কিভাবে VENDING Machine থেকে PRODUCT কিনবেন ?
It means a lot to me, if you subscribe my channel - https://youtu.be/OtnhSY3QigY
#german_lifestyle #vendingmachine #zohirraihan
স্টুডেন্ট লাইফস্টাইল।
University of Kassel - MSC in Economic behaviour and Governance। Mohammed Ali
For more videos check my youtube channel - https://youtu.be/R1_-dETSf6k
A student of TU Darmstadt (Sohel Taj) who is studying in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management.
His Profile-
BBA from AIUB (3.20 CGPA)
Job Exp
1 Research Paper
For more information, you can follow my youtube videos - https://youtu.be/WqNKuOTeTi0
#TU_Darmstadt #Entrepreneurship_and_Innovation_Management #Sohel_taj #MSC #German_Lifestyle #Jobs #Visa
A student of Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (OTH-AW). Naimur Rahman will share his experience with us today.
Naimur Rahman
Masters in International Management and Sustainability.
His profile-
CGPA 3,67 (German Grade 1,7)
BBA specialized in Finance
Daffodil International University
MOI and IELTS 6,5
German Language A1
To follow him (NAIMUR RAHMAN) - https://www.facebook.com/hd.naim.1
For better quality, you can follow my YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_YqnqAbyMI
#German_lifestyle #MA_International_Management_and_Sustainability
A student of TU Darmstadt who is studying Logistics and Supply chain Management (Master's). You guys can get some information about the city (Darmstadt), University, part-time job, etc.
AL Nahiyan Limon
#Darmstadt #logisticsandsupplychainmanagement #tudarmstadt #studentlife #Germany
Have a look on my you tube Channel for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQWMuNlgEAc
Koln Cathedral.
#köln #cathedral