This one is for all agencies and especially eCom owners.
Sometimes changing the focus area is the key to scaling. Let me give you an example:
About a week ago I had a chat with an eCom brand owner.
There is one part of the conversation, in particular, I find that people need to be very aware of. Goes like this:
"ROAS is looking good - around 8-9 last month."
Puzzled, I said: "We'll then why did you want to talk"
"Because our back-end growth isn't increasing at the rate our ad spend is. ROAS looks good, but our overall revenue isn't increasing at the rate we'd like"
Obviously, I had to figure out why, so eventually we got access to their ad accounts and did our mini-audit:
40% to preowned audiences
20% to retargeting
Finally, the last 40% went to cold audiences with a 1,5-2X ROAS as the clear "worst performer".
So to summarize the message of this whole post. Their so-called "Paid specialist" is spending the majority of the client's budget on customers they could and potentially would've retained anyway for free. Just to look good when presenting the numbers at meetings.
No wonder he'd made magic happen in Ads Manager (without helping the actual growth of their business) 🤡
Understand what role Paid acquisition plays in the ecosystem, and utilize it. I'm not neglecting retention, but new customers are the lifeblood of every business.
#PaidSoMe #eCom #ROASvsBACKEND
Scripting high-converting ads? 🖋️
Well then stop selling features over benefits.
On average we've seen:
60% lift in ROAS
26% lift in CTR
Just by implementing the creative brief as part of our onboarding process.
The creative brief secures the best possible foundation for successful cooperation between a company and an agency.
Because of the creative brief, we know the following down to the last detail:
- What pains are the ideal customers experiencing
- Why does our client's product solve these problems, better than their competitors
- Reasons to Believe
Sometimes our customers get that "aah" feeling when filling out the creative brief, and realize why they haven't been able to communicate their product benefits properly.
Comment "Creative Brief" if you want a snippet into our onboarding process 📜
#ecom #scripting #creativebrief
Gaining market share without giving more discounts than your competitors in 2022 Black Week? 🤔
Whilst we're aware that the amount of money available has lowered, and that price promotion is going to be important, especially in 2022 Black Week.
There are still ways to differentiate your brand and incentivise your customers without diluting your margins💰
.. Gamification (& offers)
Discounts might be good for driving more sales and taking the edge over your competitors.
But try and incentivise your customers to use their whole available amount for Black Week / Christmas shopping at your shop. Incentivize them to buy as much as possible at your shop, instead of "just" buying at your shop.
A lot of people are only playing the discount game.
Play a different one.
- If you want an audit of your online set-up/appearance before Black Week. DM me 🚀
#PaidSocial #eCom #Gamification #CRO
Få adgang til vores 22-siders Black Friday White Paper, som er en deal-breaker for dig som gerne vil booste dit salg markant med specielt TikTok & Gamification under Black Week.
Skriv “FABO” i en privat besked og så sender vi 22-siders guld med tilhørende eksempler - direkte til din indbakke.
- Forord
- Key learnings fra Black Friday i 2021
- Black Month, Black Week eller Black Friday?
- Sådan planlægger du bedst din Black Friday kampagne
- Overordnet strategi
- MUST READ: Hvordan differentierer du dig selvom du har et prisfølsomt produkt
- MUST READ: Indsaml relevante leads til under 2 DKK og få 29% billigere konverteringer under Black Week - med TikTok
- Black Friday taktikker på andre kanaler (Paid SoMe, PPC, Email & SMS marketing)
- Konverteringsoptimerings tiltag
Du får erfaringer med fra hvordan vi på månedlig basis implementerer vores TikTok framework med succes for webshops der omsætter for +1mil / md. Vores erfaringer fra CRO, og alt andet der kan påvirke din forretning under Black Week.
#Blackfriday #Blackweek #TikTok #CRO #eCommerce