecting on how much I used to stress about laundry. I have never been particularly good at domestic chores and as a working mum, managing the laundry of four people felt overwhelming, thankless and never ending. So, six months ago, I implemented a new system. And while it’s not fancy - and Marie Condo would roll over in her grave (if she was dead) if she saw it - it has greatly reduced my laundry-related stress while also encouraging my kids to take responsibility for their own stuff, so I thought I’d share it in the event it might help you.
Here is my system:
1) I wash any clothes that arrive in the laundry. I do not collect clothes from bedroom floors or dirty-clothes baskets, and I do not shout at the kids to bring me laundry. If they don’t put it in the laundry I don’t wash it.
2) I drop the clean laundry in the large blue basket pictured.
3) Everyone has their own basket with their name written on it in Sharpie. (Towels, tea towels and sheets have a separate basket, not pictured.) When a child requires clothes, they sift through the blue basket, find what is theirs, put it on, or (ideally) they fill their basket, take it upstairs, bring it back down empty.
The end.
Things to note:
-They don’t fold anything. I don’t care.
- The girls have drawers with stickers on them - un**es. T-shirts. Socks etc so it’s easy for them to toss things in the right place, and then find them later.
-If they have no clean clothes, they have to wear dirty ones. It’s not ideal but I’m a fan of natural consequences.
- they’ve stopped asking me where stuff is. If they are looking for their blue t shirt they know it is on their floor or in the communal basket. If it’s not, their guess is as good as mine.
- my friend Emily is having a panic attack right now at the thought of running her household like I run mine. (Emily never met a hospital corner she didn’t like).

How do you all manage your laundry?


Useful tips


Is your baby incapable of going to sleep without a swaddle? Emily Writes has 100 tips - including consoling yourself with ice cream and crying.


Common postpartum issues that you may not know about

Have you heard about Mothering the Mother?

Have you heard about Mothering the Mother?

Mothering the Mother


Helen Hansen917's short video with ♬ Lonely

Hvordan har du det med barselsgæster?

Hvordan har du det med barselsgæster?


I used to live communally, when I had my kids. It was great to be a mom with small kids. You were never alone, you took ...

I used to live communally, when I had my kids. It was great to be a mom with small kids. You were never alone, you took turns cooking, cleaning, doing dishes etc. And you could ask if you had questions.

How do we 'build a village' today?

The family structure we’ve held up as the cultural ideal for the past half century has been a catastrophe for many. It’s time to figure out better ways to live together.


Listen to this podcast, if you want to know a little more about me.


Episode 4 is out everyone!!!

This time I will be interview a Doula from Denmark, Helen Hansen. We will speak about her experience giving birth abroad and being an international mother when she was living outside of Denmark with her family.

As a Doula, Helen helps many mothers prepare for birth and after birth called Postpartum. Plus, we speak about the importance of community when being an international mother abroad.

Click on the link to listen now!

My friend just launched an amazing new book called The Lovely Haze of Baby Days. It's an honest picture book inspired by...

My friend just launched an amazing new book called The Lovely Haze of Baby Days. It's an honest picture book inspired by motherhood and the chaotic life with a baby. The point of the book is to give some support to new moms and remind them they aren't alone in motherhood. She is trying to raise 50k DKK on Kickstarter to bring the project to life and print the first books.

Check it out and if you like it, consider backing it.

You can see it and a cool video here -->

- Helen

A playful board book for little ones, written with love for Mamas too.


A bit about life after having a baby.


Bredgade 43



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New mother´s struggle can be helped

In the last few years I have become increasingly aware of how new mothers/parents struggle to find their footing in the daily life after giving birth to a baby.

Words like breast feeding, exhaustion, no sleep, crying, colic, worry, depression, anxiety, “throwing in the towel”.... has replaced the expected love, joy, peace, bliss, euphoria... which was expected before baby was born - by so many moms, who wasn´t prepared for the time after birth - the Post Partum.

I am a birth doula and a post partum doula. If you feel like any of the above words could apply to you, just let me know - I hope I can help you.

I de sidst år er det gået mere og mere op for mig, hvor meget nybagte mødre/forældre kæmper for at finde balancen i den nye dagligdag med en nyfødt i familien.