Drums on analog tape
Started a Patreon site where there'll be different tricks to get a proper sound, various studio footage, etc.
These gorgeous drums is on the console at the moment, so they'll be our case study where I'll be getting into the recording chain, dampening techniques and other things.
Currently mixing a funky, psychedelic tune by guitar magician Peter Ebbesens project. This is how it went down a few days ago when one man army Jeremy "Gonzofar" Troy dropped by to record vocals.
Maia joined the party with her phone which was quite lucky as getting footage ain't easy when dealing with a few thousand knobs and faders.
Organ arpeggios after power supply repair
Not sure it's socially acceptable to have this kind of fun with another mans organ...
Quite sure the power supply is in good worker order which wasn't the case on last power up when it blew smoke after years of neglect.
Now, take this thing away from me ASAP or it ends in arpeggio fuelled insomnia. Moon lighting with repairs can be a dangerous side hustle.
Not sure it's socially acceptable to have this kind of fun with another mans organ.
Quite certain the power supply is in good worker order now which wasn't the case on last power up when it blew smoke after years of neglect.
Now, get this f**ker away from me ASAP or it ends in arpeggio fuelled insomnia.
When the improvised and hungover pre-production coffee with a buddy turns into a killer vocal track.
Probably only happens if you’re dealing with Jeremy f**king Troy though 😎
Random drum sound flex. But to be fair it ain't that hard with a drummer like James Jones of Gaardens, a Supraphonic snare and proper mics. This is from the first song of the forthcoming album.