
Itinerant_sends_for_Itinerant itinerant_sends_for_itinerant is an artistic collaboration between Jane Jin Kaisen & Guston Sondin-Kung.

We are invested in contested and emerging histories, places where historical truth is actively being disputed and its effects felt through traumatic dislocation. Through the mediums of film, video, and performance, we are drawn to multilayered, fragmented, and diasporic perspectives, which recognize the subjective within history and take into account the various dynamics of race, class and gender in a transnational perspective.

Accented Boundaries23.03/23.04.2013 Incision  #3: Accented Boundaries examines various subjugating effects of enforced t...

Accented Boundaries


Incision #3: Accented Boundaries examines various subjugating effects of enforced territorial, psychological, and legal boundaries. Through performative interventions using strategies of humor, subversion, and appropriation, the artists in the exhibition in different ways renegotiate, undermine, and circumvent the confines of boundaries and question the transnational structures that enabled them.

The exhibition is on view by request from January 26th through March 10 2013

The exhibition is on view by request from January 26th through March 10 2013

To which we are bound or that which binds us 26.01.2013/10.03.2013 Incision  #2: To Which we are bound or that which bin...

To which we are bound or that which binds us


Incision #2: To Which we are bound or that which binds us is an exhibition about how silenced memories and secreted histories insist on our attention by leaving traces, however fragmented or obscured. Perhaps their spectral presence asks not only for someone to restore the past but also to correct the future? And perhaps in the gap between the unuttered and the not yet said, new stories may be told which push the boundaries of where and how we delineate ourselves?


Mythological Quarter neighbors and friends, Jane Jin Kaisen & Guston Sondin-Kung, have opened a new exhibition space in the neighborhood. The pair have long collaborated under the name itinerant_sends_for_itinerant, and they chose this name for their new space at Borups Allé 31. ...

Exhibition 01.10.2012/30.11.2012  Julia Meltzer + David Thorne Mosireen Collective Al Kawakeb Magazine itinerant_sends_f...

Exhibition 01.10.2012/30.11.2012 Julia Meltzer + David Thorne Mosireen Collective Al Kawakeb Magazine itinerant_sends_for_itinerant


Itinerant_sends_for_itinerant is pleased to announce a new project titled Incisions, which is committed to deciphering how aesthetics and criticism shape the broader context of knowledge production. The Incisions project is conceptualized as a forum for dialogue. Through exhibitions, film screenings, lectures, interviews, performances, reading groups, and a journal, the project offers intersecting sites for interrogating and understanding the production of meaning in the present moment.

“Today we are all Egyptians” text release, consisting of interweaved photographic fragments and diaristic writings attes...

“Today we are all Egyptians” text release, consisting of interweaved photographic fragments and diaristic writings attesting to the dystopian and paranoiac atmosphere in the complex aftermath of the Egyptian Revolution.

Julia Meltzer + David ThorneMosireen CollectiveAl Kawakeb Magazineitinerant_sends_for_itinerantIncision  #1 will deal wi...

Julia Meltzer + David Thorne
Mosireen Collective
Al Kawakeb Magazine

Incision #1 will deal with imaginaries of revolution in the present context of the uprisings that swept through the Middle Eastern region during what has been labeled “The Arab Spring”. These will be contextualized with historical precedents in an attempt to understand different and competing representations of social change, as well as their signification and effects in the broader context of global restructuring, iconoclasm, resource wars, territorialization of identities and image production.

It is somewhat taken for granted today that revolution occurs through the passions, beliefs and desires of activist subj...

It is somewhat taken for granted today that revolution occurs through the passions, beliefs and desires of activist subjects. Why would someone revolt if they did not desire a better life, or believe in a particular cause, or feel warmed by the passion for change? Indeed, those who believe that thinking must be responsive to its times, and who have followed recent revolutionary political events – from the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi to the series of insurgencies that followed – might find it strange that the most trendy philosophy today is going by the name "object-oriented ontology." Less concerned with the structures of self-conscious activity, and more interested in the agency of objects and the end of human life, this philosophical turn seems oddly disconnected from its moment. I will argue in this talk, however, that there may be a valid and serious connection between revolutionary politics and the end of consciousness.

Perhaps, I want to suggest, there is a kind of revolutionary activity that comes not from belief and desire, but rather through their elimination. Indeed, we find in revolutionary thinkers like Kant, Thoreau and Gandhi, the argument that it is a dispassionate application of truths about basic human needs which gives life to a revolution. This talk will consider some of their thoughts about this other kind of politics, as well as their response to the charge of quietism. I will also consider the relation to several aesthetic practices with similar concerns, either explicitly or implicitly (Kuoan Shiyuan's Ten Bulls, John Cage's "Lecture on Indeterminacy", and Hitchcock's The Birds). The central question posed is this: is the end (purpose) of consciousness to bring about its own end (cessation), and could this end of consciousness take the lived form of a revolutionary non-violent politics based on the satisfaction of basic human needs?

Itinerant_sends_for_itinerant Studio

Itinerant_sends_for_itinerant Studio

itinerant_sends_for_itinerant_studio31 Borups Alle2200 Copenhagen N.Denmark

31 Borups Alle
2200 Copenhagen N.


31 Borups Alle


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