Lightweight Electronics

Lightweight Electronics Lightweight Electronics is a label based in Aarhus, Denmark. Est. 2020

Curated by K. Dallas

Next up on Lightweight Electronics - DOPPELGÆNGER with his album, Link to the past.- Thank you K.K for this awesome musi...

Next up on Lightweight Electronics - DOPPELGÆNGER with his album, Link to the past.

- Thank you K.K for this awesome music

Next up on Lightweight Electronics is DOPPEGLÆGNER with his album Link To The Past. Produced by DOPPELGÆNGER Mastered by Natal Zaks

Shout out to FOUR HEADS, for making a premiere of one of the tracks from the album by Mr.IRL - Synthesized Emotion, and ...

Shout out to FOUR HEADS, for making a premiere of one of the tracks from the album by Mr.IRL - Synthesized Emotion, and writing some kind words of the shortfilm that was made by Natal Zaks and co.

Listen to the full track in the link below, and watch the movie in the bio describtion.

Natal Zaks aka Mr. IRL sets the bar for fellow Århus based label 'Lightweight Electronics', contributing a 13 track LP to make up the label's inaugural release tited 'Synthesized Emotion', which was s


Hi guys.
- Natal made this super cool short Music film about Mr. IRL. Go check it out in the link below.

/ / First release out on LWE will be Mr. IRL with his album Synthesized Emotions. Shout out to Natal for the great music...

/ / First release out on LWE will be Mr. IRL with his album Synthesized Emotions.

Shout out to Natal for the great music.

Release date: TBA

Mr. IRL - Synthesized Emotion (Full Album Snippets) Mixed and mastered by Natal Zaks aka Mr. IRL Official release: TBA Distribution: SAFE // / / Lightweight Electronics (2020)





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