ARTTRAIN Arttrain works in partnership with organisations all over Europe in order to promote "art as a tool"


We will finish this celebration of the 25 years of Arttrain and the use of art as a tool, as we started last Wednesday 11.12:
The song "United in Diversity" was written by Mr. Bo as a welcome-, and reminder-, song some years ago.
Here it is in singer / song-writer-style.
And with that: "All the best wishes for Christmas and the new year".


It came in today: a video with the first part of the dance "Take the Arttrain" with Clara WO at our celebration last Wednesday 11th December.


I can't find any recordings of the overwhelming dance, "Take the Art-Train" with Clara WO, but here you may see the arttrain running afterwards.


A load of photos and videos were taken during the celebration of Arttrain's 25 years, and here Pako SK introduces his dance to Mr. Bo, who is taking care of his guitar.
They met first time in March 1999, when Mr. Bo organized the conference "Other Ways of Learning" + the youth-exchange-performance "A Stranger is a friend you haven't met yet" at the social organisation Kofoeds Skole in Copenhagen.


During the celebration of Arttrain's 25 years there were only the speech by Mr. Bo, but a lot of dance, music and singing, and here is the contribution from Pako SK.


Klaipeda Children's Leisure Center is happy with the long-term cooperation and congratulates Mr. Bo and the entire ARTTRAIN team on their anniversary! ❤️

Great day yesterday, Wednesday 11.12.2024, celebrating the 25 years of ARTTRAIN.- Speech by Mr. Bo- Interviewing worksho...

Great day yesterday, Wednesday 11.12.2024, celebrating the 25 years of ARTTRAIN.
- Speech by Mr. Bo
- Interviewing workshop-leaders by Daniela Ruxandra
- Music by Kenan Tekin, DJ Booma, Marie Wärme a.o.
- Nice food, mainly vegan / vegetarian.
- Fantastic dance by Clara WO
- More songs by Antti Nordin, Pako SK & Richardt Nielsen
More picture may follow!

There have also been a row of exciting Arttrain-projects also 2022-24, but right now we're focusing on the celebration t...

There have also been a row of exciting Arttrain-projects also 2022-24, but right now we're focusing on the celebration tomorrow and is just giving you this link concerning the past:

Arttrain has, since 2014,  mainly been working in the 2 directions a & b below, but during 2021 &-22 a third way has occured, which is professional development projects for young artists in order to increase their job-possibilities.

Finally JfYA entered Copenhagen with a Grand Finale at Dansekapellet, the centre for modern dance, where the performance...

Finally JfYA entered Copenhagen with a Grand Finale at Dansekapellet, the centre for modern dance, where the performance "Dreams & Nightmares" was shown twice.
JfYA was a very special project in many ways, and for example as the first 3 weeks was a training-course, while the next 2 weeks was a performance-tour, where all young artists received a salary according to the agreements within Drums for Peace.
Many art-forms were represented and a.o. drama, contemporary dance, break, magic, music, video-art & sculpture.

After working 3 weeks in Nykøbing F & Vordingborg Artttrain & “Jobs for Young Artists” moved to 3 summerhouses in Ristin...

After working 3 weeks in Nykøbing F & Vordingborg Artttrain & “Jobs for Young Artists” moved to 3 summerhouses in Ristinge on island Langeland and worked + performed at Svendborg Forsamlingshus.
Mama Marie & Mr. Bo Otterstrøm joined as chef and assistant, while the 20 young artists worked now with Karoline Amalie Severinsen as director and Pako SK as artistic mentor.

Up to 2020 Arttrain had solely been using art as a tool for development and during the latest years we were working in 2...

Up to 2020 Arttrain had solely been using art as a tool for development and during the latest years we were working in 2 directions:
1) A broad European wishing the network Drums for Peace for youth-centers and associations.
2) The international school-network Exchanges for All, which still is based around The Baltic Sea.
In 2020-21 we added a third dimension to our work, as we then began dealing also with employment issues for artists.

The strategic partnership "Jobs for Young Artists" was launched 1.7.2020 and received by 1st October 120 applications for being one of the 20 participants at the planned 5 week long training- & performance-tour, which, despite Covid-19, was implemented during 5 weeks in April-May 2021.
The project had to be changed several times due to Covid, but started with staying 3 weeks at Nykøbing Falster Youth-Hostel and working at the theatre in Vordingborg under the direction of Thomas Corneliussen.

In 5 days it is time for celebration, and here on FB we have reached 2020, about which you may read at ...

In 5 days it is time for celebration, and here on FB we have reached 2020, about which you may read at

"Due to Corona-virus/Covid-19 the youth-exchange "WWB-2020/Welcome- Wilkommen-Bienvenue-2020" was postponed and will first take place in 2022.
The other approved youth-exchange "North in Europe" was also postponed, but had a very successfull online project happening 21-25.9.2020.
The last week in August 2020, 3 Arttrain- & Drums for Peace artists, Daniela Stoian, DJ Booma & Clara WO implemented together with Mr. Bo the Zoom- & Facebook-project "United in Diversity" based on a song by Mr. Bo."
Each afternoon during a week or two they met on Zoom, worked together and invited others to join, and here's the result:

25 years of ARTTRAIN for and with young people.Join the celebration on Wednesday 11th 3-10 PM.

25 years of ARTTRAIN for and with young people.
Join the celebration on Wednesday 11th 3-10 PM.

In May 2019 Arttrain contributed to Exchanges for All with part 2 of the project "Learning by Doing", which took place a...

In May 2019 Arttrain contributed to Exchanges for All with part 2 of the project "Learning by Doing", which took place at Schloss Bröllin in Pomern, Germany, near the border to Poland.
Here participated groups from:
- Społeczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 w Wejherowie (PL)
- Rostocker Freizeitzentrum e.V. & Prof. Bunke Schule in Schwaan
- an Arttrain-group from Sophieskolen Nykøbing F.

Later in 2019 started the innovative project "Reach Out", which was meant as an alternative to the exchanges / the mobility camps. Reach Out does in many ways follow the general program from the exchanges and was, and is still, about workshops in schools with artists from another country. Especially the last words are important, as "from another country" brought foreign languages and cultures into the classrooms.
Reach Out was officially coordinated by Stubbekøbing Skole, but Arttrain was the project-partner, who, as agreed, did the main work.
Reach Out implemented workshops 3 times at:
- Społeczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1 w Wejherowie (PL)
- Klaipėdos Sendvario progimnazija (LT)
- Stubbekøbing Skole (DK)
and is reported by researchers from Professionshøjskolen Absalon at

21-28.9.2018 Arttrain contributed to the international school-cooperation Exchanges for All with the project "Learning b...

21-28.9.2018 Arttrain contributed to the international school-cooperation Exchanges for All with the project "Learning by Doing", which also was implemented at "Warzenko" near Gdansk, PL.
13-20.10 2nd part of Clara WO's project "WWB" took place at Samalniemi, FI, the training-centre for SDPL HKI-Uusimaa - Helsinki Pioneers.


Edvard Falcks Gade 3, Kl

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20 years with Arttrain

Though first constituted as legal association in 1999 Mr. Bo, president of Arttrain, submitted in 1998 his first application for a youth-exchange to European Union’s program YOUTH.