🎙️ 3 Podcast Workflow Tips for More Discoverability & Growth! ✨
📝 TIP #1: Plan Episode Titles Early
Write your keyword-rich title before production starts!
If you wait until the last minute, it might not get the attention it deserves. You know how it is—rushing to publish on time!
🔍 TIP #2: Front-Load Keywords
Podcast apps cut off long titles, so put the most important words first!
On Podcast Addict, for example, only 3-5 words show in search mode before getting cut off.
Podcast Growth with SECRET Metadata Hacks! (Better!)
Metadata Hacks to Grow Your Podcast (Less eye-catching)
People are searching for the word "growth", not metadata!
🎯 TIP #3: Focus on the Transformation
Your title should highlight the outcome—what listeners will gain. 💡
It’s about getting results, not just learning a new skill.
🎥 Watch the full video
GROWTH help:
Hope this helps! 🚀💬
Stephanie Fuccio
DON'T copy and paste your podcast social media posts from one platform to another.
be on less platforms AND learn how people talk to each other there. Just as you would learn some key phrases when visiting a new country, do the same with your podcast social media posts.
You can take the same post and massage it to fit other platforms. You do NOT have to create a different post for each. Just massage. Heck, use ChatGPT to help you make these changes (and remember to always edit them before using them!)
Look at how other podcasts in your topic area are posted about on that platform and pick up some thing that they're doing that are getting them traction.
✨ Request an Online Presence Audit for your podcast: https://www.coffeelikemedia.com/audits.html
😋 FREE COMPANION GUIDES are available the Thursday after this episode is released. https://coffeelike.gumroad.com/
✨Podcast audit episode with guest April Door Key Podcast (April Nordyke)
Stephanie Fuccio
Do you talk through problems better than sitting and thinking about them? If you're answer is YES, then talking through them with ChatGPT will help you.
Below is a quick YouTube short to get you started with the voice function on ChatGPT's mobile app. Once you use this once, watch out, you're going to get hooked on it. It's so powerful your entire workflow will change AND your energies will go into the things you want to do more than the things you dislike.
Because you'll be able to get through those disliked tasks faster with Chatty as your assistant.
NEVER take the output from Chatty and use it as it. It's your assistant, not your boss!
Here are a few links to help:
1. a ChatGPT YouTube playlist with other quick tips
2. a ChatGPT YouTube longer video playlist if you want more details
3. ChatGPT services if you want human help getting going or refining your Chatty workflow (available for individuals AND teams)
Have a lovely day.
The best YouTube tip I've heard is to look at channels similar to yours. You can see what good tags may work but there's so much more you can experiment with from this comparison from their channel to yours.
For example:
-the channel set up: what are they doing that you like AND can easily implement
-description: if their description is strong, it can inspire you to refine yours to include relevant info and searchable key words you may have missed
-welcome video: what info did they include in their welcome video. If there is any that you like but have not included in yours, make a plan to create a new one.
Oh, there's so much more.
THE one thing you should not do is compare views and other analytics. This is not a competition. We all have something different to offer the world so enter this task with curiosity and a learner's mindset, not a competitive one. This way, you will be sane and attract more YouTube viewers at the same time with your improved channel optimization.
There are other YouTube optimization tips in this coaching call with Vicki Weinberg. https://youtube.com/shorts/6DC6Cbb4Xj8
Now, go experiment!
ChatGPT can be your writing assistant for so many tasks. Here's an example of when I used it to write a press release.
What's a writing task you hate?
Let me know if you'd like to be a guest on Sane & Simple Podcasting, we can work through this task with ChatGPT in a way that works for you.
Where is your podcast presence online?
Where is your project online?
And what are you telling people about what its about?
We have so much to explore. Let's do this!
Eye on the pie people.
Ignore the hype and stay focused on using the tool.
#chatgptandpodcasting #ChatGPT #chatgpttips #chatgptforpodcasting #chatgpt #chatgpt4 #marketingdigital #PodcastMarketing #PodcastGrowth
You dont have to wait to experiment with #chatgptforpodcasting !
Just use your own content.
#podcasting #podcast #podcasttips #podcaststrategy #podcastmarketing #chatgptandpodcasting #marketingdigital #SmallBusinessTips #marketingtips #chatgpt #chatgpttips
You have a personal assistant in your pocket already and you may not realize it.
Test out talking WITH #chatgpt with this method.
I promise you your mind will be blown.
Watch me do this with guests on the AI and Podcasting YouTube series, on Coffeelike Media's channel.
#ai #aiandpodcasting #MarketingMagic #BizGrowthHacks #DigitalStrategy #MarketingTips #BusinessInnovation #ChatbotRevolution #FutureOfWork #AIInBusiness #ContentCreation #SocialMediaMarketing #PodcastPromotion #AIForMarketing #EntrepreneurMindset #MarketingSuccess #MediumBusiness #TechSavvy #BusinessInsights #BrandStrategy #MarketingPro #InstaBusiness #podcasting @stephfuccio
Click, click, listen. This is a good flow to turn social media viewers into #podcast listeners. It's not easy and the conversion rate is low BUT it can be done.
Make it easy for them and have a listen link in your profile OR post (depending on the platform).
THE most frustrating thing to do when you see a social media post and want to listen to an episode is hit a link with many options. We don't want to read when we want to listen. Make it easy and have the listen link very clear and easy to find.
You'd be surprised how many times I see podcast posts without ANY link to be found. Argh! Don't make it hard for your people to find you.