In the Loop Magazine

In the Loop Magazine In the Loop Magazine is a free online fly fishing magazine focused on visually striking articles. Established in 2012

Via  *LAST MINUTE CANCELATION*Due to last minute cancellations  have 2 spots available in March (16-21 & 24-29) at a 30%...


Due to last minute cancellations have 2 spots available in March (16-21 & 24-29) at a 30% discount. If catching Africanus Permit has been on your bucket list then make sure to send us a DM for more information.

If you've ever dreamed about fishing in Mongolia, this might give you that final push...    ...

If you've ever dreamed about fishing in Mongolia, this might give you that final push...

The Buryat Headwaters Expedition covers the upper third of the taimen sanctuary and is designed for adventurous travelers.In 2023, when this film was shot, t...

Farquhar is probably the most diverse of all the atolls in the Seychelles. Here's why:      ...

Farquhar is probably the most diverse of all the atolls in the Seychelles. Here's why:

Farquhar Atoll, a hidden gem nestled in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, beckons with its turquoise waters and pristine white sand beaches. A haven for ...

Igloo Lake offers some of the best brook trout fishing on the planet. Here's a short film from our trip there a few year...

Igloo Lake offers some of the best brook trout fishing on the planet. Here's a short film from our trip there a few years ago:

Newfoundland and Labrador is home to the world's biggest brook trout - and Igloo Lake Lodge is THE place for the trophy hunter. The lodge offers spectacular ...

If you haven't seen it yet, here's our latest film, Astove:          With

If you haven't seen it yet, here's our latest film, Astove:


Astove Atoll's shallow lagoon, jagged coastline and endless flats surrounded by sheer drop-offs provide unique and versatile hunting grounds for a myriad of ...

Pure stoke as Rasmus reels in this donkey Indo-permit sight-fished on Cosmoledo Atoll: ...

Pure stoke as Rasmus reels in this donkey Indo-permit sight-fished on Cosmoledo Atoll:


Rasmus landing his personal best Indo Pacific permit at Cosmoledo Atoll in the Seychelles. More info at www.alphonsefishingco.comRead our free magazine here:...

Rasmus Ovesen will be tying flies at this year's Fly Festival in Denmark. And he's likely to be tying a few of these:htt...

Rasmus Ovesen will be tying flies at this year's Fly Festival in Denmark. And he's likely to be tying a few of these:

In this video, Rasmus Ovesen, demonstrates his favorite pattern for seatrout. His Magic Cutthroat Gobius ("Magic Cutthroat Kutling") is mounted with a Magic ...

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to tie the Pro Wiggle Sandeel by Rasmus Ovesen:          ...

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to tie the Pro Wiggle Sandeel by Rasmus Ovesen:

Using the Magic Heads from Marc Petitjean, Candy Foils from Pro Sportfisher, some Squimpish hair, a bit of flash, and whole lot of UV glue, Rasmus Ovesen has...

Phelps Lake is home to some truly "piketastic" fishing - also throw in a few lake char to mix it up. We had a blast fish...

Phelps Lake is home to some truly "piketastic" fishing - also throw in a few lake char to mix it up. We had a blast fishing there a few years ago and landed more 1m+ pike than we could count.

Wolf Bay Lodge is situated on the shores of Phelps Lake, Saskatchewan. It's an immense and shallow lake with incalculable bays that are home to huge northern...


Free falling is a fly fishing documentary on Baltic salmon in northern Sweden, shedding light on the drastic decline in salmon migration in the wild rivers up north during recent years. Free falling is a spiritual sequel to Home rivers recycled, a documentary released by Undefined flyfishing project telling the success of the Baltic salmon. (FULL FILM LINK BELOW)

It was a classic comeback story on how the salmon went from being almost extinct to inhabit the northern rivers in such a way that the Torneälven was considered one of the most prolific Atlantic salmon River system in the world.

Home rivers recycled ended with a pledge, to revisit the story in 25 years but solely 2,5 years later it looks like the salmon populations in the Baltic Sea are free falling. This concern pushed the production of making Free falling — a testimony
of what fly fishers along the wild rivers in Sweden are experience in 2024.
The film follows Emilie Björkman and Lars Munk during the season of 2024 in the Swedish salmon rivers up north, as the live life as free, roaming fly fishers; but it also mixes in conservationists and scientists trying to explain what has
happened and why it’s happening.

This is a story about the urgent, biological situation but also give you a glimpse into some of the people whose lives is deeply interconnected with the salmon.
One could argue, when those people glance into the future without the presence of wild salmon, they are also in somewhat of a free fall.

Free falling is produced by Undefined flyfishing project with support from Hooke, Loop, Patagonia, Vision flyfishing, Costa del mar, Ahrex hooks, Nám products, Sportfiskarna, Baltic salmon fund, Stiftelsen Vindelälvsfisket.

More on the project at

Watch the full film here:

David Tejedor is one of our favourite fly fishing photographers, and he's an all-round great guy whom we've had the plea...

David Tejedor is one of our favourite fly fishing photographers, and he's an all-round great guy whom we've had the pleasure of interviewing recently.

Read the article here:

This interview offers an in-depth look at the journey of a passionate fly fisherman who has spent years honing his craft and connecting with nature. From childhood adventures on the banks of the Ebro River to unforgettable moments with pike and Wels catfish, David Tejedor's story is one of dedicatio...

Chasing the Holy Grail with Christiaan Pretorius. If you're into permit, you should read carefully:

Chasing the Holy Grail with Christiaan Pretorius. If you're into permit, you should read carefully:

In the world of saltwater fly fishing, few pursuits are as challenging—or as deeply rewarding—as targeting permit. Often hailed as the “Holy Grail” of fly fishing, permit are notoriously difficult to catch, requiring patience, precision, and a healthy dose of grit. For seasoned guide and exp...

If you're into fly tying you know of Whiting Hackles. Here's the story behind the world's foremost producer of genetic h...

If you're into fly tying you know of Whiting Hackles. Here's the story behind the world's foremost producer of genetic hackles:

There is probably no fly tyer in the world unfamiliar with Whiting Farms and at least a few of its products. For those who tie dry flies, hackle from one of their genetically bred roosters is essential—and has been for over 35 years. Dr. Tom Whiting has been in the business of developing feathers ...

Is Austria on your bucket list? It most likely will be after you read this article courtesy of .highflyers https://issuu...

Is Austria on your bucket list? It most likely will be after you read this article courtesy of .highflyers

Austria—no, not Australia, with its kangaroos—is a small yet enchanting country in the heart of Europe. Renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse geography, and rich cultural heritage, Austria boasts some of the most picturesque and challenging fishing waters in the world. Fly fishing here i...

Merry Christmas! If you find a minute (or need a little break), here's a little read for you by Ken Morrish:https://issu...

Merry Christmas! If you find a minute (or need a little break), here's a little read for you by Ken Morrish:

Whether you call it a King salmon, Chinook, Tyee, or Springer, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha is the largest, strongest, and for many, most sought after of the world’s salmon species. For Spey anglers in love with swinging flies, they have a special allure due to their well-deserved reputation of being ...

If you plan to visit and fly fish New Zealand, there are some basic rules that you need to acquaint yourself with. Find ...

If you plan to visit and fly fish New Zealand, there are some basic rules that you need to acquaint yourself with. Find them in this article by Jakub Kanok:

Without a doubt, New Zealand offers some of the best trout fishing in the world. The North Island and South Island are well known for excellent freshwater fishing while being surrounded by magnificent scenery and providing opportunities to catch brown trout, rainbow trout and salmon in some incredib...

Fly fishing for salmon in eastern Canada is a breathtakingly beautiful experience. Read all about it in this article by ...

Fly fishing for salmon in eastern Canada is a breathtakingly beautiful experience. Read all about it in this article by Tarquin Millington-Drake:

There is no better time to reflect upon an experience than while sitting by the fire in a genuine log cabin by the river. It has rained these past days and that benefitted us but then it hammered rain all night and the river has finally succumbed on this, my last day.

Herlé Hamon has traveled the globe extensively with his fly rod. And one of his favourite places to fish is French Polyn...

Herlé Hamon has traveled the globe extensively with his fly rod. And one of his favourite places to fish is French Polynesia. Read all about why in this article:

French Polynesia, a vast collection of islands and atolls, is composed of several distinct archipelagos: the Society Islands, the Tuamotus, the Marquesas, the Austral Islands, and the Gambier Islands. These remote islands span an area comparable to Europe, creating a unique landscape for the adventu...



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