Kurator søger en antropologisk rådgiver i forbindelse med opsætning af udstilling om nordisk designkultur – i første omgang til en opsætning i Rundetårn d.20. maj 2017. Rådgivningsbudget, forventet timetal m.m. er endnu ikke helt fastlagt, men hvis du er interesseret i opgaven, så kontakt Andreas Kambskard via [email protected].
Lav gerne en kort beskrivelse af din interesse – og dine kompetencer inden for området.
Nedenfor er en kort synopsis for projektet.
The Nordic Phenomenon is an exhibition investigating contemporary Nordic design culture and where it originates from. The exhibited artist are curated from a cross disciplinary perspective and they will all be included in a comprehensive group of the most experimental and avantgarde Nordic designers, artists, photographers, ceramic artists, and architects. All selected artists are occupied with premordial forces that are deeply stored in our genetic memory, often motivated by intuitive inspiration. The intention is to identify and stage this substance and add history and meaning to the concept of Nordic design culture. The core of the project is a number of phenomena of Nordic culture being an inspirational source for the most front edge creatives. Myths, historic traces (modern and ancient history) and sitespecific phenomena will be researched and identified in collaboration with historians, anthropologists, participating artists and the Nordic network. The exhibition will be planned and designed as a travel exhibition with possible future venues in a number of Nordic countries. The Round Tower in Copenhagen will from May. 20 - July 2. 2017 be the first venue.