
HappyWays At HappyWays.com we make people happy! Happy at work and happy with life. Find more tips at our site, including our free ebook on happiness at work.

Our passion is sharing the latest science, the best cases and the inspiring stories that moves you.

I sidste uge blev Helsingør Rådhus udsat for et brandattentat, og straks kommer spørgsmålet: Hvad gør vi ved det?Hvad nu...

I sidste uge blev Helsingør Rådhus udsat for et brandattentat, og straks kommer spørgsmålet: Hvad gør vi ved det?

Hvad nu hvis man ikke gjorde noget? ViIlle det gå an?

Jeg argumenterer i dagens video for, at det er det klogeste at gøre.

Mennesker er handlede væsener. Nogen må gøre noget! råbes der, hvergang noget uheldig sker. Som indbrud, eller senest: brandattentatet på Helsingør Rådhus.Me...

Finally! Magic Monday - after 89 episodes of the newsletter - is now also out in english. Each week brings specific tool...

Magic Monday - after 89 episodes of the newsletter - is now also out in english.

Each week brings specific tools and optimistic works of advice to your worklife, and life in general.

In the first issue I invite you all to a free, 30-minute webinar on how to succeed in shaping habits, happening Tuesday May 19th.

Sign up at http://happyways.com/monday/ and receive the first edition right away.

Feedback welcome, and you can write below what you'd like to see me cover, when it comes to creating better days.

Someone put the first small part on my audiobook on Youtube, as an advertisement for their book subscription service. I'...

Someone put the first small part on my audiobook on Youtube, as an advertisement for their book subscription service. I'm feeling like a rockstar....

Listen to this audiobook in full for free with a 30-day trial: https://www.audiobooks.com/bookforfree/283355 Would you describe your workplace as Happy? From...

The earth is flat! And no arguments are gonna convince me otherwise. Know people like that? You're people like that, we ...

The earth is flat! And no arguments are gonna convince me otherwise.

Know people like that? You're people like that, we just have to find the right issue you can be stubborn about. It's called the backfire effect, and this comic explains it brilliantly.


This is a comic about the backfire effect.

Why smart people are not happy. Great post Joe Pinsker

Why smart people are not happy. Great post Joe Pinsker

It’s a paradox: Shouldn’t the most accomplished be well equipped to make choices that maximize life satisfaction?

Can you hack   for happiness? Oh, yes. Check out this series on the podcast.   http://buff.ly/2jybadW

Can you hack for happiness? Oh, yes. Check out this series on the podcast. http://buff.ly/2jybadW

Engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs & more likely to display excellent performance" via Karl Staib htt...

Engaged employees are less likely to leave their jobs & more likely to display excellent performance" via Karl Staib http://buff.ly/2k1ppv1

Time really IS money. So take time off and feel rich says Chuck Blakeman. Agreed.

Time really IS money. So take time off and feel rich says Chuck Blakeman. Agreed.

In the Participation Age, a new form of payment is emerging: time.

Feeling seduced by the lure of meetings? Go from a waste of time to time well spent. http://buff.ly/2k1atgp

Feeling seduced by the lure of meetings? Go from a waste of time to time well spent. http://buff.ly/2k1atgp

Feeling pensive today? I'll just leave this here - THE TREES REMEMBER:

Feeling pensive today? I'll just leave this here - THE TREES REMEMBER:

In the early summer of 2015 I had the distinct pleasure of riding my motorbike through the beautiful landscape of Croatia. It was a trip I had been wanting to make for years, ever since I as a…


Fianlly. This has been underway for a while.




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