Blankt Papir Press

Blankt Papir Press Blankt Papir er en kunstfotografisk platform centreret i bogkunst, workshops og udgivelser. Det er dét Blankt Papir hjælper med.

Blankt Papir er en kunstnerisk platform centreret i bogkunst og workshops, kreativitet og udgivelse. Ideen bag Blankt Papir udspringer fra glæden ved at skabe håndlavede fotobøger, og derfra et ønske om at dele denne kærlighed med mennesker, som enten arbejder kreativt eller ønsker rum til at udleve sin kreativitet. Jo mere high tech verden omkring os bliver, jo skønnere føles det at arbejde med

det sanselige og det fysiske, og jo vigtigere bliver det unikke og personlige. Vores mission er at motivere og inspirere, og fokus ligger på at lære deltagerne at sy bøger, så de selv kan fortsætte, når de kommer hjem. Vi er vilde med de uendelige muligheder, som fotobogsproduktion og self-publishing giver og brænder for at sprede kærligheden. Vores mission er at give rum til åbne møder, hvor alle kreative, amatører som profesionelle, kan samles og udveksle ideer og kreere. Vores aktiviteter inkluderer workshops i bogbinding, bog-syning og æsker, men vi tilbyder også en-til-en sparring i fotobogsdesign og koncept og hjælper gerne med alt fra dummyer - et første udkast til en fotobog - til at lave en håndlavet fotobog med dine mobiltelefonbilleder. Her samarbejder vi om edit, sekvens, udtryk, layout, design, print, indbinding og valg af materialer, indtil du står med et færdigt resultat.

A shout out from The Library Project in Dublin that stocks "Året, Copenhagen 2018" (The Year, Copenhagen 2018)! Happy to...

A shout out from The Library Project in Dublin that stocks "Året, Copenhagen 2018" (The Year, Copenhagen 2018)!

Happy to see that the series is still thriving in the world - still such a special and stunning portrait of Copenhagen. And if you don't know it, have a look, buy a copy - it's a true tour de force of Danish contemporary photography!

Book signing today, Saturday 31. August, from 16:00-17:00 at CHART!We so proud of this beautiful, new publication by Sil...

Book signing today, Saturday 31. August, from 16:00-17:00 at CHART!

We so proud of this beautiful, new publication by Sille Juline Høgly Petersen: “The Hunt for the Palm Trees of Cómpeta” - come grab a copy and get a hug.


We’re ready for CHART 2024!We had a wonderful kickoff with dinner and drinks this evening in the beautiful courtyard of ...

We’re ready for CHART 2024!

We had a wonderful kickoff with dinner and drinks this evening in the beautiful courtyard of historic Charlottenburg.

Join us at the Book & Print Fair:
Thursday (VIP) 12:00-19:00
Friday 12:00-20:00
Saturday 12:00-19:00
Sunday 11:00-17:00

See you at Arles Books Fair at ENSP during opening week? We’ll be there on Tuesday July 2 and Wednesday July 3. On Wedne...

See you at Arles Books Fair at ENSP during opening week? We’ll be there on Tuesday July 2 and Wednesday July 3.

On Wednesday, Louise Bøgelund Saugmann will visit us and sign her book “Quiet by Nature” from 18h30 to 19h30 ✏️

We’re bringing oldies but goodies, but of course also our brand new release “The Hunt for the Palm Trees of Cómpeta” by Sille Juline Høgly Petersen. A beautiful edition about the search for hapiness and self 🌴

Stop by if you’re around 👋

.dk .arles

Louise Bøgelund Saugmann’s beautiful handmade publication, “26.01.18”, is part of the Summer Crush-exhibition with the t...

Louise Bøgelund Saugmann’s beautiful handmade publication, “26.01.18”, is part of the Summer Crush-exhibition with the theme “Breathe” at Arden Asbæk Gallery. The exhibition opens today, Friday, June 21 from 16h to 19h.

“26.01.18” is the first chapter of Louise’s monumental, handmade bookwork, “Quiet by Nature”, which will be available for puchase at the gallery during the exhibition.

INVITATION Vi har glæder os så meget til at kunne invitere til lancering på denne lille perle! “Jagten på Cómpetas Palme...

Vi har glæder os så meget til at kunne invitere til lancering på denne lille perle! “Jagten på Cómpetas Palmer”af Sille Juline Høgly Petersen udkommer i 55 eksemplarer, håndlavede af Sille selv.

Bogens udformning er inspireret af Silles arbejde som konservator på Det Kgl. Bibliotek, mens indholdet refererer til menneskets længsler og jagt på grønnere græsgange, som jo oftest findes i os selv.

Kom og fejr sommer, eksistentialisme og Silles smukke værk torsdag den 20. juni kl 17-19 hos Forografisk Center.

Udgivelsen er støttet af:
Statens Kunstfond
Frimodt-Heineke Fonden
Grosserer L.F. Foghts Fond
Statens Værksteder for Kunst

Yay, Norway! See you in Bergen, Norway for Bergen Art Book Fair on Friday 📚Friday 17:00-20:00Saturday 11:00-17:00Sunday ...

Yay, Norway!

See you in Bergen, Norway for Bergen Art Book Fair on Friday 📚

Friday 17:00-20:00
Saturday 11:00-17:00
Sunday 11:00-17:00

Also an array of exciting pre- and after-fair events! Check out for details 🇳🇴❤️

Thank you for a wonderful reception of Louise Bøgelund Saugmann’s complete work “Quiet by Nature” at Fotografisk Center ...

Thank you for a wonderful reception of Louise Bøgelund Saugmann’s complete work “Quiet by Nature” at Fotografisk Center this evening. Thank you also to Filip Vest, who read aloud their beautiful text, “Ripples”, authored for the project.

The book is available on our website - - so is more info and pictures of the work.

Happy holidays ❄️🎄✨

Such a wonderful day spent at Photobook Week Aarhus’ Open Book Market on Sunday. Thank you for having us!We were happy t...

Such a wonderful day spent at Photobook Week Aarhus’ Open Book Market on Sunday. Thank you for having us!

We were happy to introduce “Quiet by Nature” by Louise Bøgelund Saugmann - and Louise presented it beautifully in her talk ❤️

“Quiet by Nature” is ready for pre-order. If you have chapter 1 already (26.01.18) and would like to order chapter 2 in the same edition number, please let us know before Dec. 1, 2023.

Aarhus launch of Louise Bøgelund Saugmann’s complete work “Quiet by Nature” 🌱Join us at the Open Book Market of Photoboo...

Aarhus launch of Louise Bøgelund Saugmann’s complete work “Quiet by Nature” 🌱

Join us at the Open Book Market of Photobook Week Aarhus on Sunday the 5th of November!

Louise will be there too ✨and we can’t wait to see you and present this exceptionel hand-made edition containing two books of Louise’s photographic work and a beautiful text by Filip Vest.

The market is from 11 AM to 4 PM and Louise will present her work with a small talk at 2 PM. Don’t miss it :)

🌱Godsbanen, Aarhus

Photobook Week Aarhus is celebrating its 10 years anniversary and we’re proud and happy to again this year attend the Op...

Photobook Week Aarhus is celebrating its 10 years anniversary and we’re proud and happy to again this year attend the Open Book Market on Sunday, Nov. 5.

Artist of “Quiet by Nature”, Louise Bøgelund Saugmann, will be giving a short talk about her new work at around 2 PM.

📍Remisen, Godbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, Aarhus

Next weekend (20-22 Oct.) you can find us at Vienna Art Book Fair ✨The fair is taking place at Die Angewandte ().Fri: 17...

Next weekend (20-22 Oct.) you can find us at Vienna Art Book Fair ✨

The fair is taking place at Die Angewandte ().
Fri: 17-21
Sat: 13-19
Sun: 12-18

Can’t wait to see you! Bis bald 👋

See you soon for CHART 👋Great program overall and among other happenings, book signings by Janemaria Mekoline Pedersen /...

See you soon for CHART 👋

Great program overall and among other happenings, book signings by Janemaria Mekoline Pedersen / Dysfertil (Aug. 25 at 5 PM) and Louise Bøgelund Saugmann (Aug. 26 at 1 PM) / 26.01.18

Inspired by  and our work on her new publication, 55 ̊35’12.8”N 12 ̊32’56.2”E, and just in time for  - new business card...

Inspired by and our work on her new publication, 55 ̊35’12.8”N 12 ̊32’56.2”E, and just in time for - new business cards, mais oui, handmade 🩵

Almost around the corner is CHART art fair and its accompanying book fair. You will find us there,  , all days. It’s our...

Almost around the corner is CHART art fair and its accompanying book fair. You will find us there, , all days. It’s our first time participating, and as usual we cannot wait to show you our selection of hand-made, photographic artist books in real life, to touch and enjoy.

Please mark your calendars for exquisite art days Aug. 24-27.

Find our books at Tsundoku Art Book Fair in Dublin this week! Come along and enjoy over 700 titles from 173 publishers a...

Find our books at Tsundoku Art Book Fair in Dublin this week!

Come along and enjoy over 700 titles from 173 publishers and artists, alongside a programme of events, book launches and signings. Tsundoku is a project by PhotoIreland.

Dates: 13-16 July 2023, 10 AM — 5 PM

Venue: The Printworks, Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2.

Så er det ved at være sidste chance, hvis du har lyst til at komme med på sy-din-egen-bog-workshop i år. Den løber af st...

Så er det ved at være sidste chance, hvis du har lyst til at komme med på sy-din-egen-bog-workshop i år. Den løber af stablen d. 10. juni kl. 11-12 i forbindelse med Copenhagen Photo Festival. Det foregår på Refshaløen i festivalens centrum, og det bliver drønhyggeligt.

Du kan læse mere her:

Eller skriv til [email protected] for mere info og tilmelding.

THREAD THE NEEDLE is a 2-hour workshop where you learn to sew your own notebooks. In the workshop you learn both the simple, but oh-so-elegant and versatile Japanese stab binding and the functional and easy Singer stitch.As a participant, you will learn about materials and tools that must be used to...


Holsteinsgade 66


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Our Story

BLANKT PAPIR PRESS (trans. Blank Paper Press) is a Copenhagen-based, independent nano-publishing house specialising in photographic handmade artist books and book-making workshops. The idea behind Blank Paper Press originates from the joy of creating, feeling and experiencing handmade photobooks, and from there the desire to share this love with people who feel the same or enlighten those, who don’t. The more high-tech the world around us becomes, the more beautiful it feels to work with the sensual and the physical, and the unique and personal becomes essential. That's what Blank Paper is all about.

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