Peak Telecom A/S

Peak Telecom A/S Peak Telecom is partnered with some of the world's largest telecom operators to provide customer centric and cost effective international telephony systems

Peak Telecom is partnered with some of the world's largest telecom operators and key technology companies to bring you the best in voice communication. Peak Telecom has been persistent for over a decade and a half, in bringing the world closer through its various telephony solutions. Based out of Copenhagen, Denmark, Peak Telecom A/S is a global solution provider in the telecommunications segment.

Peak Telecom’s focus has always been to provide customer centric and cost effective solutions in the area of international calling. With global offices in America, Europe, Asia and New Zealand, Peak Telecom is able to keep an eye on global developments and requirements and is also well poised to be able to cater to every part of the world as well. Since 2001, Peak Telecom has been offering telecom solutions worldwide. With calling card services that spanned across 60 countries, Peak Telecom has built loyalty across customers from different continents. This aspect has greatly helped to obtain a direct understanding of each continent’s needs and wants. Thus Peak Telecom was able to create customized features and plans that cater to the end user’s actual requirements. After having rolled out telecom solutions from calling cards to call back solutions, Peak Telecom decided to keep pace with the modern revolutions in the telecom circle. Thus was born VoiZ, Convoiz and Magellan SIM, to make a mark of its own and to bring the world closer.


Strandvejen 186 F, 2920 Charlottenlund


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