VINIA Media VINIA Media - Et nytænkende content marketingbureau med fokus på filmproduktion. VINIA Media er et dansk content marketingbureau.

Vi lever af at tænke kreativt og levere innovative digitale marketingløsninger til vores kunder. Vi er specialiseret i filmproduktion og Social Media-kampagner i mange afskygninger, og vi vil hellere end gerne give vores bud på, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig - det koster ikke mere end en kop kaffe.


En fortsættelse af vores arbejde på Modstrøm's landsdækkende TV-kampagne, "Ung i 80'erne" køre nu på TV2 og sociale medier 💥

Denne seneste video i kampagnen vækker på ny minder hos målgruppen. Samtidig fungerer den som en påmindelse om, hvor langt samfundet er kommet i grøn omstilling og energibesparelse siden da💚

Efter vores bevidste indsats med at styrke Modstrøms brand, har vi nu skiftet fokus og bevæget os ned i tragtens dybder, hvor vi lægger større vægt på at præsentere deres solcelleløsninger som et skridt mod en mere bæredygtig fremtid.

Se videoen herunder, men glem ikke også at holde øjnene åben næste gang du ser flow-tv👀

Stor 🫶🏼 til hele teamet, som var med bag kameraet til optagelserne for . Her er et kig behind the scenes på arkadehal-sc...

Stor 🫶🏼 til hele teamet, som var med bag kameraet til optagelserne for .
Her er et kig behind the scenes på arkadehal-scenen ❤️‍🔥


Vi har lanceret vores seneste arbejde for ! 👏🏼

Reklamekampagnen, ‘Til dig, der var ung i 80’erne’, er ude på TV2 og sociale medier 🎬

Siden september har vi arbejdet på at vække nostalgien hos alle danskere mellem 45 og 65 år. Vi har dykket ned i 80’ernes energikriser, bilfri søndage og fattigfirserne for at skildre en tid, hvor energien var knap.

Dette er kun begyndelsen på kampagnen. Forvent flere annonceringer og mere indhold fra Modstrøm i løbet af 2024 - hold skarpt øje! 🔥

Instruktør: Oliver Rosendal
Producer: Julie Arvé
DOP: Mathias Vilhelmsen
Indledende målgruppeanalyse og kommunikationsstrategi: Thilde Spanning og Oliver Rosendal
Koncept og manuskript: Casper Rudolf og Oliver Rosendal
1st AD: Thilde Spanning
1st AC: Sebastian Stigsby
Belysningsmester: Sebastian Stigsby
Belyser: Emanuel Elkjær
Hår og Makeup: Sigurveig Pórmundsdóttir
Set-design: Sune Hansen
Produktionsassistent: Søren Brandt Møller
Runner: Mark Dimon
Behind the scenes: Tobias Visnek og Daniel H. Andersen
Klip og VFX: Oliver Høeg Nygaard Pedersen
Colorgrade: Mathias Vilhelmsen

Stort shoutout til Modstrøm for et fantastisk samarbejde! Vi er super spændt på at se kampagnen tage form i løbet af 2024! 🚀


Er du klar til at blive blæst bagover? 🚀 Vores aftermovie fra TechBBQ 2023 er landet!

Mærk energien, se udtalelser fra VIP's, heriblandt Nelson Mandela's barnebarn Dr. Siyabulela Mandela Ph.D. og skuespillerinden Kelly Rutherford, kendt fra 'Gossip Girl’ og co founder af whyzzer. Dyk ned i klips fra scenerne, standene, og alle deltagerne.

Til alle, der var med: genoplev magien! 🌌 Og for dem, der missede festen: Vi har fanget det hele, så I ved, hvad I kan glæde jer til i 2024 😉

Stort tak til TechBBQ for at lade os indfange magien for 6. år i træk. Vores samarbejde kan kun gå en vej, og det er op! 🚀🌟

TechBBQ skuffer aldrig når det kommer til at holde en fest 💥 Denne gang er der tale om et afterparty som også markerede ...

TechBBQ skuffer aldrig når det kommer til at holde en fest 💥

Denne gang er der tale om et afterparty som også markerede afslutningen på dette års TechBBQ produktion 👏🏼

Som traditionen byder når TechBBQ-teamet inviterer til afterparty, overrakte vi et fælles billede af teamet og præsenterede dette års aftermovie på storskærm. Hvis du spørger os, har vi toppet niveauet, hvad angår årets aftermovie - men det kan du hjælpe os med at bedømme når den kommer ud i morgen kl. 10 🤩

Tak for endnu et uforglemmeligt år 💥🫶🏼

TechBBQ 2023 🔥Hvilken fornøjelse! Vi er fyldt op af opturs følelser og uden en weekend at falde ned på, havde vi nok sta...

TechBBQ 2023 🔥

Hvilken fornøjelse! Vi er fyldt op af opturs følelser og uden en weekend at falde ned på, havde vi nok stadig løbet rundt med armene over hovedet 🙌🏼

Vi glæder os til at dele ud af alle de særlige øjeblikke teamet fik indfanget, på film og billeder - more to come 💥

Tak for et vellykket arrangement!🚀

Fotografering ved  Power Angel Workshop 💪🏼🔥

Fotografering ved Power Angel Workshop 💪🏼🔥

 havde sat sig et ambitiøst mål om at samle over 100 kvindelige angel investorer til deres lanceringsevent i januar. Det...

havde sat sig et ambitiøst mål om at samle over 100 kvindelige angel investorer til deres lanceringsevent i januar. Det så sådan her ud 🚀🚀

I morgen har vi den store fornøjelse at dele en testimonial-video med Kristine Leerbeck, CEO og Founder af Angella Invest. I videoen diskuteres blandt andet vigtigheden af at investere i professionelle billeder til events, som kun finder sted én gang 💜

Hvis du ikke er helt opdateret på, hvad Angella Invest er, så er det en uddannelses- og fællesskabsplatform for kvinder, der er business angels eller kvinder, der er interesserede i at komme i gang med at investere 🔥⭐️

Vi glæder os til at dele videoen med jer 🙌

We held our first VINIA Society event, which was absolutely fantastic! 🎉Thank you so much to all of you who attended! It...

We held our first VINIA Society event, which was absolutely fantastic! 🎉

Thank you so much to all of you who attended! It was an unforgettable evening filled with knowledge-sharing, inspiring conversations, and great beer. 🌟

Society is VINIA's new event branch where we regularly will invite people for talks and inspiring evenings. Our goal is to create a platform where you can expand your knowledge and network with interesting individuals from different industries, with different perspectives.

We invited Alexander Kragh as a speaker, who generously shared the secrets behind building successful brand strategies. Alexander loves building brands and was a co-founder of Statum, which gained recognition in the scale-up community within a few years. Today, he works on rebranding one of Denmark's oldest internet brands, In his presentation, Alexander shared the recipe that agencies follow when creating strategic brand strategies that can later be converted into, among other things, creative concepts.

This was just the beginning of VINIA Society! We have more exciting events coming up where we will continue to create unique experiences and opportunities for all of you. So keep an eye on our updates on LinkedIn, so you don't miss anything!

Thank you to for providing the venue and / for the cold beers. 🙌

Back in september 2022 we had the pleasure of working together with PreSeed Ventures, doing some amazing photography wor...

Back in september 2022 we had the pleasure of working together with PreSeed Ventures, doing some amazing photography work at TechBBQ 🚀

Stay tuned! Later this week for a testimonial with PreeSeed Ventures about our collaboration 🤘🏼

Yesterday we presented a video highlighting the impact of the BETA.HEALTH X WARD project. If you haven’t had a chance to...

Yesterday we presented a video highlighting the impact of the BETA.HEALTH X WARD project. If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, here are some eye-catching frame grabs to give you a glimpse of what you missed.

Watch the full video in the previous post.


How can an innovative information system improve patient safety and revolutionise healthcare? 💡

The BETA.HEALTH x WARD project is an innovative information system designed to improve patient safety and transform healthcare by addressing clinical needs and saving valuable time for medical professionals. Together with BETA.HEALTH and WARD we produced a video highlighting the impact of the project.


“I don’t want to work with people I don’t trust or believe in” - Niels Ralund.

For the start of our new testimonial series, we had a chat with Niels Ralund, E-commerce Director at Dansk Erhverv - Digital Handel, about his experience working with VINIA.

In the series, we revisit clients for a conversation about our partnership, how our work has brought value to their business, and for a general conversation talking everything video, visuals, startup and growth.

Niels emphasizes the importance of working with people he can trust. He speaks to the growth and success of our partnership over the years, and was definitely not shy with both compliments, constructive feedback and good advice - maybe we share some of that later 🚀

As a seasoned business expert, Niels knows what it takes to build a successful business and how vital it is to have strong partnerships. We are grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Niels and Dansk Erhverv. We look forward to continuing our partnership and we can’t wait to walk in even more equipped for our next project 😉

BTS from our recent production with Watch the final result in the previous post or find the full version...

BTS from our recent production with

Watch the final result in the previous post or find the full version on our website


We proudly present our latest collaboration with one of our loyal customers,!

When they asked us if we could develop a concept that would significantly increase brand awareness and be presented as a radio spot and a commercial to be delivered on national television, we jumped into action.

What do you think of the final result?

Also - you can find the extended version of the ad on our website.


Have you ever heard the saying, "people don't buy products, people buy brands"?

With live shopping you get to connect with your customers in real time, presenting your products with personality. Live shopping is a new trend taking the e-commerce world by storm.

Here are three reasons why you should use live shopping as a tool:
👉🏼Build stronger customer relationships - live shopping allows retailers to connect with their customers in real-time, understand their needs, and provide personalized recommendations, leading to stronger relationships.
👉🏼Accelerate your customer's buying journey with increased sales and lower return rates- Live shopping events create urgency and exclusivity, driving sales more effectively than browsing online.
👉🏼Give yourself the opportunity to present your products in the best possible way - Live shopping allows customers to see products in action, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback, leading to a better understanding of the product and a more satisfying shopping experience.

Is your company considering live shopping or do you want to know more about this tool? We are going live tonight with CYKOM at 9:00 PM (Danish time) for the international audience, equipped with multiple cameras and producers.

Join us to see how it's done!
Link for the 21:00PM-event:

While you wait for tonight's events, here are some highlights from last week's production 👇


We’re thrilled to share our latest project with PackTech and Ocean Waste Plastic! 🌊💙
Together, we’re spreading the message that we all share just one ocean and it’s our responsibility to take care of it. To support those who are actually using the ocean with respect and in a sustainable way, PackTech generously gave back to inspiring initiatives and individuals who rely on a clean and healthy ocean. We're proud to have found people like Brian, Elsa and Martin who appreciate and rely on a clean ocean and for their willingness to participate in the project. With this project Ocean Waste Plastic wanted to raise awareness around the importance of taking care of our ocean and the amazing work being done to protect it.
We helped developing the concept, write the script, film and produce the video. 🌍🙌🏼

Production / Concept: VINIA Media
Producer: Julie Arvé
Concept / Script: Rasmus Østersø & Julie Arvé
DOP: Mathias Vilhelmsen
Gaffer / Light: Sebastian Møller
Editor: Jeppe L. Rasmussen
Grade: Rasmus Østersø
1st AC: Sebastian Møller & Oliver Rosendal
Drone: Oliver Rosendal
Production Assistant: Sebastian Møller

BTS from our production with Erhvervsstyrelsen \ Watch the final result here on the profile or find it on our website.

BTS from our production with Erhvervsstyrelsen \

Watch the final result here on the profile or find it on our website.

BTS from our production with WordPay. Watch the final result in the previous post. \

BTS from our production with WordPay.

Watch the final result in the previous post. \


Wordpay came to us with a desire to showcase the power of their product in an industry that’s struggling to evolve. Because, how do you dust off a traditional publishing business while also presenting a new initiative that energizes a message to move forward? We created a brand film for Wordpay that does exactly that. \

See more:

New Year, New Identity \Keep your eyes out for updates!

New Year, New Identity \
Keep your eyes out for updates!

Framegraps from our latest production with Billetto Danmark x FC Roskilde

Framegraps from our latest production with Billetto Danmark x FC Roskilde


Based on a specific target group and a goal to position the Danish Business Authority's Climate Compass as the natural solution for how businesses can more easily calculate their climate footprint and incorporate green transition, we at VINIA Media have produced the Danish Business Authority's new video campaign which aims to create the necessary attention towards the subject.

The concept development built around the campaign is not based on pointing fingers at areas where companies are lagging, but communicates instead an understanding of what a complex task it can be to adapt - with a touch of dry humor.

Thank you to Erhvervsstyrelsen.

Watch it here;

Framegrabs from our latest Kontainer brand film. Working with graphic elements and camera movement in a balanced and con...

Framegrabs from our latest Kontainer brand film.

Working with graphic elements and camera movement in a balanced and controlled way.

There was a lot of streaming, photography and videotaping at this year’s TechBBQ event, but who was operating the camera...

There was a lot of streaming, photography and videotaping at this year’s TechBBQ event, but who was operating the cameras?
Here are some bts images of the VINIA team.


Last week the TechBBQ 2022 After Movie went live - watch it below🔥

TechBBQ  2022 🔥At this year’s  event, several memorable moments were documented on camera. Here are a few of them.

TechBBQ 2022 🔥

At this year’s event, several memorable moments were documented on camera.

Here are a few of them.


With the aim of making board work easier in co-operative housing and owner associations, we have produced's first brand film - see it below 👇


Sankt Nikolaj Vej 8



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Who are we?

We make brands personal

We do visual content marketing. We make engaging videos, live streaming and photography. We develop creative concepts, create content and analyze the results.

We do it because it creates sales and tangible value for the companies we work with. And because it creates brands worth working for.

The company was founded in 2016 and has since then produced more than a thousand videos for social media campaigns, web and commercials running in cinema and TV. We believe in storytelling and we always aim to entertain and create value for the audience, rather than interrupt with ads.

Andre Bureau for sociale medier i Copenhagen

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