Wind Telephone Lyø

Wind Telephone Lyø Her kan du tale med de afdøde. Hier kannst du mit deinen lieben Verstorbenen reden. Here you can talk to the dead. VELKOMMEN TIL VINDTELEFONEN. Rygtet gik.

Ja, du læste rigtigt. Del dine glæder, dine sorger, dine forhåbninger, din tvivl og frygt, den daglige trummerum med dem, der er gået bort. Idéen kommer fra Japan og en gartner i halvfjerdserne ved navn Itaru Sasaki. I 2010 døde Sasakis elskede fætter. Som en måde at håndtere sin sorg på, fik han den geniale idé at købe en nedtagen telefonboks og stille den op i sin have, placeret på en bakke med

udsigt over Stillehavet. Hver dag ”ringede” han til sin fætter. Blot for at holde forbindelsen, om man så må sige. Fra sin vindtelefon, som han kaldte den (”kaze no denwa”), som overbragte hans beskeder med blæsten. Omkring et år senere ramte et jordskælv og tsunami Japan (den der også forårsagede katastrofen ved Fukushima Daiichi atomkraftværk). Flere end 19.000 mennesker døde, og 2.500 andre er stadig savnet. Det meste af Otsuchi, byen hvor Itaru Sasaki bor, blev næsten jævnet med jorden på blot 30 minutter. Snart begyndte tilfældigt sørgende at dukke op i hans have for at besøge vindtelefonen. Og spredtes. I en dokumentar af en japansk TV station anslår Sasaki, at tusindvis af mennesker fra hele Japan har brugt hans vindtelefon igennem årene. I 2018 kom Europas måske første vindtelefon til Lyø. WILKOMMEN ZUM WIND-TELEFON. Ja, du hast richtig gelesen! Teile hier deine Freuden, deine Sorgen, deine Hoffnungen, deine Zweifel und Ängste, das tägliche Einerlei mit denen, die von dir gegangen sind. Die Idee stammt aus Japan, von einem siebzigjährigen Gärtner namens Itaru Sasaki. 2010 verstarb Sasakis geliebter Cousin. Um seine Trauer zu bewältigen, bekam er die geniale Idee, eine ausgediente Telefonbox zu kaufen. Er stellte sie in seinen Garten auf einen Hügel mit Aussicht über den Pazifischen Ozean. Jeden Tag “telefonierte” er mit seinem Cousin. Einfach nur, um die Verbindung aufrecht zu erhalten, wenn man so sagen kann... von seinem Wind-Telefon aus, wie er es nannte (“kaze no denwa”). Es überbrachte seine Worte mit dem Wind. Cirka ein Jahr später traf ein Erdbeben mit Tsunami (was auch die Katastrophe beim Fukushima Daiichi Atomkraftwerk auslöste) in Japan ein. Mehr als 19.000 Menschen starben und weitere 2.500 Personen gelten immer noch als vermisst. Das meiste von Otsuchi, der Stadt in der Itaru Sasaki lebt, wurde fast dem Erdboden gleichgemacht, in nur 30 Minuten. Bald kamen fremde Trauernde in Sasakis Garten, um sein Wind-Telefon zu besuchen. Es entstand das Gerücht über das Wind-Telefon, und es verbreitete sich. In einer Dokumentarsendung einer japanischen TV-Station schätzt Sasaki, dass Tausende von Menschen aus ganz Japan alle die Jahre über sein Wind-Telefon benutzt haben. Im Jahre 2018 kam Europas, vielleicht sogar erstes Wind-Telefon nach Lyoe. WELCOME TO THE WIND TELEPHONE. Yes, you read that right. Share your joys, your sorrows, your hopes, doubts and fears, the simple humdrum of daily life with those who have moved on. The idea comes from Japan, and a 70-something-year-old gardener named Itaru Sasaki. In 2010, Sasaki’s beloved cousin died. As a way to deal with his grief, he got the ingenious idea to buy an old, nonfunctioning phone booth and put it in his garden, perched on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean. And every day, he “called” his cousin. Just to keep the connection, so to speak. On his wind telephone, as he called it (“kaze no denwa”), which carried his messages on the breeze. About a year later, an earthquake and tsunami hit Japan (the one that also caused the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant). More than 19,000 people died, and 2,500 more are still missing. Most of Otsuchi, the town where Itaru Sasaki lives, was nearly flattened in just 30 minutes. And soon, mourners began randomly showing up in his yard and heading for the phone booth. Word spread. And spread. In a documentary made by a Japanese TV station, Sasaki estimates that thousands of people from all over Japan have used his wind telephone over the years. In 2018, what is perhaps Europe’s first wind telephone came to Lyø.

Wow!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏(By the way, "real life" guest book  #8 started Aug. 3 👏)

Wow!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

(By the way, "real life" guest book #8 started Aug. 3 👏)

Best bench yet — we hope! 🤞

Best bench yet — we hope! 🤞

ØV! Dagens fund. Vi finder på en løsning snarest muligt! 🤞

ØV! Dagens fund. Vi finder på en løsning snarest muligt! 🤞

En kærlig hilsen og stor TAK til de mange besøgende ❤️. Gæstebog  #6 (siden 2018) er næsten fyldt med skønne beskeder fr...

En kærlig hilsen og stor TAK til de mange besøgende ❤️. Gæstebog #6 (siden 2018) er næsten fyldt med skønne beskeder fra hele verden. 🌎🌍🌏 Og nu kan man sidde på bænken lidt nemmere! 😃🪚😅


Vindtelefonen siger en kæmpe TAK til Tommy Hansen og Peder Jeppesen, som har sørget for både at det er så let som ingenting at åbne døren igen, fikset skiltet og endda sat nye glasruder i alle de steder, der manglede. 🙏🙏 I er bare for gode!

Den nyeste gæstebog ( #5 siden 2018) indeholder allerede kærlige beskeder fra gæster fra Taiwan, USA, Italien og selvfølgelig masser af tyskere og danskere. Hvor er vi heldige på lille Lyø! ❤️

En stor tak til for den fine artikel om Lyøs vindtelefon -- og en hel masse andet, der er spændende!

En stor tak til for den fine artikel om Lyøs vindtelefon -- og en hel masse andet, der er spændende!

’Denne historie er inspireret af et sted der findes i virkeligheden, i Iwate i det nordøstlige Japan. En dag anbragte en mand en telefonboks i sin have. I telefonboksen står en gammel, sort telefon uden forbindelse og sender stemmer ud i vinden.’ Sådan begynder romanen Linjen ved verdens kant...

Huge thanks to Tommy Hansen, who kindly soldered the door handle back on and filed off the top of the door, so it’s fina...

Huge thanks to Tommy Hansen, who kindly soldered the door handle back on and filed off the top of the door, so it’s finally easy to open and close again. 💪🙏 Hurray! 🎉

The wind telephone plays a small role in this lovely little BBC story. It starts at 07:40. Thanks to Nanna Hauge Kristen...

The wind telephone plays a small role in this lovely little BBC story. It starts at 07:40. Thanks to Nanna Hauge Kristensen for sharing! And most of all to Susi at Lyø Skrønemuseum, for being the best storyteller of all. ❤️

Short documentaries on crashing waves and diving under the water. Presented by Josie Long.

The wind telephone is now equipped for visitors in these coronavirus times! Next up: fixing the door handle,  repainting...

The wind telephone is now equipped for visitors in these coronavirus times! Next up: fixing the door handle, repainting the waiting bench and replacing the rusted phone. If anyone knows a great way to protect a new (old) metal and bakelite phone from the elements, please holler!

If you understand Danish, this podcast featuring Lyø aired today. The wind telephone has a small role in it as well! ❤️🌬...

If you understand Danish, this podcast featuring Lyø aired today. The wind telephone has a small role in it as well! ❤️🌬📞

Skolen og posthuset er nedlagt. Præsten er flyttet. De små landbrug dør ud, og det samme gør den del af befolkningen, der har levet her et helt liv. Men nyt liv er også ved at opstå. Kvinden der av...

Lyø’s wind telephone is officially “finurlig” 😃. Thanks to Det Rigtige Faaborg for including it in your wonderful new bo...

Lyø’s wind telephone is officially “finurlig” 😃. Thanks to Det Rigtige Faaborg for including it in your wonderful new book!

What is presumably the world’s second wind telephone was built in Oakland, California, in the spring of 2017 to help peo...

What is presumably the world’s second wind telephone was built in Oakland, California, in the spring of 2017 to help people grieving after a fire broke out in a local warehouse, known as the Ghost Ship. The warehouse had been converted into an artist collective, including dwelling units, and 36 people died in the tragedy—including a friend and classmate of the man who built the booth, Jordan Stern. Read the article about the American wind telephone in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Since Lyø’s wind telephone was originally green, it was first used on either Zealand or in Jutland—presumably the former...

Since Lyø’s wind telephone was originally green, it was first used on either Zealand or in Jutland—presumably the former, since that was its home before Lyø. The same style of phone booth was red on Funen. Years ago, a different model of red phone booth used to be located on the island at Lyø Bygade 7.

The conventional model of the Lyø wind telephone was used from 1934 until the late 1970s, when “The Gladsaxe Bomber” pla...

The conventional model of the Lyø wind telephone was used from 1934 until the late 1970s, when “The Gladsaxe Bomber” placed pipe bombs in the roofs of phone booths in Gladsaxe two weeks in a row. Since the bombs were set off by the doors’ opening mechanism, KTAS (the phone company) removed the doors from all the booths in the greater Copenhagen area—602 in all. Rumor has it that they didn’t know which door belonged to which booth, and therefore couldn’t remount the doors after the 19-year-old bomber was caught. But KTAS maintains that the phone booths were replaced because they simply needed replacement. Five of the nine bombs exploded, injuring four people—including the bomber himself, who was the person most seriously injured.

Check out this documentary featuring the original Japanese wind telephone and some of its callers. Warning: you might wa...

Check out this documentary featuring the original Japanese wind telephone and some of its callers. Warning: you might want to have Kleenex handy.

Documentary "Hello. If you're out there, please listen to me". On a hill overlooking the ocean in Otsuchi Town in northeastern Japan is a phone booth known a...

Sådan! Vindtelefonen er blevet omtalt i radioen. 🎉👏 Scroll frem til 02:11:07, hvis du er nysgerrig. Og jeg kan oplyse, a...

Sådan! Vindtelefonen er blevet omtalt i radioen. 🎉👏 Scroll frem til 02:11:07, hvis du er nysgerrig. Og jeg kan oplyse, at den er gratis at bruge 24/7 😀.

- med nyheder hver halve time samt opfølgning af dagens vigtigste nyheder, service, trafik og musik.

The Danish architect Jens Ingwersen, who worked for the Danish phone company KTAS (Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab), de...

The Danish architect Jens Ingwersen, who worked for the Danish phone company KTAS (Kjøbenhavns Telefon Aktieselskab), designed this model of phone booth in the early 1930s. The very first one was placed on Strandvej/Teglgårdsvej in Gentofte. Shortly thereafter, Køge, Næstved, Liseleje, Måløv and Taastrup had their own green Ingwersen booths. But it wasn’t until July 1935 that Copenhagen city dwellers had the chance to use the new booths, when 15 were placed throughout town. Ingwersen also designed most of the phone company’s buildings, as well as a number of private homes, manors, schools and a hotel.


Søndenvej 4



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