Uitch Iscratch Production

Uitch Iscratch Production www.uitchiscratch.com Uitch Iscratch is a full service production company specializing in creative communication through visual content.

The best solutions tailored to what is demanded on any kind of platform. As the name suggests we love making it together!


Stop vold mod børn! Det er budskabet i Børns Vilkår's nyeste film.

I samarbejde med Børns Vilkår, har vi udviklet kampagnen for at skabe opmærksomhed omkring dette svære og vigtige budskab. Filmene er instrueret af vores dygtige instruktør, Mike Spooner og still-billederne er taget af vores ligeledes dygtige fotograf og instruktør Jesper Skoubølling.
En stor tak til alle involverede.

Instruktør: Mike Spooner
DOP: Mattias Troelstrup

Producer: Jacob Salling
Produktionsleder: Cecilie Holmer
Produktionskoordinator: Sascha Sørensen

Post Producer: Simone S Randazzo
Editor: Jakob Havmøller
Editor Assistant: Frederik Giovanni

Colorist: Rasmus Hedin
Tonemester / Sound Design: Oliver Mehl-Tranberg

B-foto: Emil Wad Jepsen
DIT: Frederik Giovanni
Still fotograf: Jesper Skoubølling

Belysningsmester: Martin Riello
Belyser: Yannick Bruckert

Rekvisitør: Sus Bernth Kastoft
Make-up stylist: Susanne Søbye

Casting: Gro Therp

We are proud to announce that our director Emil Dam Seidel & his Canadian fiancé, choreographer Dorotea Saykaly have bee...

We are proud to announce that our director Emil Dam Seidel & his Canadian fiancé, choreographer Dorotea Saykaly have been selected for the 77th Festival de Cannes with their film and dance, mixed reality experience TELOS I.

It has been our privilege to support this project and help materialize the vision of such a talented artists.

“Being selected for the Festival de Cannes inaugural Immersive Competition is a tremendous honor. When you set out to become an artist, you know that the chance of making an impact or a living with your work is very slim. Receiving this prestigious validation of our work and vision is a great relief, a life dream come true.” - Emil Dam Seidel and Dorotea Saykaly


Vores instruktør, Theo Bat Schandorff er altid på farten!

Han kan nu præsentere sin første kampagnefilm med OKAY BRAVO for Kræftens Bekæmpelse (Danish Cancer Society)‘s landsindsamling søndag d. 7. april.

Det kan være en svær opgave at be’ om penge til velgørenhed ved at banke på folks døre, og det er lige så vanskeligt at finde den rette balance mellem humor og et seriøst budskab i en film.

Hvis du føler dig inspireret til selv at samle ind, kan du finde mere information og muligheder for at bidrage ved at besøge linket: https://www.indsamling.dk/


Alle børn har fødselsdag. Ikke alle bliver fejret.

Sammen med vores instruktør Emil Dam Seidel, fik vi den fantastiske mulighed for at lave to kampagnefilm for Mødrehjælpen's Fødselsdagshjælp, som støtter udsatte familier der har brug for en ekstra hånd.

Her er den første film ud af to.

Vi vil gerne takke bureauet Nørgård Mikkelsen, hele filmholdet og alle medvirkende for at støtte op om en god sag.

Nørgård Mikkelsen
Kontaktchef: Louise Olsen
Senior Creative: Martin K. Ettrup
Senior Copywriter: Jonas Trier-Knudsen

Instruktør: Emil Dam Seidel
Fotograf: Jesper Duelund

Producer: Mads Nørfelt Marstrand & Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe
Head of Production: Cecilie Holmer
Produktionsleder: Sascha Sørensen
Produktions assistent: Philip Dessau

Post Producer: Sandra Vinge
Klipper: Emil Dam Seidel / Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Grade: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Sound Design: Oliver Mehl

Focus Puller: Emil Wad Jepsen
DIT: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Kamera udstyr: Only Rental

Lysmester: Morten Boserup
Lys udstyr: Illuminate CPH

Set Designer/Stylist: Susan Ellen Bernth Kastoft


Volkswagen, “Pimped Out”
Director: Jesper Skoubølling

Join us for another stroll down memory lane in the same alley with Jesper Skoubølling.

His career began in 1998 as a photographer, capturing moments for advertising campaigns, magazines, and numerous album covers. Over time, he transitioned into directing music videos and commercials, fueled by his passion for visual storytelling. Today, he is a full-time commercial director, representing Denmark, Germany, and France. His portfolio boasts an impressive array of clients, including Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Bang & Olufsen, Jack & Jones, IKEA, and LEGO, among others.


Volkswagen, “Stranger Things”
Director: Jesper Skoubølling

Let’s take a nostalgic journey and cast a spotlight on one of our directors - Jesper Skoubølling. His career began in 1998 as a photographer, capturing moments for advertising campaigns, magazines, and numerous album covers. Over time, he transitioned into directing music videos and commercials, fueled by his passion for visual storytelling. Today, he is a full-time commercial director, representing Denmark, Germany, and France. His portfolio boasts an impressive array of clients, including Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Bang & Olufsen, Jack & Jones, IKEA, and LEGO, among others.

Our directors do more than just direct films; for instance, we have  Jesper Skoubølling who has ventured into becoming a...

Our directors do more than just direct films; for instance, we have Jesper Skoubølling who has ventured into becoming a children's book author!

“Between my work as a photographer and film director, I've written a children's book recently published by Forlaget Afart. Featuring fantastic illustrations by Aksel Studsgarth and a sleek graphic layout by Lars Schmidt Hansen, it's a cool project that I'm incredibly proud of,” says Jesper.

“Already, I've jumped back into the writing game, this time crafting a young adult novel. As I reach the fourth chapter, I envision it as a captivating film adaptation.”

Aksel Studsgarth
Lars Schmidt Hansen
Forlaget Afart
Afarts forfattere og illustratorer


A new spot called Doggy Dog, directed and produced by Charley Stadler 🦴🐾

This commercial was originally intended for the brand called ‘Granatapet,’ but the CMO decided that the film was too good for his more conservative brand. As a result, he chose to launch a whole new brand under the name 'Soul-Pet.’ It took Charley two years to finish this amazing spot!


Thrilled to join forces with Grundfos the proud sponsor of the European Handball Championship!

Our talented director Jakob Havmøller has crafted a captivating film that celebrates Grundfos’ values.

Go Denmark!!!

Bureau: Zite
Creatives: Kasper Sierslev
Project Manager: Dorte Paarup

Director: Jakob Havmøller
DoP: Philip Peng Rosenthal
1st AC: Timothé Béliveau Bienvenue
2nd AC: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Drone: Marius Strandberg
Gaffer: Jesper Westh
Best Boy: Ulrik Gani
Stills: Jesper Skoubølling

Producer: Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe & Mads Nørfelt Marstrand
Production Manager: Cecilie Holmer
Production Coordinator: Sascha Sørensen
Production Assistant: Philip Dessau & Paloma Langhoff Feltmann
Runner: Bertram Cornelius Herredsbjerg Søbye

Post Producer: Simone Scholte Randazzo
Editor: Jakob Havmøller
Sound Engineer: Erik Olsen
Sound Design: Oliver Mehl
Colorist: Rasmus Hedin


Thrilled to join forces with Grundfos the proud sponsor of the European Handball Championship!

Our talented director Jakob Havmøller has crafted a captivating film that celebrates Grundfos’ values.

Go Denmark!!!

Bureau: Zite
Creatives: Kasper Sierslev
Project Manager: Dorte Paarup

Director: Jakob Havmøller
DoP: Philip Peng Rosenthal
1st AC: Timothé Béliveau Bienvenue
2nd AC: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Drone: Marius Strandberg
Gaffer: Jesper Westh
Best Boy: Ulrik Gani
Stills: Jesper Skoubølling

Producer: Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe / Mads Nørfelt Marstrand
Production Manager: Cecilie Holmer
Production Coordinator: Sascha Sørensen
Production Assistant: Philip Dessau / Paloma Langhoff Feltmann
Runner: Bertram Cornelius Herredsbjerg Søbye

Post Producer: Simone Scholte Randazzo
Editor: Jakob Havmøller
Sound Engineer: Erik Olsen
Sound Design: Oliver Mehll
Colorist: Rasmus Hedin


Børn skal ikke gøres til forbrydere!

Det mener Børns Vilkår i en ny kampagne, som vil have politikerne til at stoppe fraværsstraffen.

Sammen med vores instruktør Emil Dam Seidel har vi fået lov til at lave to film, som skal sprede budskabet.

Vi er glade for at dele filmen med jer her.

Director: Emil Dam Seidel
DoP: Kristoffer Engholm Aabo
1st AC: Emil Wad Jepsen
2nd AC: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Producer: Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe
Production manager: Sascha Sørensen
1.AD: Micki Mathiesen
Production Assistant: Philip Dessau
Runner: Bertram Cornelius Herredsbjerg Søbye
Post producer: Simone Scholte Randazzo
Editor: Emil Dam Seidel
Sound Engineer and Sound Design: Oliver Mehl
Colorist: Kristoffer Engholm Aabo
Gaffer: Jesper Westh
Best Boy: Ulrik Gani
Set Designer: Susan Ellen Bernth Kastoft
Stills: Jesper Skoubølling


Looking back on the remarkable journey of 2023 alongside our visionary director, Jakob Havmøller. A sincere appreciation to all who contributed to shaping this unforgettable year.


Ny kampagne for Børns Vilkår skal få folk til at støtte BørneTelefonen i den mørke tid.

Det er ikke alle børn og unge, der glæder sig til julen og den ekstra tid med de nærmeste. I familier, hvor vold, misbrug og svigt fylder, er det især julen som kan være ekstra svær at komme igennem.

Sammen med vores instruktør Jakob Havmøller har vi i samarbejde med Børns Vilkår, udviklet en række kampagnefilm hvor vores hovedkarakter er et udsat barn, der oplever svigt. Kampagnen har til formål at få folk til at støtte BørneTelefonen i den mørke tid.

Kampagnefilmene er lavet til juletiden, som en adventskalender. Se de den første af filmene fra kampagnen her.

Glædelig jul og godt nytår fra alle os på Uitch 🎄

Director: Jakob Havmøller
DoP: Tobias Scavenius
1st AC: Daniel Riisbrigh Heinsmann
2nd AC: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Producer: Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe
Head of Production: Cecilie Holmer
Production manager: Sascha Sørensen
Production Assistant: Philip Dessau & Bertram Cornelius Herredsbjerg Søbye

Post producer: Simone Scholte Randazzo
Editor: Jakob Havmøller
Sound Engineer and Sound Design: Oliver Mehl
Colorist: Rasmus Hedin

Gaffer: Jesper Westh
Best Boy: Ulrik Gani
Set Designer: Susan Ellen Bernth Kastoft
Set Designer Assistant: Paloma Langhoff Feltmann


A little Christmas film directed by Jesper Skoubølling for Volkswagen. Uitch Iscratch Production wishes you all a Merry Christmas 🎄 Look out for new campaign films next week!


Børn skal ikke gøres til forbrydere!

Det mener Børns Vilkår i en ny kampagne, som vil have politikerne til at stoppe fraværsstraffen.
Sammen med vores instruktør Emil Dam Seidel har vi fået lov til at lave en film, som skal sprede budskabet.

Vi er glade for at dele filmen med jer her:

Director: Emil Dam Seidel
DoP: Kristoffer Engholm Aabo
1st AC: Emil Wad Jepsen
2nd AC: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen

Producer: Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe
Production manager: Sascha Sørensen
1.AD: Micki Mathiesen
Production Assistant: Philip Dessau
Runner: Bertram Cornelius Herredsbjerg Søbye

Post producer: Simone Scholte Randazzo
Editor: Emil Dam Seidel

Sound Engineer and Sound Design: Oliver Mehl
Colorist: Kristoffer Engholm Aabo

Gaffer: Jesper Westh
Best Boy: Ulrik Gani

Set Designer: Susan Ellen Bernth Kastoft

Stills: Jesper Skoubølling


Mens vi andre omgiver os med julehygge, gaver og god mad, er der børn der er ensomme og bliver mobbet.

Alt for mange børn i Danmark mistrives, og mistrivslen holder ikke juleferie.

Se Liv Collianders hjerteskærende film for Julemærkefonden her.

Director: Liv Colliander
DoP: Niels A. Hansen
1st AC: Jesper Rolland
2nd AC: Frederik Giovanni Lundgreen
Creatives: Advice

Producers: Jacob Salling-Bjørneboe Mads Nørfelt Marstrand
Production Manager: Peter Nedergaard
1 AD: Tony Lauge Madsen
Production Coordinator: Sascha Sørensen

Post Producer: Simone Scholte Randazzo
Editor: Liv Colliander

Music Composer: .dk
Sound Design: Morten Søgaard
Colorist: Nurali Kushkov

Grip: Keygrip.dk

Gaffer: Morten Boserup
Best Boy: Philip Sacht

Set Designer: Thomas Langhoff
Set Designer ass: Paloma Langhoff Feltmann

Costume/Make-up: Ingeborg Wolf

Sound Engineer: Oliver Mehl


New spot for Henkel directed by Charley Stadler!

It's the superhero story you didn't know you needed!

Charley Stadler has directed this new, high-concept, and high-flying spot for German hygiene brand Henkel, and its toilet freshener product Bref, takes superheroes where they've never been before.


Take a look at Gaute Hesthagen's latest film for Kongsberg Gruppen


Sam Washington directs for Kevin Hart and his brand of tequila Gran Coramino.

Kevin Hart
Eniko Hart
Michael Imperioli
Lenny Citrano
Blake Leon
Ulka Mohanty
Jay White
Brandon Modelo
Aisha Perez
Amber Bouyer
Carli Marie McIntyre
LeRoyal Tutt

Special thanks to the team, Jeff and Abby, at The Director’s Network , my tema in Europe , Asia , UK and Panavision


The latest project from our director Theo Bat Schandorff for OKAY BRAVO

Okay Bravo is a new platform under the Danish Cancer Society (Kræftens Bekæmpelse) that celebrates life. They highlight possibilities, not limitations, and encourage people to engage in conversations and reflections on taboo and challenging topics.

Director: Theo Bat Schandorff
DoP: Adam Haxholdt
Editor: Theo Bat Schandorff
Production Manager: Sascha Sørensen
Gaffer & Colorist: Rasmus Hedin




We are thrilled to share that our campaign for STOOP.NU "Words Leaves Traces" in collaboration with Müller Thomassen Reklamebureau, has been shortlisted for the prestigious Young Director Award in Charity Commercial and Online Branded Film!

This recognition is a true testament to the dedication and boundless creativity of our incredibly talented team. We poured our hearts and souls into this campaign to inspire and make a meaningful impact.

None of this would have been possible without the support and dedication of everyone involved. We extend our deepest gratitude to our team, partners, and our audience who continue to motivate us every step of the way.

Over the past four years, we've submitted three films, and we've been fortunate enough to win two of them. Now, we eagerly await the results and can't wait to see how it goes this time!

Stay tuned!


🎬 Theo Bat Schandorff's Showreel 2023.

✅ Open for all kinds of business - big and small!
☎ Feel free to contact us for inquiries.
📩 [email protected] / [email protected]

Theo also called ''Bat Taste'' won Ekko Shortlist's best documentary with the f**kumentary ‘Easy’ in 2016. Humor, quirk, and colors characterize his work, and his films consistently focus on food and hypocrisy. In 2018, Theo made the film ‘Heavy’ about the Finnish artist Toni Toivonen, which today is a regular part of the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow (MOCAK).

NEW WORK by Sam WashingtonUnited Overseas Bank (UOB) - Right By You.

NEW WORK by Sam Washington
United Overseas Bank (UOB) - Right By You.

This is "UOB 'Bikers’" by Sam Washington on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


NEW WORK by Theo Bat Schandorff🌍

PlanBørnefonden - Bliv delesponsor


Get ready to laugh and be entertained!

Jonas Schmidt takes the lead in the new film for Profil Rejser, directed by Mike Spooner 🛳️🎭


Happy holidays🎄
See you in 2023!


Århusgade 88 , 4th Floor


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Our Story

Uitch Iscratch is a full service production company specializing in creative communication through visual content. The best solutions tailored to what is demanded on any kind of platform. As the name suggests we love making it together!

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