ELAC Studios

ELAC Studios Record Label

Some of you may know I've been on a busking trip around europe, the last couple of months. Some of you may not. If not h...

Some of you may know I've been on a busking trip around europe, the last couple of months. Some of you may not. If not here's the insta: 😉

Since I've started my busking trip I have had ALOT of amazing and crazy experiences. But this one tops them all.
When I was in dortmund, Germany I met a nice fellow who asked me to make a music video with him 😱

Of course I had to say yes to this amazing opportunity and now after one week of filming and one week of editing it's finally done.

So now I present you Fighter - official music video.
Made by two artist who knew each other for a week 🤣

Here is the link. Go check it out 😎🎬


Thank you 💙🎵🎸🎙

Music video made with the help of vigneshwar. A good friend I met on my busking trip through Europe.Follow him on instagram: https://instagram.com/vigneshwar...


Lige siden jeg var lille har jeg altid ville spille musik. Lige siden jeg blev færdig med efterskolen har jeg altid ville producere mit eget album. Jeg har forsøgt og fejlet utallige gange, både pga. sangene ikke var gode, men også fordi jeg fandt ud af hvor svært det egentlig er at producere sin egen musik i god kvalitet.

Men jeg har aldrig givet op og min interesse for musik har altid været høj. Jeg kan nu med en god fornemmelse sige at jeg endelig har skrevet, indspillet og produceret mit helt eget album.
"TEARDROPS" hedder det og det kommer ud den 29. December på de fleste streaming tjenester som Spotify, Apple Music og Youtube Music.

Her er et lille preview af min sang "Can't You See Im Falling Down"

Electric Acoustic ... 🔥😎🎤


If you can't find my songs online, its because I've taken them down....

Instead something big is coming 😎🔥


Spiller live på restaurant gl daws I Varde.


Første officielle statement
"Live for the Music"






Internet side


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